class @SharingTags.BaseShare url: null title: null description: null constructor: ({@url, @title, @description})-> @_assert_vars 'url' _open_popup: (api_url, params)-> share_url = if params then "#{api_url}?#{$.param(params)}" else api_url share_window = share_url, 'Sharing', 'width=740,height=440' clearInterval(@interval) iteration = 0 @interval = setInterval((=> iteration++ if @_checkSharing(share_url, share_window, iteration) clearInterval @interval jQuery("body").trigger("sharing_tags.shared") if jQuery ), 500) _checkSharing: (share_url, share_window, iteration)=> # console.log("check desktop sharing", share_url, share_window, iteration) share_window?.closed || iteration >= 15 _after_callback: => jQuery?("body").trigger("sharing_tags.shared") _assert_vars: (vars...)-> for var_name in vars if ! @[var_name] arguments_list = '' arguments_list += " #{var_name}: '#{@[var_name]}'" for arg, val in vars throw new SharingTags.Error("Error could not initialize sharing class, with params: #{arguments_list}") class @SharingTags.FacebookShare extends @SharingTags.BaseShare # available providers: sharer, fb_ui, dialog @default_provider: "fb_ui" app_id: null return_url: null provider: null constructor: ({@app_id, @return_url, @provider})-> @provider = @_detect_provider() if !@provider # todo: throw error for invalid provider @constructor.init() if @provider is 'fb_ui' and not FB? super @init: (locale="en_US")-> if not FB? jQuery.ajax( url: "//{locale}/all.js" dataType: "script" cache: true ) share: ()-> @["_#{@provider}"]() _sharer: -> @_assert_vars "url" @_open_popup("", u: @url) _fb_ui: => @_assert_vars "url", "app_id" return @constructor.init().done(@_fb_ui) if not FB? FB?.ui(method: 'share', href: @url, app_id: @app_id, (response)=> @_after_callback(response) # if response && !response.error_code # @_after_callback(response) # else # # another callback ) _dialog: (display = 'page')-> @_assert_vars 'url', 'return_url' @_open_popup("", href: @url, redirect_uri: @return_url, app_id: @app_id, display: display) _detect_provider: -> # todo: detect provider by params # try fb_ui url, app_id # try dialog url, return_url # try sharer url @constructor.default_provider