module RCAP module CAP_1_1 # An Alert object is valid if # * it has an identifier # * it has a sender # * it has a sent time # * it has a valid status value # * it has a valid messge type value # * it has a valid scope value # * all Info objects contained in infos are valid class Alert include Validation XMLNS = "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1" CAP_VERSION = "1.1" STATUS_ACTUAL = "Actual" # :nodoc: STATUS_EXERCISE = "Exercise" # :nodoc: STATUS_SYSTEM = "System" # :nodoc: STATUS_TEST = "Test" # :nodoc: STATUS_DRAFT = "Draft" # :nodoc: # Valid values for status VALID_STATUSES = [ STATUS_ACTUAL, STATUS_EXERCISE, STATUS_SYSTEM, STATUS_TEST, STATUS_DRAFT ] MSG_TYPE_ALERT = "Alert" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_UPDATE = "Update" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_CANCEL = "Cancel" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_ACK = "Ack" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_ERROR = "Error" # :nodoc: # Valid values for msg_type VALID_MSG_TYPES = [ MSG_TYPE_ALERT, MSG_TYPE_UPDATE, MSG_TYPE_CANCEL, MSG_TYPE_ACK, MSG_TYPE_ERROR ] SCOPE_PUBLIC = "Public" # :nodoc: SCOPE_RESTRICTED = "Restricted" # :nodoc: SCOPE_PRIVATE = "Private" # :nodoc: # Valid values for scope VALID_SCOPES = [ SCOPE_PUBLIC, SCOPE_PRIVATE, SCOPE_RESTRICTED ] XML_ELEMENT_NAME = 'alert' # :nodoc: IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT_NAME = 'identifier' # :nodoc: SENDER_ELEMENT_NAME = 'sender' # :nodoc: SENT_ELEMENT_NAME = 'sent' # :nodoc: STATUS_ELEMENT_NAME = 'status' # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_ELEMENT_NAME = 'msgType' # :nodoc: SOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME = 'source' # :nodoc: SCOPE_ELEMENT_NAME = 'scope' # :nodoc: RESTRICTION_ELEMENT_NAME = 'restriction' # :nodoc: ADDRESSES_ELEMENT_NAME = 'addresses' # :nodoc: CODE_ELEMENT_NAME = 'code' # :nodoc: NOTE_ELEMENT_NAME = 'note' # :nodoc: REFERENCES_ELEMENT_NAME = 'references' # :nodoc: INCIDENTS_ELEMENT_NAME = 'incidents' # :nodoc: XPATH = 'cap:alert' # :nodoc: IDENTIFIER_XPATH = "cap:#{ IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: SENDER_XPATH = "cap:#{ SENDER_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: SENT_XPATH = "cap:#{ SENT_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: STATUS_XPATH = "cap:#{ STATUS_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_XPATH = "cap:#{ MSG_TYPE_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: SOURCE_XPATH = "cap:#{ SOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: SCOPE_XPATH = "cap:#{ SCOPE_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: RESTRICTION_XPATH = "cap:#{ RESTRICTION_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: ADDRESSES_XPATH = "cap:#{ ADDRESSES_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: CODE_XPATH = "cap:#{ CODE_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: NOTE_XPATH = "cap:#{ NOTE_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: REFERENCES_XPATH = "cap:#{ REFERENCES_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: INCIDENTS_XPATH = "cap:#{ INCIDENTS_ELEMENT_NAME }" # :nodoc: # If not set a UUID will be set by default attr_accessor( :identifier) attr_accessor( :sender ) # Sent Time - If not set will value will be time of creation. attr_accessor( :sent ) # Value can only be one of VALID_STATUSES attr_accessor( :status ) # Value can only be one of VALID_MSG_TYPES attr_accessor( :msg_type ) # Value can only be one of VALID_SCOPES attr_accessor( :scope ) attr_accessor( :source ) # Depends on scope being SCOPE_RESTRICTED. attr_accessor( :restriction ) attr_accessor( :note ) # Collection of address strings. Depends on scope being