Ext.ns("Ext.netzke.form"); /* A very simple CheckboxGroup extension, which serializes its checkboxes' "boxLabel" attributes into a string. Config options: * separator - separator of values in the string (defaults to ",") * options - all checkboxes, by boxLabel, e.g.: ["Cool", "To read", "Important"] */ Ext.define('Ext.netzke.form.CommaListCbg', { extend: 'Ext.form.CheckboxGroup', alias: 'widget.commalistcbg', separator: ",", initComponent: function(){ this.items = []; Ext.each(this.options, function(o){ this.items.push({ boxLabel: o, displayOnly:true }); }, this); this.callParent(); }, getSubmitData: function(){ var res = []; Ext.each(this.getChecked(), function( item ){ res.push( item.boxLabel ) }); res = res.join(this.separator); var o = {}; o[this.name]=res; return o; }, setValue: function(v){ if (Ext.isString(v)) { var passedValues = v.split(this.separator); this.items.each(function(i){ i.setValue( passedValues.indexOf(i.boxLabel) >= 0 ); }); // we can alse set values the Ext way } else { this.callParent(arguments); } }, setReadonlyMode: function(onOff) { this.items.each(function(i){ i.setReadonlyMode(onOff); }); } });