# fluent-plugin-anonymizer [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-anonymizer.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-anonymizer)
## Overview
Fluentd filter output plugin to anonymize records with MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 algorithms. This data masking plugin protects privacy data such as ID, email, phone number, IP address and so on.
## Installation
### native gem
gem install fluent-plugin-anonymizer
### td-agent gem
/usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-anonymizer
## Tutorial
#### configuration
It is a sample to hash record with sha1 for `user_id`, `member_id` and `mail`. For IP address, rounding number with 24bit netmask with `ipv4_mask_keys` and `ipv4_mask_subnet` option.
type anonymizer
sha1_keys user_id, member_id, mail
ipv4_mask_keys host
ipv4_mask_subnet 24
remove_tag_prefix test.
add_rag_prefix anonymized.
type stdout
#### result
$ echo '{"host":"","member_id":"12345", "mail":"example@example.com"}' | fluent-cat test.message
$ tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2013-11-19 18:30:21 +0900 anonymized.message: {"host":"","member_id":"8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964","mail":"914fec35ce8bfa1a067581032f26b053591ee38a"}
## Parameters
* `md5_keys` `sha1_keys` `sha256_keys` `sha384_keys` `sha512_keys`
Specify which hash algorithm to be used for following one or more keys.
* `hash_salt` (default: none)
This salt affects for `md5_keys` `sha1_keys` `sha256_keys` `sha384_keys` `sha512_keys` settings.
It is recommend to set a hash salt to prevent rainbow table attacks.
* `ipv4_mask_keys`
* `ipv4_mask_subnet` (default: 24)
Round number for following one or more keys. It makes easy to aggregate calculation.
| ipv4_mask_subnet | input | output |
| 24 | | |
| 16 | | |
| 8 | | |
* include_tag_key (default: false)
Add original tag name into filtered record using SetTagKeyMixin function.
* remove_tag_prefix
* remove_tag_suffix
* add_tag_prefix
* add_tag_suffix
Edit tag format using HandleTagNameMixin function.
## Notes
* hashing nested value behavior is compatible with [LogStash::Filters::Anonymize](https://github.com/logstash/logstash/blob/master/lib/logstash/filters/anonymize.rb) does. For further details, please check it out the test code at [test_emit_nest_value](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-anonymizer/blob/master/test/plugin/test_out_anonymizer.rb#L98).
## Blog Articles
* http://y-ken.hatenablog.com/entry/fluent-plugin-anonymizer-has-released
Pull requests are very welcome!!
## Copyright
Copyright © 2013- Kentaro Yoshida ([@yoshi_ken](https://twitter.com/yoshi_ken))
## License
Apache License, Version 2.0