# Copyright Cloudinary require 'digest/sha1' require 'zlib' class Cloudinary::Utils SHARED_CDN = "d3jpl91pxevbkh.cloudfront.net" # Warning: options are being destructively updated! def self.generate_transformation_string(options={}) size = options.delete(:size) options[:width], options[:height] = size.split("x") if size width = options[:width] height = options[:height] options.delete(:width) if width && width.to_f < 1 options.delete(:height) if height && height.to_f < 1 crop = options.delete(:crop) width=height=nil if crop.nil? x = options.delete(:x) y = options.delete(:y) radius = options.delete(:radius) gravity = options.delete(:gravity) quality = options.delete(:quality) base_transformations = build_array(options.delete(:transformation)) if base_transformations.any?{|base_transformation| base_transformation.is_a?(Hash)} base_transformations = base_transformations.map do |base_transformation| base_transformation.is_a?(Hash) ? generate_transformation_string(base_transformation) : generate_transformation_string(:transformation=>base_transformation) end else named_transformation = base_transformations.join(".") base_transformations = [] end prefix = options.delete(:prefix) params = {:w=>width, :h=>height, :t=>named_transformation, :c=>crop, :q=>quality, :g=>gravity, :p=>prefix, :x=>x, :y=>y, :r=>radius} transformation = params.reject{|k,v| v.blank?}.map{|k,v| [k.to_s, v]}.sort_by(&:first).map{|k,v| "#{k}_#{v}"}.join(",") raw_transformation = options.delete(:raw_transformation) transformation = [transformation, raw_transformation].reject(&:blank?).join(",") (base_transformations << transformation).reject(&:blank?).join("/") end def self.api_sign_request(params_to_sign, api_secret) to_sign = params_to_sign.reject{|k,v| v.blank?}.map{|k,v| [k.to_s, v.is_a?(Array) ? v.join(",") : v]}.sort_by(&:first).map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("&") Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{to_sign}#{api_secret}") end # Warning: options are being destructively updated! def self.cloudinary_url(source, options = {}) transformation = self.generate_transformation_string(options) type = options.delete(:type) resource_type = options.delete(:resource_type) || "image" version = options.delete(:version) format = options.delete(:format) cloud_name = options.delete(:cloud_name) || Cloudinary.config.cloud_name || raise("Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration") secure = options.delete(:secure) || Cloudinary.config.secure private_cdn = options.delete(:private_cdn) || Cloudinary.config.private_cdn secure_distribution = options.delete(:secure_distribution) || Cloudinary.config.secure_distribution force_remote = options.delete(:force_remote) if !force_remote return source if (type.nil? || type == :asset) && source.match(%r(^https?:/)i) if source.start_with?("/") if source.start_with?("/images/") source = source.sub(%r(/images/), '') else return source end end @metadata ||= defined?(Cloudinary::Static) ? Cloudinary::Static.metadata : {} if type == :asset && @metadata["images/#{source}"] return source if !Cloudinary.config.static_image_support original_source = source source = @metadata["images/#{source}"]["public_id"] source += File.extname(original_source) if !format elsif type == :asset return source # requested asset, but no metadata - probably local file. return. end end type ||= :upload source = "#{source}.#{format}" if !format.blank? && type != :fetch source = smart_escape(source) if [:fetch, :asset].include?(type) if cloud_name.start_with?("/") prefix = "/res" + cloud_name else if secure && secure_distribution.nil? if private_cdn raise "secure_distribution not defined" else secure_distribution = SHARED_CDN end end if secure prefix = "https://#{secure_distribution}" else cdn_subdomain = options.include?(:cdn_subdomain) ? options[:cdn_subdomain] : Cloudinary.config.cdn_subdomain subdomain = cdn_subdomain ? "a#{(Zlib::crc32(source) % 5) + 1}." : "" prefix = "http://#{subdomain}#{private_cdn ? "#{cloud_name}-" : ""}res.cloudinary.com" end prefix += "/#{cloud_name}" if !private_cdn end source = prefix + "/" + [resource_type, type, transformation, version ? "v#{version}" : nil, source].reject(&:blank?).join("/").gsub(%r(([^:])//), '\1/') end def self.cloudinary_api_url(action = 'upload', options = {}) cloudinary = options[:upload_prefix] || Cloudinary.config.upload_prefix || "https://api.cloudinary.com" cloud_name = Cloudinary.config.cloud_name || raise("Must supply cloud_name") resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" return [cloudinary, "v1_1", cloud_name, resource_type, action].join("/") end def self.asset_file_name(path) data = Rails.root.join(path).read(:mode=>"rb") ext = path.extname md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) public_id = "#{path.basename(ext)}-#{md5}" "#{public_id}#{ext}" end # Based on CGI::unescape. In addition does not escape / : def self.smart_escape(string) string.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-\/:]+)/) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.bytesize).join('%').upcase end.tr(' ', '+') end def self.random_public_id (defined?(ActiveSupport::SecureRandom) ? ActiveSupport::SecureRandom : SecureRandom).base64(16).downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/, "") end @@json_decode = false def self.json_decode(str) if !@@json_decode @@json_decode = true begin require 'json' rescue LoadError begin require 'active_support/json' rescue LoadError raise "Please add the json gem or active_support to your Gemfile" end end end defined?(JSON) ? JSON.parse(str) : ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(str) end def self.build_array(array) case array when Array then array when nil then [] else [array] end end end