require 'spec_helper' class Example end describe Tabulatr::Finder do describe '.find_for_table' do before(:each) do Tabulatr::Security.stub(:validate!){ true } end context 'descends_from_activerecord' do it 'works fine' do expect{ subject.find_for_table(Product, {})}.to_not raise_error end end context 'doesn\'t descend_from_activerecord' do it 'raises an exception' do expect{ subject.find_for_table(Example, {})}.to raise_error end end it 'defines some methods' do result = subject.find_for_table(Product, {}) result.should respond_to :__pagination result.should respond_to :to_tabulatr_json end it 'orders the result' do p1 = Product.create!(title: 'abc') p2 = Product.create!(title: 'mno') result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { sort_by: :title, orientation: :asc, arguments: 'id,title' }).to_tabulatr_json result[:data].length.should eq 2 result[:data].first['id'].should eq result[:data].last['id'].should eq result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { sort_by: :title, orientation: :desc, arguments: 'id,title' }).to_tabulatr_json result[:data].length.should eq 2 result[:data].first['id'].should eq result[:data].last['id'].should eq end it 'limits the result' do 3.times do |p| Product.create! end result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { arguments: 'id', pagesize: 2 }).to_tabulatr_json Product.count.should eq 3 result[:data].count.should eq 2 end context 'page parameter not given' do it 'defaults to the first page' do result = subject.find_for_table(Product, {}) result.__pagination[:page].should eq 1 end end context 'page parameter is given' do it 'uses it' do result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { page: 3 }) result.__pagination[:page].should eq 3 end end context 'append is "false"' do it 'converts from string to boolean' do result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { append: 'false', arguments: 'title' }) result.__pagination[:append].should be_false end end context 'append is "true"' do it 'converts from string to boolean' do result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { append: 'true', arguments: 'title' }) result.__pagination[:append].should be_true end end it 'filters the data' do # article_filter[body][like]:test p1 = Product.create!(title: 'foobar') p2 = Product.create!(title: 'buzz') result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { arguments: 'title', 'product_filter' => { 'title' => { like: 'buz' } } }).to_tabulatr_json Product.count.should eq 2 result[:data].count.should eq 1 expect(result[:data].first[:id]).to eq( end it 'filters the data with belongs_to filter' do v = Vendor.create!(name: 'vnd') v2 = Vendor.create!(name: 'vnd_two') p1 = Product.create!(title: 'foobar', vendor: v) p2 = Product.create!(title: 'buzz', vendor: v2) result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { arguments: 'title,vendor:name', 'product_filter' => { '__association' => { '' => 'vnd' } } }).to_tabulatr_json Product.count.should eq 2 Vendor.count.should eq 2 result[:data].count.should eq 1 expect(result[:data].first[:id]).to eq( end it 'filters the data with has_many filter' do t = Tag.create!(title: 'keyword') t2 = Tag.create!(title: 'cloud') p1 = Product.create!(title: 'foobar') p2 = Product.create!(title: 'buzz') p1.tags << t! p2.tags << t2! result = subject.find_for_table(Product, { arguments: 'tags:title', 'product_filter' => { '__association' => { 'tags.title' => 'cloud' } } }).to_tabulatr_json Product.count.should eq 2 Tag.count.should eq 2 result[:data].count.should eq 1 expect(result[:data].first[:id]).to eq( end it 'invokes given batch actions' do p1 = Product.create!(title: 'foobar') p2 = Product.create!(title: 'buz') expect{ |b| subject.find_for_table(Product, { 'product_batch' => { foo: '' }, 'tabulatr_checked' => { checked_ids: '1,2' } }, &b) }.to yield_control end it 'doesn\'t invoke when there are no batch actions' do p1 = Product.create!(title: 'foobar') p2 = Product.create!(title: 'buz') expect{ |b| subject.find_for_table(Product, {}, &b)} .to_not yield_control end end describe '.build_offset' do it 'figures the correct number of pages' do pages = Tabulatr::Finder.build_offset(1, 10, 302, {}) expect(pages[:pages]).to eq 31 end end end