# ChatWork Ruby bindings of ChatWork API [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/chatwork.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/chatwork) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/asonas/chatwork-ruby.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/asonas/chatwork-ruby) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/asonas/chatwork-ruby/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/asonas/chatwork-ruby) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'chatwork' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install chatwork ## Usage `chatwork` gem provides class method APIs and instance method APIs ### Class method APIs At first, set `ChatWork.api_key` or `ChatWork.access_token`. ```ruby ChatWork.api_key = "XXX" # or ChatWork.access_token = "XXX" ``` Another way, you can use `ENV["CHATWORK_API_TOKEN"]` or `ENV["CHATWORK_ACCESS_TOKEN"]` instead of `ChatWork.api_key` or `ChatWork.access_token`. Then call class methods. e.g. post message. ```ruby ChatWork::Message.create(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") #=> # ``` All available APIs are followings. * [ChatWork::Contacts](lib/chatwork/contacts.rb) * [ChatWork::File](lib/chatwork/file.rb) * [ChatWork::IncomingRequest](lib/chatwork/incoming_request.rb) * [ChatWork::InvitationLink](lib/chatwork/invitation_link.rb) * [ChatWork::Me](lib/chatwork/me.rb) * [ChatWork::Member](lib/chatwork/member.rb) * [ChatWork::Message](lib/chatwork/message.rb) * [ChatWork::MyStatus](lib/chatwork/my_status.rb) * [ChatWork::MyTask](lib/chatwork/my_task.rb) * [ChatWork::Room](lib/chatwork/room.rb) * [ChatWork::Task](lib/chatwork/task.rb) When you want to refresh access token, call [`ChatWork::Token.refresh_access_token`](lib/chatwork/token.rb). ```ruby ChatWork.client_id = "XXX" ChatWork.client_secret = "XXX" refresh_token = "XXX" token = ChatWork::Token.refresh_access_token(refresh_token) new_access_token = token["access_token"] # Create message ChatWork.access_token = new_access_token ChatWork::Message.create(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") ``` Another way, you can use `ENV["CHATWORK_CLIENT_ID"]` or `ENV["CHATWORK_CLIENT_SECRET"]` instead of `ChatWork.api_key` or `ChatWork.access_token`. ### Instance method APIs ```ruby client = ChatWork::Client.new(api_key: "XXX") #or client = ChatWork::Client.new(access_token: "XXX") ``` Then call instance methods. e.g. post message. ```ruby client.create_message(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") #=> # ``` All available APIs are followings. http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/chatwork/ChatWork/Client When you want to refresh access token, call [`ChatWork::OAuthClient#refresh_access_token`](lib/chatwork/oauth_client/token_methods.rb). ```ruby refresh_token = "XXX" oauth_client = ChatWork::OAuthClient.new(client_id: "xxx", client_secret: "xxx") token = oauth_client.refresh_access_token(refresh_token) new_access_token = token["access_token"] # Create message client = ChatWork::Client.new(access_token: new_access_token) client.create_message(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") ``` ### Pros/Cons Class method APIs are simple, but **not threadsafe**. Instance method APIs are **threadsafe**. If you are using multiple `api_key` or `access_token` in an app and using multithreaded server (e.g. [puma](https://github.com/puma/puma)), we recommend instance method APIs. ## Tips ### Hashie::Mash All API methods returns `Hashie::Mash` instance. https://github.com/intridea/hashie#mash `Hashie::Mash` is very useful! ```ruby body = ChatWork::Message.create(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") #=> # body["message_id"] #=> "1234567890" body[:message_id] #=> "1234567890" body.message_id #=> "1234567890" ``` ### Block arguments All API methods supports block argument. If block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments. ```ruby ChatWork::Message.create(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") do |body, header| body #=> # header["X-RateLimit-Limit"] #=> "100" header["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] #=> "0" header["X-RateLimit-Reset"] #=> "1390941626" end ``` ```ruby client.create_message(room_id: 1234, body: "Hello, ChatWork!") do |body, header| body #=> # header["X-RateLimit-Limit"] #=> "100" header["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] #=> "0" header["X-RateLimit-Reset"] #=> "1390941626" end ``` ## Reference http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/chatwork ## Development ```bash cp .env.example .env vi .env ./bin/console ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request