# HashIsh - A [Hashie::Mash](https://github.com/intridea/hashie#mash) knockoff - This is a prototype - Built and tested with Ruby 2.2.3 ## Setup Add it to your Gemfile or... ``` gem install hash_ish ``` ## Usage ``` require 'hash_ish' # insert hash into new hash_ish hash = { a { b: "c" } } hash_ish = HashIsh.new(hash) # access hash keys with method calls hash_ish.a.b # returns 'c' ``` ## Known issues - currently only supports hash keys that would be valid method names ``` # this works HashIsh.new(foo: "bar").foo # bar # this blows up HashIsh.new(123 => 456) ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).