en: inforouter: errors: messages: missing_config: message: "Missing configuration." summary: "infoRouter requires a username and password." resolution: "See your infoRouter system administrator for username and password. Configure the inforouter gem. For example, add the following to `config/initializers/inforouter.rb`.\n \_\_Inforouter.configure do |config|\n \_\_\_config.wsdl = 'your_inforouter_wsdl_location' # optional\n \_\_\_config.host = 'your_inforouter_host'\n \_\_\_config.username = 'your_inforouter_username'\n \_\_\_config.password = 'your_inforouter_password'\n \_\_end\n" missing_config_option: message: "Missing configuration option: %{name}." summary: "A configuration option was not provided when configuration infoRouter." resolution: "Review your `Inforouter.configure` code. Are you using an environment variable that has not been set?" soap_error: message: "%{message}" summary: "The server returned a %{code} error." resolution: "Review the parameters passed to the request." unexpected_soap_response: message: "Expected a value for `%{key}` in `%{chain}` in the infoRouter response." summary: "infoRouter returned an unexpected response: `%{raw}`." resolution: "This is possibly a bug in the inforouter gem.\n Please report it in https://github.com/ncssoftware/inforouter/issues." api_error: message: "%{message}" summary: "The infoRouter server returned an error in the response: `%{raw}`" resolution: "Check the request parameters."