# ContentsCore [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/contents_core.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/contents_core) A Rails gem which offer a simple structure to manage contents in a flexible way. _NOTE_: this is an **ALPHA** version, major changes could happens - this is a refactoring of another gem of mine (editable_components) Goals: - attach the contents structure to a model transparently - improve block views management - add fields to blocks without migrations ### Install - Add to the Gemfile: `gem 'contents_core'` - Copy migrations (Rails 5.x syntax, in Rails 4.x use `rake`): `rails contents_core:install:migrations` - Execute migrations - Add the concern *Blocks* to your model (ex. *Page*): `include ContentsCore::Blocks` - Add the blocks to a view (ex. *page show*): `= render partial: 'contents_core/blocks', locals: { container: @page }` ### Config Edit the conf file: `config/initializers/contents_core.rb` ```ruby conf = ContentsCore.config # Adds a new custom block conf[:cc_blocks][:custom] = { name: 'Custom block', items: { title: :item_string, content: :item_text, image: :item_file } } ContentsCore.config( { components: conf[:cc_blocks] } ) ``` Create the new view blocks: `app/views/contents_core/_block_custom.html.slim` ```slim - if block .title = block.get( 'title' ) .text == block.get( 'content' ) .image = image_tag block.get( 'image' ).url( :thumb ) ``` #### Images To add support for images add CarrierWave gem to your Gemfile and execute: `rails generate uploader Image` and update che config file *config/initializers/contents_core.rb* with: ```rb module ContentsCore ItemFile.class_eval do mount_uploader :data_file, ImageUploader def init self.data_file = File.open( Rails.root.join( 'public', 'images', 'original', 'missing.jpg' ) ) self end end end ``` Another way is to override the *ItemFile* model (*app/models/contents_core/item_file.rb*): ```rb module ContentsCore class ItemFile < Item mount_uploader :data_file, ImageUploader alias_attribute :data, :data_file def init self.data_file = File.open( Rails.root.join( 'public', 'images', 'original', 'missing.jpg' ) ) self end def self.type_name 'file' end end end ``` #### Customizations To create a "free form" block just use: `Page.first.create_block :intro, name: 'IntroBlock', schema: { intro: :item_string, subtitle: :item_string }` Then create a *app/view/contents_core/_block_intro* view. To list the blocks of a page: `Page.first.cc_blocks.pluck :name` To add a new field to an existing block (ex. to first Page, on the first Block): ```rb block = Page.first.get_block 'text-1' block.create_item( 'ContentsCore::ItemString', 'new-field' ).set( 'A test...' ).save ``` Then add to the block view: `block.get( 'new-field' )` To set a field value: `block.set( 'new-field', 'Some value' )` #### ActiveAdmin If you use ActiveAdmin as admin interface you can find a sample model configuration [here](extra/activeadmin_page.rb) ### Notes - Blocks types: `ContentsCore::Block.block_types` - Default blocks [here](config/initializers/contents_core.rb) #### Structure - Including the Blocks concern to a model will add `has_many :cc_blocks` relationship (the list of blocks attached to a container) and some utility methods - Block: UI component, a group of items (ex. a text with a title, a slider, a 3 column text widget, etc.); built with a list of sub blocks (for nested components) and a list of items - Item: a single piece of information (ex. a string, a text, a boolean, an integer, a file, etc.) with a virtual method named *data* ## Contributors - [Mattia Roccoberton](http://blocknot.es) - creator, maintainer