{Gem Version}[http://badge.fury.io/rb/timepiece] = Timepiece Timepiece is a Rails plugin providing a simple digital clock, accurate to your server's time and maintained by jQuery. == Installation 1. Add Timepiece to your application's Gemfile gem 'timepiece' 2. Require timepiece in app/assets/javascripts/application.js //= require timepiece == Usage * Add a functional clock to your views <%= timepiece %> * Pass a timezone paramater (Defaults to 'UTC') <%= timepiece('London') %> * Show a 12 hour clock by specifying it explicitly <%= timepiece('London', '12') %> By default the 12 hour clock displays time without any leading character, in the format '1:23pm'. You can add either a zero, as present on the 24 hour clock, or a leading space character the size of a numerical digit - useful for keeping your clocks aligned. * To add a leading zero to hour values less than ten <%= timepiece('London', '12', '0') %> or <%= timepiece('London', '12', 'zero') %> * To add a space character <%= timepiece('London', '12', '_') %> or <%= timepiece('London', '12', 'space') %> You can apply your own styles to any part of the Timepiece clock. For instance, you can capitalize the AM/PM abbreviation by targeting the span with class 'timepiece-abbr'. By default, the abbreviations are displayed without punctuation. To add punctuation, you can specify it in the options. * Add punctuation to am/pm abbreviation <%= timepiece('London', '12', '0', '.') %>