module MiniAutobot class Runner attr_accessor :options @after_hooks = [] def self.after_run(&blk) @after_hooks << blk end def!(args) exit_code = @after_hooks.reverse_each(&:call) Kernel.exit(exit_code || false) end def args = [] Minitest.load_plugins @options = Minitest.process_args args self.before_run reporter = reporter <<[:io], @options) reporter <<[:io], @options) Minitest.reporter = reporter # this makes it available to plugins Minitest.init_plugins @options Minitest.reporter = nil # runnables shouldn't depend on the reporter, ever reporter.start Minitest.__run reporter, @options Minitest.parallel_executor.shutdown reporter.passed? end # before hook where you have parsed @options when loading tests def self.before_run tests_yml_full_path = MiniAutobot.root.join('config/mini_autobot', 'tests.yml').to_s if File.exist? tests_yml_full_path self.load_tests(tests_yml_full_path) else puts "Config file #{tests_yml_full_path} doesn't exist" puts "mini_autobot doesn't know where your tests are located and how they are structured" end end # only load tests you need by specifying env option in command line def self.load_tests(tests_yml_full_path) tests_yml = YAML.load_file tests_yml_full_path self.check_config(tests_yml) tests_dir_relative_path = tests_yml['tests_dir']['relative_path'] multi_host_flag = tests_yml['tests_dir']['multi-host'] default_host = tests_yml['tests_dir']['default_host'] host = @options[:env].split(/_/)[0] rescue default_host self.configure_load_path(tests_dir_relative_path) # load page_objects.rb first Dir.glob("#{tests_dir_relative_path}/#{multi_host_flag ? host+'/' : ''}*.rb") do |f| f.sub!(/^#{tests_dir_relative_path}\//, '') require f end # files under subdirectories shouldn't be loaded, eg. archive/ Dir.glob("#{tests_dir_relative_path}/#{multi_host_flag ? host+'/' : ''}test_cases/*.rb") do |f| f.sub!(/^#{tests_dir_relative_path}\//, '') require f end end def self.check_config(tests_yml) raise "relative_path must be provided in #{tests_yml}" unless tests_yml['tests_dir']['relative_path'].is_a? String raise "multi-host must be provided in #{tests_yml}" unless [true, false].include?(tests_yml['tests_dir']['multi-host']) raise "default_host must be provided in #{tests_yml}" unless tests_yml['tests_dir']['default_host'].is_a? String end def self.configure_load_path(tests_dir_relative_path) tests_dir_full_path = MiniAutobot.root.join(tests_dir_relative_path).to_s if Dir.exist? tests_dir_full_path $LOAD_PATH << tests_dir_full_path else puts "Tests directory #{tests_dir_full_path} doesn't exist" puts "No test will run." end end end end