# Slack Messaging This is a simple project designed to post messages to a given Slack channel as a bot. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'slack_messaging' ``` And then execute: ```bash bundle install ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash gem install slack_messaging ``` ## Usage This project requires a config file that should look like this: ```yml slack: channel: username: webhook_url: icon_emoji: '::' ``` To generate this file at `~/.slack_messaging.yml`, please run this command: ```bash slack-messaging setup ``` To obtain the webhook URL, go to [this link](https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks). If you'd like to create the config file at a different directory, I recommend using the `setup` command, and then manually moving the file to your desired location: ```bash slack-messaging setup # Walk through the prompts to create the file mv ~/.slack_messaging.yml /PATH/TO/FILE/config.yml ``` And then you can pass in that specific file location like this: ```bash slack-messaging --config="/PATH/TO/FILE/config.yml" send ``` Once the config file is set up, the project is ready to go! To print a friendly message to Slack, run: ```bash slack-messaging send ``` Here, no specific message is being given to print to Slack, so slack_messaging will choose a random quote. The random quotes are selected using the [Quotable API](http://api.quotable.io/). However, what if you wanted to print something specific? Well, you can! Just run: ```bash slack-messaging send 'MESSAGE 1' ``` You can even print multiple messages at once: ```bash slack-messaging send 'MESSAGE 1' 'MESSAGE 2' 'MESSAGE 3' ... 'MESSAGE N' ``` The output of slack_messaging will look something like this: I hope you enjoy printing fun and specialized messages to Slack! ## Tests To run the tests, run `bundle exec rspec` from the command-line. GitHub Actions will also run the tests upon every commit to make sure they're up to date and that everything is working correctly. Locally, you can also run `bundle exec guard` to automatically run tests as you develop! --- ### Contributing To submit a feature request, bug ticket, etc, please submit an official [GitHub issue](https://github.com/emmahsax/slack_messaging/issues/new). To copy or make changes, please [fork this repository](https://github.com/emmahsax/slack_messaging/fork). When/if you'd like to contribute back to this upstream, please create a pull request on this repository. Please follow included Issue Template(s) and Pull Request Template(s) when creating issues or pull requests. ### Security Policy To report any security vulnerabilities, please view this repository's [Security Policy](https://github.com/emmahsax/slack_messaging/security/policy). ### Licensing For information on licensing, please see [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/emmahsax/slack_messaging/blob/main/LICENSE.md). ### Code of Conduct When interacting with this repository, please follow [Contributor Covenant's Code of Conduct](https://contributor-covenant.org). ### Releasing To make a new release of this gem: 1. Merge the pull request via the big green button 2. Run `git tag vX.X.X` and `git push --tag` 3. Make a new release [here](https://github.com/emmahsax/slack_messaging/releases/new) 4. Run `gem build *.gemspec` 5. Run `gem push *.gem` to push the new gem to RubyGems 6. Run `rm *.gem` to clean up your local repository To set up your local machine to push to RubyGems via the API, see the [RubyGems documentation](https://guides.rubygems.org/publishing/#publishing-to-rubygemsorg).