require 'spec_helper' describe RiCal::Component::Timezone do context ".entity_name" do it "should be VTIMEZONE" do RiCal::Component::Timezone.entity_name.should == "VTIMEZONE" end end context "for a Timezone with no DST periods" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.parse_string rectify_ical(<<-'ENDCAL') BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Australia/Brisbane X-LIC-LOCATION:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+1000 TZOFFSETTO:+1000 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:19700101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE ENDCAL @it = @it.first end context ".periods_for_local" do it "should return a single period" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("20090530T100000")).length.should == 1 end end end context "from an calendar for America/New_York starting March 11 2007" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.parse_string rectify_ical(<<-'ENDCAL') BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:US/Eastern BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 DTSTART:20070311T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 DTSTART:20071104T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE ENDCAL @it = @it.first end it "should be a Timezone" do @it.should be_kind_of(RiCal::Component::Timezone) end context ".local_to_utc" do it "should produce 2/27/2009 18:00 UTC for 2/27/2009 13:00" do expected =, :value => "20090227T1800Z" ) @it.local_to_utc(DateTime.parse("Feb 27, 2009 13:00")).should == expected end end context ".utc_to_local" do it "should produce 2/27/2009 13:00 EST for 2/27/2009 18:00 UTC" do expected =, :params => {'TZID' => 'US/Eastern'}, :value => "20090227T1300" ) @it.utc_to_local(DateTime.parse("Feb 27, 2009 18:00")).should == expected end end context ".period_for_local" do it "should raise TZInfo::PeriodNotFound for an invalid local time, e.g. Mar 8, 2009 2:30" do lambda {@it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 2:30"))}.should raise_error(TZInfo::PeriodNotFound) end context "for an ambiguous local time , e.g. Nov 1, 2009 2:00" do context "lacking a dst parameter or block" do it "should raise TZInfo::AmbiguousTime" do lambda {@it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00"))}.should raise_error(TZInfo::AmbiguousTime) end end context "with a dst parameter" do it "should return a dst period if the dst parameter is true" do @it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00"), true).should be_dst end it "should return a std period if the dst parameter is false" do @it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00"), false).should_not be_dst end end context "with a block" do it "should return a period if the block returns a TimezonePeriod" do mock_period = @it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00")) { |results| mock_period}.should == mock_period end it "should return a period if the block returns a single element array" do mock_period = :foo @it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00")) { |results| [ mock_period]}.should == mock_period end it "should raise TZInfo::PeriodNotFound if the block returns a multi-element array" do lambda { @it.period_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 2:30")) {|results| [1,2]}}.should raise_error(TZInfo::PeriodNotFound) end end end end context ".periods_for_local" do context "for the date on which DST begins springing ahead e.g. Mar 8, 2009" do it "should return a 1 element array for 1 second before the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 1:59:59")).length.should == 1 end it "should return an empty array for the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 2:00:00")).should == [] end it "should return an empty array for 1 second after the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 2:00:01")).should == [] end it "should return an empty array for 1 second before the spring ahead time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 2:59:59")).should == [] end it "should return a 1 element array for the spring ahead time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Mar 8, 2009 3:00:00")).length.should == 1 end end context "for the date on which DST ends falling back e.g. Nov 11, 2009" do it "should return a 1 element array for 1 second before the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 1:59:59")).length.should == 1 end it "should return a 2 element array for the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00:00")).length.should == 2 end it "should return a 2 element array for 1 second after the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:00:01")).length.should == 2 end it "should return a 2 element array for 59 minutes and 59 seconds after the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 2:59:59")).length.should == 2 end it "should return a 2 element array for 1 hour after the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 3:00:00")).length.should == 2 end it "should return a 2 element array for 1 hour and 1 second after the transition time" do @it.periods_for_local(DateTime.parse("Nov 1, 2009 3:00:01")).length.should == 2 end end end end context "Bug report from paulsm" do before(:each) do cals = RiCal.parse_string rectify_ical(<<-'ENDCAL') BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 3.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:test VERSION:2.0 X-WR-RELCALID:1884C7F8-BC8E-457F-94AC-297871967D5E X-APPLE-CALENDAR-COLOR:#2CA10B BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:US/Eastern BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 DTSTART:20070311T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 DTSTART:20071104T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:5 TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:00481E53-9258-4EA7-9F8D-947D3041A3F2 DTSTART;TZID=US/Eastern:20090224T090000 DTSTAMP:20090225T000908Z SUMMARY:Test Event CREATED:20090225T000839Z DTEND;TZID=US/Eastern:20090224T100000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;UNTIL=20090228T045959Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR ENDCAL @event = end context "the events dtstart" do it "should be the right DateTime" do @event.dtstart.should == DateTime.civil(2009, 2, 24, 9, 0, 0, Rational(-5, 24)) end it "should have the right tzid" do @event.dtstart.tzid.should == "US/Eastern" end end context "the events dtend" do it "should be the right DateTime" do @event.dtend.should == DateTime.civil(2009, 2, 24, 10, 0, 0, Rational(-5, 24)) end it "should have the right tzid" do @event.dtend.tzid.should == "US/Eastern" end end end end