FnordMetric =========== FnordMetric is a highly configurable (and pretty fast) realtime app/event tracking thing based on ruby eventmachine and redis. You define your own plotting and counting functions as ruby blocks! [ ![Build status - Travis-ci](https://secure.travis-ci.org/paulasmuth/fnordmetric.png) ](http://travis-ci.org/paulasmuth/fnordmetric) [SCREENCAST](http://www.screenr.com/KiJs): the FnordMetric-instance we use to track our social dating app. ---- FnordMetric keeps track of your data and draws nice timeline plots. [ ![Nice timeline plots](https://raw.github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/master/doc/preview1.png) ](https://raw.github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/master/doc/preview1.png) FnordMetric gives you a live dashboard, that shows who is using your app in realtime. You can select a single user and follow them step by step. [ ![Live dashboard](https://raw.github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/master/doc/preview2.png) ](https://raw.github.com/paulasmuth/fnordmetric/master/doc/preview2.png) Getting Started --------------- Copy `doc/full_example.rb` (that's the configuration from the screenshots and screencast) or the simple example from below to `my_stats_app.rb`. Simple Example: this will listen for json-events with `type=unicorn_seen` and render a timeline-plot showing the number of received events per hour. ```ruby require "fnordmetric" FnordMetric.namespace :myapp do # numeric (delta) gauge, 1-hour tick gauge :unicorns_seen_per_hour, :tick => 1.hour.to_i, :title => "Unicorns seenper Hour" # on every event like { _type: 'unicorn_seen' } event(:unicorn_seen) do # increment the unicorns_seen_per_hour gauge by 1 incr :unicorns_seen_per_hour end # draw a timeline showing the gauges value, auto-refresh every 2s widget 'Overview', { :title => "Unicorn-Sightings per Hour", :type => :timeline, :gauges => :unicorns_seen_per_hour, :include_current => true, :autoupdate => 2 } end FnordMetric.standalone ``` Start the app (requires ruby >= 1.9.2): $ ruby my_stats_app.rb run Log all incoming events: $ ruby my_stats_app.rb log DUMP_FILE=/tmp/foo.json This is the easiest way to submit an event: echo "{\"_type\": \"unicorn_seen\"}" | nc localhost 1337 Installation ------------ gem install fnordmetric or in your Gemfile: gem 'fnordmetric', '>= 0.6.3' Documentation ------------- ### Sending Events ### The slow way: HTTP-Post the json event to the fnordmetric webinterface. POST http://localhost:2323/events _type=unicorn_seen curl -X POST -d "_type=unicorn_seen" http://localhost:4242/events The easy way: Stream one ore more newline-seperated json encoded events through a tcp connection. echo "\{\"_type\": \"unicorn_seen\"\}\n" | nc localhost 2323 The fast way: Add your event directly to the redis-based queue. ```ruby uuid = (8**32).to_s(36) event = { :_type => "unicorn_seen" }.to_json redis.set("fnordmetric-event-#{my_uuid}", event) redis.expire("fnordmetric-event-#{my_uuid}", 60) redis.lpush("fnordmetric-queue", uuid) ``` The Ruby way: Using the API. ```ruby api = FnordMetric::API.new({}) api.event({:_type => "unicorn_seen"}) ``` ---- ### Special Events ### ```js // track a pageview { "_type": "_pageview", "url": "/blob/my_super_seo_article", "_session": "mysessiontoken" } // set the user name { "_type": "_set_name", "name": "Tingle Tangle Bob", "_session": "mysessiontoken" } // set the user picture { "_type": "_set_picture", "url": "http://myhost/123.jpg", "_session": "mysessiontoken" } ``` ---- ### Assigning Events to a Namespace ### ```js { "_type": "unicorn_seen", "_namespace": "myapp" } ``` ### Event Handlers ### Call these methods from the event-handler block incr(gauge_name, value=1): Increment the given (two-dimensional) gauge by value at the tick specified by event-time incr_field(gauge_name, field_name, value=1): Increment the given field on a three-dimensional gauge by value at the tick specified by event-time set_value(gauge_name, value) Set the given (two-dimensional) to value at the tick specified by event-time (overwrite existing value) set_field(gauge_name, field_name, value) Set the given field on a three-dimensional gauge to value at the tick specified by event-time (overwrite existing value) ---- ### Options: Gauges ### ---- ### Options: Widgets ### + `[autoupdate]` auto-refresh the timeline every n secs (0 turns autoupdate off) TimelineWidget + `[plot_style]` one of: line, areaspline + `[include_current]` show the current tick? + `[ticks]` number of ticks to show (defaults to 24/30) BarsWidget + `[plot_style]` one of: vertical, horizontal + `[order_by]`: order bars/columns by: value, field ---- ### JSON API ### Examples -------- + doc/full_example.rb ## Full