# README ## Name fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log ## Description Fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log is a Fluentd plugin to parse [Groonga](http://groonga.org/)'s [query log](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/log.html#query-log) with Fluentd. You can detect slow query in real time by using this plugin. ## Install % gem install fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log ## Usage TODO ## Authors * Kouhei Sutou `` ## License LGPL 3. See doc/text/lgpl-3.txt for details. (Kouhei Sutou has a right to change the license including contributed patches.) ## Mailing list * English: [groonga-talk](https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/groonga-talk) * Japanese: [groonga-dev](http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/listinfo/groonga-dev) ## Source The repository for fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log is on [GitHub](https://github.com/groonga/fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log/). ## Thanks * ...