require 'tempfile' class Pry module DefaultCommands # For show-doc and show-source module ModuleIntrospectionHelpers attr_accessor :module_object def module?(name) self.module_object = Pry::WrappedModule.from_str(name, target) end def method? !!method_object rescue CommandError false end def process(name) if module?(name) code_or_doc = process_module elsif method? code_or_doc = process_method else code_or_doc = process_alternatives end render_output(code_or_doc, opts) end def process_alternatives if args.empty? && internal_binding?(target) mod = target_self.is_a?(Module) ? target_self : target_self.class self.module_object = Pry::WrappedModule(mod) process_module else process_method end end def module_start_line(mod, candidate_rank=0) if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else mod.candidate(candidate_rank).line end end def use_line_numbers? opts.present?(:b) || opts.present?(:l) end def attempt rank = 0 begin yield(rank) rescue Pry::CommandError raise if rank > (module_object.number_of_candidates - 1) rank += 1 retry end end end Introspection = do create_command "show-doc", "Show the documentation for a method or class. Aliases: \?", :shellwords => false do include ModuleIntrospectionHelpers include Helpers::DocumentationHelpers extend Helpers::BaseHelpers banner <<-BANNER Usage: show-doc [OPTIONS] [METH] Aliases: ? Show the documentation for a method or class. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g show-doc hello_method # docs for hello_method e.g show-doc Pry # docs for Pry class e.g show-doc Pry -a # docs for all definitions of Pry class (all monkey patches) BANNER options :requires_gem => "ruby18_source_location" if mri_18? def setup require 'ruby18_source_location' if mri_18? end def options(opt) method_options(opt) opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :b, "base-one", "Show line numbers but start numbering at 1 (useful for `amend-line` and `play` commands)." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :a, :all, "Show docs for all definitions and monkeypatches of the module/class" end def process_module if opts.present?(:all) all_modules else normal_module end end def normal_module doc = "" if module_object.yard_docs? file_name, line = module_object.yard_file, module_object.yard_line doc << module_object.yard_doc start_line = 1 else attempt do |rank| file_name, line = module_object.candidate(rank).source_location set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) doc << module_object.candidate(rank).doc start_line = module_start_line(module_object, rank) end end doc =, start_line, :text). with_line_numbers(use_line_numbers?).to_s doc.insert(0, "\n#{Pry::Helpers::Text.bold('From:')} #{file_name} @ line #{line ? line : "N/A"}:\n\n") end def all_modules doc = "" doc << "Found #{module_object.number_of_candidates} candidates for `#{}` definition:\n" module_object.number_of_candidates.times do |v| candidate = module_object.candidate(v) begin doc << "\nCandidate #{v+1}/#{module_object.number_of_candidates}: #{candidate.file} @ #{candidate.line}:\n\n" doc << candidate.doc rescue Pry::RescuableException doc << "No documentation found.\n" next end end doc end def process_method raise Pry::CommandError, "No documentation found." if method_object.doc.nil? || method_object.doc.empty? doc = process_comment_markup(method_object.doc, method_object.source_type) output.puts make_header(method_object, doc) output.puts "#{text.bold("Owner:")} #{method_object.owner || "N/A"}" output.puts "#{text.bold("Visibility:")} #{method_object.visibility}" output.puts "#{text.bold("Signature:")} #{method_object.signature}" output.puts if use_line_numbers? doc =, start_line, :text). with_line_numbers(true).to_s end doc end def module_start_line(mod, candidate=0) if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else if mod.candidate(candidate).line mod.candidate(candidate).line - mod.candidate(candidate).doc.lines.count else 1 end end end def start_line if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else (method_object.source_line - method_object.doc.lines.count) || 1 end end end alias_command "?", "show-doc" create_command "stat", "View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals.", :shellwords => false do banner <<-BANNER Usage: stat [OPTIONS] [METH] Show method information for method METH and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. e.g: stat hello_method BANNER def options(opt) method_options(opt) end def process meth = method_object output.puts unindent <<-EOS Method Information: -- Name: #{} Owner: #{meth.owner ? meth.owner : "Unknown"} Visibility: #{meth.visibility} Type: #{meth.is_a?