Example ## ```ruby require "fnordmetric" FnordMetric.namespace :myapp do # Set a custom namespace title, if you want one # set_title "Emails sent" # Hide the "Active Users" tab, if you want # hide_active_users # numeric (delta) gauge, 1-hour tick gauge :messages_sent, :tick => 1.hour.to_i, :title => "Messages (sent) per Hour" # numeric (delta) gauge, 1-hour tick gauge :messages_read, :tick => 1.hour.to_i, :title => "Messages (read) per Hour" # numeric (progressive) gauge, 1-hour tick gauge :events_total, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :progressive => true, :title => "Events (total)" # numeric (delta) gauge, increments uniquely by session_key gauge :pageviews_daily_unique, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :unique => true, :title => "Unique Visits (Daily)" # numeric (delta) gauge, increments uniquely by session_key, returns average gauge :avg_age_per_session, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :unique => true, :average => true, :title => "Avg. User Age" # three-dimensional (delta) gauge (time->key->value) gauge :pageviews_per_url_daily, :tick => 1.day.to_i, :title => "Daily Pageviews per URL", :three_dimensional => true # on every event like { "_type": "message_sent" } event(:message_sent) do # increment the messages_sent gauge by 1 incr :messages_sent end # on every event like { "_type": "message_read" } event(:message_read) do # increment the messages_read gauge by 1 incr :messages_read end # on _every_ event event :"*" do # increment the events_total gauge by 1 incr :events_total end # on every event like { "_type": "_pageview", "_session": "sbz7jset", "url": "/page2" } event :_pageview do # increment the daily_uniques gauge by 1 if session_key hasn't been seen in this tick yet incr :pageviews_daily_unique # increment the pageviews_per_url_daily gauge by 1 where key = 'page2' incr_field :pageviews_per_url_daily, data[:url] end # on every event like { "_type": "_my_set_age", "my_age_field": "23" } event(:my_set_age) do # add the value of my_set_age to the avg_age_per_session gauge if session_key # hasn't been seen in this tick yet incr :avg_age_per_session, data[:my_age_field] end # draw a timeline showing the pageviews_daily_unique, auto-refresh every 30s widget 'Overview', { :title => "Unique Visits per Day", :type => :timeline, :width => 70, :gauges => :pageviews_daily_unique, :include_current => true, :autoupdate => 30 } # draw the values of the messages_sent and messages_read gauge at the current tick, three ticks ago, and # the sum of the last 10 ticks, auto-refresh every 20s widget 'Overview', { :title => "Messages Sent / Read", :type => :numbers, :width => 30, :autoupdate => 20, :offsets => [0,3,"10s"], :gauges => [ :messages_sent, :messages_read ] } # draw a list of the most visited urls (url, visits + percentage), auto-refresh every 20s widget 'Overview', { :title => "Top Pages", :type => :toplist, :autoupdate => 20, :gauges => [ :pageviews_per_url_daily ] } end FnordMetric.server_configuration = { :redis_url => "redis://localhost:6379", :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric", :inbound_stream => ["", "1339"], :start_worker => true, :print_stats => 3, # events that aren't processed after 2 min get dropped :event_queue_ttl => 120, # event data is kept for one month :event_data_ttl => 3600*24*30, # session data is kept for one month :session_data_ttl => 3600*24*30 } FnordMetric.standalone ``` Contributors ------------ + Simon Menke (http://github.com/fd) + Bruno Michel (http://github.com/nono) + Marco Borromeo (http://github.com/mborromeo) + Leo Lou (http://github.com/l4u) + Andy Lindeman (http://github.com/alindeman) + Jurriaan Pruis (http://github.com/jurriaan) + John Murray (http://github.com/JohnMurray) + Lars Gierth (http://github.com/lgierth) To contribute, please fork this repository, make your changes and run the specs, commit them to your github repository and send me a pull request. License ------- Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Asmuth Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to use, copy and modify copies of the Software, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Todos ----- + readme: user_data (_session), import/log/_time, data expiration + combine/calculation gauges via opts_gauge({}, &block) (+calculate ctr) + timeline_widget: 'compare mode': compare gauge to yesterday + numbers_widget: handle decreasing vals + opt_event options: :increment => gauge_name + prune the namespace-sessions-timline (remove event_ids older than x) + prune the namespace-event-types-list (trim to max items) + the funnel-widget + timelinewidget + numberswidget => should use redis hmget + get multiple metrics in a single http get