require 'test/test_helper' class RegistrationTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest test 'a guest admin should be able to sign in successfully' do get new_admin_session_path click_link 'Sign up' assert_template 'registrations/new' fill_in 'email', :with => '' fill_in 'password', :with => 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', :with => 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' assert_contain 'You have signed up successfully.' assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) admin = Admin.last assert_equal, '' end test 'a guest user should be able to sign up successfully and be blocked by confirmation' do get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', :with => '' fill_in 'password', :with => 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', :with => 'new_user123' click_button 'Sign up' assert_contain 'You have signed up successfully.' assert_contain 'Sign in' assert_not_contain 'Confirm your account' assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) user = User.last assert_equal, '' assert_not user.confirmed? end test 'a guest user cannot sign up with invalid information' do get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', :with => 'invalid_email' fill_in 'password', :with => 'new_user123' fill_in 'password confirmation', :with => 'new_user321' click_button 'Sign up' assert_template 'registrations/new' assert_have_selector '#errorExplanation' assert_contain "Email is invalid" assert_contain "Password doesn't match confirmation" assert_nil User.first assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a guest should not sign up with email/password that already exists' do user = create_user get new_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', :with => '' fill_in 'password', :with => '123456' fill_in 'password confirmation', :with => '123456' click_button 'Sign up' assert_template 'registrations/new' assert_contain 'Email has already been taken' assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'a guest should not be able to change account' do get edit_user_registration_path assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path(:unauthenticated => true) end test 'a signed in user should not be able to access sign up' do sign_in_as_user get new_user_registration_path assert_redirected_to root_path end test 'a signed in user should be able to edit his account' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', :with => '' fill_in 'current password', :with => '123456' click_button 'Update' assert_template 'home/index' assert_contain 'You updated your account successfully.' assert_equal "", end test 'a signed in user should not change his current user with invalid password' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'email', :with => '' fill_in 'current password', :with => 'invalid' click_button 'Update' assert_template 'registrations/edit' assert_contain '' assert_have_selector 'form input[value=""]' assert_equal "", end test 'a signed in user should be able to edit his password' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path fill_in 'password', :with => 'pas123' fill_in 'password confirmation', :with => 'pas123' fill_in 'current password', :with => '123456' click_button 'Update' assert_template 'home/index' assert_contain 'You updated your account successfully.' assert User.first.valid_password?('pas123') end test 'a signed in user should be able to cancel his account' do sign_in_as_user get edit_user_registration_path click_link "Cancel my account", :method => :delete assert_contain "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon." assert User.all.empty? end end