(::Method) ? "Bound" : "Unbound"} Arity: #{meth.arity} Method Signature: #{meth.signature} Source Location: #{meth.source_location ? meth.source_location.join(":") : "Not found."} EOS end end create_command "show-source" do include ModuleIntrospectionHelpers extend Helpers::BaseHelpers description "Show the source for a method or class. Aliases: $, show-method" banner <<-BANNER Usage: show-source [OPTIONS] [METH|CLASS] Aliases: $, show-method Show the source for a method or class. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g: `show-source hello_method` e.g: `show-source -m hello_method` e.g: `show-source Pry#rep` # source for Pry#rep method e.g: `show-source Pry` # source for Pry class e.g: `show-source Pry -a` # source for all Pry class definitions (all monkey patches) BANNER options :shellwords => false options :requires_gem => "ruby18_source_location" if mri_18? def setup require 'ruby18_source_location' if mri_18? end def options(opt) method_options(opt) opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :b, "base-one", "Show line numbers but start numbering at 1 (useful for `amend-line` and `play` commands)." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :a, :all, "Show source for all definitions and monkeypatches of the module/class" end def process_method raise CommandError, "Could not find method source" unless method_object.source code = "" code << make_header(method_object) code << "#{text.bold("Owner:")} #{method_object.owner || "N/A"}\n" code << "#{text.bold("Visibility:")} #{method_object.visibility}\n" code << "\n" code << Code.from_method(method_object, start_line). with_line_numbers(use_line_numbers?).to_s end def process_module if opts.present?(:all) all_modules else normal_module end end def normal_module file_name = line = code = nil attempt do |rank| file_name, line = module_object.candidate(rank).source_location set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) code = Code.from_module(module_object, module_start_line(module_object, rank), rank). with_line_numbers(use_line_numbers?).to_s end result = "" result << "\n#{Pry::Helpers::Text.bold('From:')} #{file_name} @ line #{line}:\n" result << "#{Pry::Helpers::Text.bold('Number of lines:')} #{code.lines.count}\n\n" result << code end def all_modules mod = module_object result = "" result << "Found #{mod.number_of_candidates} candidates for `#{}` definition:\n" mod.number_of_candidates.times do |v| candidate = mod.candidate(v) begin result << "\nCandidate #{v+1}/#{mod.number_of_candidates}: #{candidate.file} @ line #{candidate.line}:\n" code = Code.from_module(mod, module_start_line(mod, v), v). with_line_numbers(use_line_numbers?).to_s result << "Number of lines: #{code.lines.count}\n\n" result << code rescue Pry::RescuableException result << "\nNo code found.\n" next end end result end def use_line_numbers? opts.present?(:b) || opts.present?(:l) end def start_line if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else method_object.source_line || 1 end end end alias_command "show-method", "show-source" alias_command "$", "show-source" command "show-command", "Show the source for CMD." do |*args| target = target() opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: show-command [OPTIONS] [CMD] Show the source for command CMD. e.g: show-command show-method USAGE opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts end end next if opts.present?(:help) command_name = args.shift if !command_name raise CommandError, "You must provide a command name." end if find_command(command_name) block = next unless block.source set_file_and_dir_locals(block.source_file) output.puts make_header(block) output.puts code = Code.from_method(block).with_line_numbers(opts.present?(:'line-numbers')).to_s render_output(code, opts) else raise CommandError, "No such command: #{command_name}." end end create_command "ri", "View ri documentation. e.g `ri Array#each`" do banner <<-BANNER Usage: ri [spec] e.g. ri Array#each Relies on the rdoc gem being installed. See also: show-doc. BANNER def process(spec) # Lazily load RI require 'rdoc/ri/driver' unless defined? RDoc::RI::PryDriver # Subclass RI so that it formats its output nicely, and uses `lesspipe`. subclass = # the hard way. subclass.class_eval do def page Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.lesspipe {|less| yield less} end def formatter(io) if @formatter_klass then else end end end RDoc::RI.const_set :PryDriver, subclass # hook it up! end # Spin-up an RI insance. ri = :use_stdout => true, :interactive => false begin ri.display_names [spec] # Get the documentation (finally!) rescue RDoc::RI::Driver::NotFoundError => e output.puts "error: '#{}' not found" end end end end end end