### 2.0.0 - [BUGFIX] Add Openssl 3.0 support - [BUGFIX] Update CDZ to download data, not upload it - [BUGFIX] Support signature for keys later than 2048 bit - [HOUSEKEEPING] Open rubyzip dependency to allow newer versions and update it - [HOUSEKEEPING] Update supported ruby versions to 2.6+ - [HOUSEKEEPING] Update faraday, nokogiri, and development dependencies - [HOUSEKEEPING] Remove JRuby test execution due to failing tests - needs to be re-added if required - [ENHANCEMENT] Adds CRZ order type - [ENHANCEMENT] Make date period optional for CDZ order type ### 1.8.1 - [BUGFIX] Remove masking of transport client errors ### 1.8.0 - [HOUSEKEEPING] updates faraday and rubyzip - [HOUSEKEEPING] as a result: bump required ruby version to 2.4+ ### 1.7.2 - [FEATURE] adds XCT order type (thanks to @punkle64) ### 1.7.1 - [HOUSEKEEPING] sets headers for requests to text/xml - [HOUSEKEEPING] updates Nokogiri dependencies ### 1.7.0 - [ENHANCEMENT] adds CDB (thanks to @romanlehnert) - [BUGFIX] fixes CCS order type and attribute (thanks to @gadimbaylisahil) - [BUGFIX] make CDZ callable via client ### 1.6.0 - [BUGFIX] allow unstreamable zipfile handling - [ENHANCEMENT] adds CDZ order type - updates dependencies ### 1.5.2 - [COMPATIBILITY] be removing the `goyku` dependency we're more recilent against old versions of that gem - [ENHANCEMENT] #order_type gives you more complete overview which order types to current client is entitled to use, there was already `HAA` which isn't as complete as this, which gets its info from `HTD` ### 1.5.1 - [ENHANCEMENT] some banks are not returning the order_id in the second upload phase, we now fetch it already from the first response to handle this different behaviour. - [ENHANCEMENT] New order types: `AZV` (Auslandszahlungsverkehr). `CDS` and `CCS` for submitting SEPA credits/debits as SRZ (Service Rechen Zentrum) ### 1.5.0 - [ENHANCEMENT] support for fetching the C54 order type - [ENHANCEMENT] Exceptions expose their internal code via `code` - [HOUSEKEEPING] Added Ruby 2.4 compatibility - [HOUSEKEEPING] Drop Ruby 2.0.0 ### 1.4.1 - [ENHANCEMENT] support for fetching the VMK order type ### 1.4.0 - [ENHANCEMENT] STA without date range to fetch all statements which have not yet been fetched - [ENHANCEMENT] HAC without date range to fetch all transaction logs which have not yet been fetched ### 1.3.1 - [ENHANCEMENT] make xpath namespaces explicit, so we can cover a wider rage of responses ### 1.3.0 - [BUGFIX] unzip C5X payloads - [ENHANCEMENT] B2B direct debits ### 1.2.2 - [BUGFIX] HPB namespaces are unpredictable so be ignore them ### 1.2.1 - [BUGFIX] fixing wrong variable bind within `credit`, `debit` and `statements` ### 1.2.0 - [ENHANCEMENT] uploads will return both ebics_order_id and ebics_transaction_id ### 1.1.2 - [BUGFIX] missing require statements for `zlib` - [BUGFIX] #16 `setup` tried to initialize wrong class ### 1.1.1 - [BUGFIX] CCT order was submited as CD1 - [BUGFIX] padding was calculated against the wrong block size - [BUGFIX] double encoding of the signature ### 1.1.0 - [BUGFIX] Sending `Receipts` after downloading data, to circumvent download locks - [BUGFIX] adding missing require statements - adding HAC, HKD, C52 and C53 support - less verbose object inspection for `Epics::Client` - readme polishing ### 1.0.0 - first release