module Katello module ProvidersHelper include SyncManagementHelper include SyncManagementHelper::RepoMethods def redhat_repo_tabs [ {:id => :rpms, :name => _('RPMs'), :products => {}}, {:id => :kickstarts, :name => _('Kickstarts'), :products => {}}, {:id => :srpms, :name => _('Source RPMs'), :products => {}}, {:id => :debug, :name => _('Debug RPMs'), :products => {}}, {:id => :beta, :name => _('Beta'), :products => {}}, {:id => :isos, :name => _('ISOs'), :products => {}}, {:id => :ostree, :name => _('OSTree'), :products => {}}, {:id => :other, :name => _('Other'), :products => {}} ] end def redhat_repo_tab(provider, tab_id) tabs = {}.with_indifferent_access redhat_repo_tabs.each { |tab| tabs[tab[:id]] = tab } product_content = provider.organization.filtered_product_content provider.products.each do |product| selected_contents = { |pc| pc.product_id == }.select(&:displayable?) selected_contents.each do |prod_content| name = if prod_content.content_type == ::Katello::Repository::CANDLEPIN_OSTREE_TYPE key = :ostree elsif name.include?(" Beta ") key = :beta elsif name.include?("(Source RPMs)") key = :srpms elsif name.include?("(Debug RPMs)") key = :debug elsif name.include?("(ISOs)") || name.include?("Source ISOs") key = :isos elsif name.include?("(RPMs)") key = :rpms elsif name.include?("(Kickstart)") key = :kickstarts else key = :other end tabs[key][:products][] ||= [] tabs[key][:products][] << prod_content end end tabs[tab_id] end def product_map @product_map ||= normalize(collect_repos( @provider.products, current_organization.library)) @product_map end # make the structure plain setting it's attributes according to the tree (namely id and class) def normalize(children, parent_set = [], data = [], item_type = nil) children.sort_by { |a| a[:name] }.each do |child| new_set = parent_set + [child[:id]] item = { :id => id(new_set), :class => parent_set_class(parent_set), :name => child[:name], :item => child, :type => item_type || child[:type] } item[:id] = product_id(child[:id]) if item[:type] == "product" data << item normalize(child[:children], new_set, data) if child[:children].present? normalize(child[:repos], new_set, data, "repository") if child[:repos].present? end data end def name_from_url(provider, url) url.sub(provider.discovery_url, '').tr('/', ' ').strip end def label_from_url(provider, url) Util::Model.labelize(name_from_url(provider, url)) end end end