SCOPE_PRIVATE. attr_reader( :addresses ) attr_reader( :codes ) # Collection of reference strings - see Alert#to_reference attr_reader( :references) # Collection of incident strings attr_reader( :incidents ) # Collection of Info objects attr_reader( :infos ) validates_presence_of( :identifier, :sender, :sent, :status, :msg_type, :scope ) validates_inclusion_of( :status, :in => VALID_STATUSES ) validates_inclusion_of( :msg_type, :in => VALID_MSG_TYPES ) validates_inclusion_of( :scope, :in => VALID_SCOPES ) validates_format_of( :identifier, :with => ALLOWED_CHARACTERS ) validates_format_of( :sender , :with => ALLOWED_CHARACTERS ) validates_dependency_of( :addresses, :on => :scope, :with_value => SCOPE_PRIVATE ) validates_dependency_of( :restriction, :on => :scope, :with_value => SCOPE_RESTRICTED ) validates_collection_of( :infos ) def initialize( attributes = {}) @identifier = attributes[ :identifier ] @sender = attributes[ :sender ] @sent = attributes[ :sent ] @status = attributes[ :status ] @msg_type = attributes[ :msg_type ] @scope = attributes[ :scope ] @source = attributes[ :source ] @restriction = attributes[ :restriction ] @addresses = Array( attributes[ :addresses ]) @codes = Array( attributes[ :codes ]) @references = Array( attributes[ :references ]) @incidents = Array( attributes[ :incidents ]) @infos = Array( attributes[ :infos ]) end # Creates a new Info object and adds it to the infos array. The # info_attributes are passed as a parameter to def add_info( info_attributes = {}) info = info_attributes ) self.infos << info info end def to_xml_element #:nodoc: xml_element = XML_ELEMENT_NAME ) xml_element.add_namespace( XMLNS ) xml_element.add_element( IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.identifier ) if self.identifier xml_element.add_element( SENDER_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.sender ) if self.sender xml_element.add_element( SENT_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.sent.to_s_for_cap ) if self.sent xml_element.add_element( STATUS_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.status ) if self.status xml_element.add_element( MSG_TYPE_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.msg_type ) if self.msg_type xml_element.add_element( SOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.source ) if self.source xml_element.add_element( SCOPE_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.scope ) if self.scope xml_element.add_element( RESTRICTION_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.restriction ) if self.restriction unless self.addresses.empty? xml_element.add_element( ADDRESSES_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.addresses.to_s_for_cap ) end do |code| xml_element.add_element( CODE_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( code ) end xml_element.add_element( NOTE_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.note ) if self.note unless self.references.empty? xml_element.add_element( REFERENCES_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.references.join( ' ' )) end unless self.incidents.empty? xml_element.add_element( INCIDENTS_ELEMENT_NAME ).add_text( self.incidents.join( ' ' )) end self.infos.each do |info| xml_element.add_element( info.to_xml_element ) end xml_element end def to_xml_document #:nodoc: xml_document = xml_document.add( ) xml_document.add( self.to_xml_element ) xml_document end # Returns a string containing the XML representation of the alert. def to_xml self.to_xml_document.to_s end # Returns a string representation of the alert suitable for usage as a reference in a CAP message of the form # sender,identifier,sent def to_reference "#{ self.sender },#{ self.identifier },#{ self.sent }" end def inspect # :nodoc: alert_inspect = <<EOF CAP Version: #{ CAP_VERSION } Identifier: #{ self.identifier } Sender: #{ self.sender } Sent: #{ self.sent } Status: #{ self.status } Message Type: #{ self.msg_type } Source: #{ self.source } Scope: #{ self.scope } Restriction: #{ self.restriction } Addresses: #{ self.addresses.to_s_for_cap } Codes: #{{ |code| " #{ code }" }.join("\n")} Note: #{ self.note } References: #{ self.references.join( ' ' )} Incidents: #{ self.incidents.join( ' ')} Information: #{{ |info| " " + info.to_s }.join( "\n" )} EOF RCAP.format_lines_for_inspect( 'ALERT', alert_inspect ) end # Returns a string representation of the alert of the form # sender/identifier/sent # See Alert#to_reference for another string representation suitable as a CAP reference. def to_s "#{ self.sender }/#{ self.identifier }/#{ self.sent }" end def self.from_xml_element( alert_xml_element ) # :nodoc: :identifier => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, IDENTIFIER_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :sender => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, SENDER_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :sent => (( sent = RCAP.xpath_first( alert_xml_element, SENT_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS )) ? DateTime.parse( sent.text ) : nil ), :status => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, STATUS_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :msg_type => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, MSG_TYPE_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :source => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, SOURCE_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :scope => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, SCOPE_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :restriction => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, RESTRICTION_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :addresses => (( address = RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, ADDRESSES_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS )) ? address.unpack_cap_list : nil ), :codes => RCAP.xpath_match( alert_xml_element, CODE_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ).map{ |element| element.text }, :note => RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, NOTE_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ), :references => (( references = RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, REFERENCES_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS )) ? references.split( ' ' ) : nil ), :incidents => (( incidents = RCAP.xpath_text( alert_xml_element, INCIDENTS_XPATH, Alert::XMLNS )) ? incidents.split( ' ' ) : nil ), :infos => RCAP.xpath_match( alert_xml_element, Info::XPATH, Alert::XMLNS ).map{ |element| Info.from_xml_element( element )}) end def self.from_xml_document( xml_document ) # :nodoc: self.from_xml_element( xml_document.root ) end # Initialise an Alert object from an XML string. Any object that is a subclass of IO (e.g. File) can be passed in. def self.from_xml( xml ) self.from_xml_document( xml )) end CAP_VERSION_YAML = "CAP Version" # :nodoc: IDENTIFIER_YAML = "Identifier" # :nodoc: SENDER_YAML = "Sender" # :nodoc: SENT_YAML = "Sent" # :nodoc: STATUS_YAML = "Status" # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_YAML = "Message Type" # :nodoc: SOURCE_YAML = "Source" # :nodoc: SCOPE_YAML = "Scope" # :nodoc: RESTRICTION_YAML = "Restriction" # :nodoc: ADDRESSES_YAML = "Addresses" # :nodoc: CODES_YAML = "Codes" # :nodoc: NOTE_YAML = "Note" # :nodoc: REFERENCES_YAML = "References" # :nodoc: INCIDENTS_YAML = "Incidents" # :nodoc: INFOS_YAML = "Information" # :nodoc: # Returns a string containing the YAML representation of the alert. def to_yaml( options = {} ) RCAP.attribute_values_to_hash( [ CAP_VERSION_YAML, CAP_VERSION ], [ IDENTIFIER_YAML, self.identifier ], [ SENDER_YAML, self.sender ], [ SENT_YAML, self.sent ], [ STATUS_YAML, self.status ], [ MSG_TYPE_YAML, self.msg_type ], [ SOURCE_YAML, self.source ], [ SCOPE_YAML, self.scope ], [ RESTRICTION_YAML, self.restriction ], [ ADDRESSES_YAML, self.addresses ], [ CODES_YAML, ], [ NOTE_YAML, self.note ], [ REFERENCES_YAML, self.references ], [ INCIDENTS_YAML, self.incidents ], [ INFOS_YAML, self.infos ] ).to_yaml( options ) end # Initialise an Alert object from a YAML string. Any object that is a subclass of IO (e.g. File) can be passed in. def self.from_yaml( yaml ) self.from_yaml_data( YAML.load( yaml )) end def self.from_yaml_data( alert_yaml_data ) # :nodoc: :identifier => alert_yaml_data[ IDENTIFIER_YAML ], :sender => alert_yaml_data[ SENDER_YAML ], :sent => ( sent = alert_yaml_data[ SENT_YAML ]).blank? ? nil : DateTime.parse( sent.to_s ), :status => alert_yaml_data[ STATUS_YAML ], :msg_type => alert_yaml_data[ MSG_TYPE_YAML ], :source => alert_yaml_data[ SOURCE_YAML ], :scope => alert_yaml_data[ SCOPE_YAML ], :restriction => alert_yaml_data[ RESTRICTION_YAML ], :addresses => alert_yaml_data[ ADDRESSES_YAML ], :codes => alert_yaml_data[ CODES_YAML ], :note => alert_yaml_data[ NOTE_YAML ], :references => alert_yaml_data[ REFERENCES_YAML ], :incidents => alert_yaml_data[ INCIDENTS_YAML ], :infos => Array( alert_yaml_data[ INFOS_YAML ]).map{ |info_yaml_data| Info.from_yaml_data( info_yaml_data )} ) end CAP_VERSION_KEY = 'cap_version' # :nodoc: IDENTIFIER_KEY = 'identifier' # :nodoc: SENDER_KEY = 'sender' # :nodoc: SENT_KEY = 'sent' # :nodoc: STATUS_KEY = 'status' # :nodoc: MSG_TYPE_KEY = 'msg_type' # :nodoc: SOURCE_KEY = 'source' # :nodoc: SCOPE_KEY = 'scope' # :nodoc: RESTRICTION_KEY = 'restriction' # :nodoc: ADDRESSES_KEY = 'addresses' # :nodoc: CODES_KEY = 'codes' # :nodoc: NOTE_KEY = 'note' # :nodoc: REFERENCES_KEY = 'references' # :nodoc: INCIDENTS_KEY = 'incidents' # :nodoc: INFOS_KEY = 'infos' # :nodoc: # Returns a Hash representation of an Alert object def to_h RCAP.attribute_values_to_hash( [ CAP_VERSION_KEY, CAP_VERSION ], [ IDENTIFIER_KEY, self.identifier ], [ SENDER_KEY, self.sender ], [ SENT_KEY, RCAP.to_s_for_cap( self.sent )], [ STATUS_KEY, self.status ], [ MSG_TYPE_KEY, self.msg_type ], [ SOURCE_KEY, self.source ], [ SCOPE_KEY, self.scope ], [ RESTRICTION_KEY, self.restriction ], [ ADDRESSES_KEY, self.addresses ], [ CODES_KEY, ], [ NOTE_KEY, self.note ], [ REFERENCES_KEY, self.references ], [ INCIDENTS_KEY, self.incidents ], [ INFOS_KEY,{ |info| info.to_h }]) end # Initialises an Alert object from a Hash produced by Alert#to_h def self.from_h( alert_hash ) :identifier => alert_hash[ IDENTIFIER_KEY ], :sender => alert_hash[ SENDER_KEY ], :sent => RCAP.parse_datetime( alert_hash[ SENT_KEY ]), :status => alert_hash[ STATUS_KEY ], :msg_type => alert_hash[ MSG_TYPE_KEY ], :source => alert_hash[ SOURCE_KEY ], :scope => alert_hash[ SCOPE_KEY ], :restriction => alert_hash[ RESTRICTION_KEY ], :addresses => alert_hash[ ADDRESSES_KEY ], :codes => alert_hash[ CODES_KEY ], :note => alert_hash[ NOTE_KEY ], :references => alert_hash[ REFERENCES_KEY ], :incidents => alert_hash[ INCIDENTS_KEY ], :infos => Array( alert_hash[ INFOS_KEY ]).map{ |info_hash| Info.from_h( info_hash )}) end # Returns a JSON string representation of an Alert object def to_json self.to_h.to_json end # Initiialises an Alert object from a JSON string produced by Alert#to_json def self.from_json( json_string ) self.from_h( JSON.parse( json_string )) end end end end