%= content_tag :header, as: 'Post.Header', id: 'PostHeader', href: admin_post_image_path(@post), method: 'post' do %> <% content_for :post_buttons do %> <%= link_to 'Administration', admin_root_path, class: %w(button) %> <%= content_tag :button do |button|%> <% button[:class] << 'button' %> <% button[:as] = 'Editor.Save' %> Save & Preview <%= content_tag :div do |div| %> <% div[:as] = 'Editor.Save.Dialog' %> <% div[:id] = 'SavePost' %> <% div[:href] = admin_post_path(@post) %> <% div[:method] = 'PUT' %> Saving... <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= render 'admin/posts/header/base', post: @post %> <% end %> <%= post_tags(@post) %> <%= edit_content_tag(@post) do %> <%= h @post.content %> <% end %> Drop an image or click here to upload a picture.
Drop an image or click here to upload a picture.