// This module must be imported first before other EDGE module @import "compass"; // ---------- // COLOR // ---------- $main-color : #0099CC !default; $sub-color : #AAA !default; $alert-color : #CC0000 !default; $success-color : #3D9900 !default; // --------------- // BODY // --------------- $body-bg : #fff !default; $body-font-color : #222 !default; $body-font-weight : normal !default; $body-font-style : normal !default; $header-font-family : "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; $body-font-family : "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; // The default font-size is set to 100% of the browser style sheet (usually 16px) // for compatibility with brower-based text zoom or user-set defaults. $base-font-size : 100% !default; // --------------- // GLOBAL VALUE // --------------- $g-radius : 5px !default; $g-round : 1000px !default; $content-width : 1140px !default; // For grid // ------------------------ // PIXEL --> EM CONVERTER // ------------------------ $em-base : 16px !default; // It strips the unit of measure and returns it @function stripUnit($num) { @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1); } // Convert the number to EM @function convertToEm($value, $context: $em-base) { // If not number, return it as is @if type-of($value) != number { @return $value; } $value: stripUnit($value) / stripUnit($em-base) * 1em; // Turn 0em into 0 @if ($value == 0em) { $value: 0; } @return $value; } // Based on: mrdanadams.com/2012/pixel-ems-css-conversion-sass-mixin/ // EXAMPLE // width : em(500px); // padding : em(20px 30px 15px 10px); // @include box-shadow(em(inset 2px 0 5px rgba(black, 0.3) ) ); @function em($values, $context: $em-base) { // If the value only contain single number, return it quickly without the overhead further below @if type-of($values) == number { @return convertToEm($values, $context); } $emValues : (); // This will eventually store the converted $values in a list @each $val in $values { $emValues: append($emValues, convertToEm($val, $context) ); } @return join((), $emValues, space ); } // ------------------- // MEDIA QUERIES // ------------------- $phone-screen : em(480px) !default; $small-screen : em(767px) !default; $medium-screen : em(1140px) !default; $large-screen : em(1440px) !default; $retina-screen : 192dpi !default; // 480px and down @mixin phone() { @media only screen and (max-width: $phone-screen) { @content; } } // 767px and down @mixin small() { @media only screen and (max-width: $small-screen) { @content; } } // 768px and up. If you're planning to support IE8, NEVER use medium-up @mixin medium-up() { @media only screen and (min-width: $small-screen) { @content; } } // 1140px and down @mixin medium() { @media only screen and (max-width: $medium-screen) { @content; } } // large() is not needed, just put it outside media query // 2x pixel ratio @mixin retina() { @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: $retina-screen) { @content; } } // Landscape orientation __ @mixin landscape { @media only screen and (orientation: landscape) { @content; } } // Portrait orientation | @mixin portrait { @media only screen and (orientation: portrait) { @content; } } // --------------------------------------------------- // SHINY EFFECT // Give emboss feel to an element // // Use this in conjunction with Compass' box-shadow() // @include box-shadow(shiny(right), ...) // --------------------------------------------------- @function shiny($applyTo: top, $activeState: false) { @if $applyTo == top { $size : 0 1px; } @else if $applyTo == right { $size : 1px 0; } @else if $applyTo == left { $size : -1px 0; } @else if $applyTo == bottom { $size : 0 -1px; } // Initialize the shiny shadow @if $activeState { $shiny : inset $size 0 rgba(black, 0.2); } @else { $shiny : inset $size 0 rgba(white, 0.5); } @return $shiny; } // ---------------------------------------------- // CLEARING FLOAT // Make a container wraps floated element // // If you prefer readable output, use the mixin // If you prefer smaller output, use placeholder // ---------------------------------------------- %clearfix { zoom: 1; &:before, &:after { content : " "; display : table; } &:after { clear : both; } } @mixin clearfix { zoom: 1; &:before, &:after { content : " "; display : table; } &:after { clear : both; } } // -------------------------------- // SELECTION // Change the text highlight color // -------------------------------- @mixin selection($color: lighten($main-color, 35%) ) { ::-moz-selection { background : $color; } ::selection { background : $color; } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // DISABLE SELECTION // Prevents user to select/highlight the element's text // ------------------------------------------------------ %disable-user-select { -webkit-touch-callout : none; -webkit-user-select : none; -khtml-user-select : none; -moz-user-select : none; -ms-user-select : none; user-select : none; } // --------------------- // TEXT DIRECTION // --------------------- $text-direction : ltr !default; // Controls default global text direction, 'rtl' or 'ltr' $default-float : left !default; $default-opposite : right !default; // No need to change this conditional statement, $text-direction variable controls it all. @if $text-direction == ltr { $default-float : left; $default-opposite : right; } @else { $default-float : right; $default-opposite : left; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // TRIANGLE // Create a triangle // // Don't specify the `height` to create equalateral triangle // ---------------------------------------------------------- @mixin triangle($direction, $color, $width, $height: false) { // If height is not specified, make the triangle equalateral @if not $height { // If normal triangle, `height` is set to half `width` @if $direction == top or $direction == right or $direction == left or $direction == bottom { $height : $width/2; } // Else if corner triangle, `heigth` is the same as `width` @else if $direction == top-right or $direction == top-left or $direction == bottom-right or $direction == bottom-left { $height : $width; } } width : 0; height : 0; font-size : 0; line-height : 0%; border-style : solid; border-color : transparent; // Top /\ @if $direction == top { border-width : 0 $width/2 $height $width/2; border-bottom-color : $color; } // Right |> @else if $direction == right { border-width : $width/2 0 $width/2 $height; border-left-color : $color; } // Bottom \/ @else if $direction == bottom { border-width : $height $width/2 0 $width/2; border-top-color : $color; } // Left <| @else if $direction == left { border-width : $width/2 $height $width/2 0; border-right-color : $color; } // __ // Top-right \ | // \| @else if $direction == top-right { border-width : 0 $width $height 0; border-right-color : $color; } // Bottom-right /| // /_| @else if $direction == bottom-right { border-width : 0 0 $height $width; border-bottom-color : $color; } // Bottom-left |\ // |_\ @else if $direction == bottom-left { border-width : $height 0 0 $width; border-left-color : $color; } // __ // Top-left | / // |/ @else if $direction == top-left { border-width : $height $width 0 0; border-top-color : $color; } }