class Bio::FinishM::RoundUp include Bio::FinishM::Logging DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :contig_end_length => 200, :graph_search_leash_length => 20000, :unscaffold_first => false, :recoherence_kmer => 1, :debug => false, :gapfill_only => false, :max_explore_nodes => 10000, :max_gapfill_paths => 10, :gapfill_with_max_coverage => false, } def add_options(optparse_object, options) optparse_object.banner = "\nUsage: finishm roundup --genomes [,,...] --fastq-gz --output-directory Takes one or more genomes and tries to improve their quality by reducing the number of scaffolds and N characters they contain. Example: finishm roundup --genomes genome1.fasta,genome2.fasta --fastq-gz reads.1.fq.gz,reads.2.fq.gz --output-directory finishm_roundup_results That will create a collapsed de-Bruijn graph from reads.1.fq.gz and reads.2.fq.gz, then try to find connections between the starts and the ends of the contigs in genome1.fasta. If any connections between contigs are mutually exclusive, then they are incorporated into scaffolds together, and gapfilling is attempted. The final sequences are output in the finishm_roundup_results directory in FASTA format. The procedure is then repeated for genome2.fasta. \n\n" options.merge!(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) optparse_object.separator "\nRequired arguments:\n\n" optparse_object.on("--genomes FASTA_1[,FASTA_2...]", Array, "fasta files of genomes to be improved [required]") do |arg| options[:assembly_files] = arg end optparse_object.on("--output-directory PATH", "Output results to this directory [required]") do |arg| options[:output_directory] = arg end optparse_object.separator "\nThere must be some definition of reads too:\n\n" #TODO improve this help, options) optparse_object.separator "\nOptional arguments:\n\n" optparse_object.on("--overhang NUM", Integer, "Start assembling this far from the ends of the contigs [default: #{options[:contig_end_length] }]") do |arg| options[:contig_end_length] = arg.to_i end optparse_object.on("--recoherence-kmer NUM", Integer, "Use a kmer longer than the original velvet one, to help remove bubbles and circular paths [default: none]") do |arg| options[:recoherence_kmer] = arg end optparse_object.on("--leash-length NUM", Integer, "Don't explore too far in the graph, only this far and not much more [default: #{options[:graph_search_leash_length] }]") do |arg| options[:graph_search_leash_length] = arg end optparse_object.on("--unscaffold-first", "Break the scaffolds in the contigs file apart, and then wander between the resultant contigs. This option is only relevant to the wander step; gapfilling is attempted on all gaps by default. [default: #{options[:unscaffold_first] }]") do options[:unscaffold_first] = true end optparse_object.on("--gapfill-only", "Don't wander, just gapfill [default: #{options[:gapfill_only] }]") do options[:gapfill_only] = true end optparse_object.on("--max-gapfill-paths NUM", Integer, "When this number of paths is exceeded, don't gapfill, print as Ns [default: #{options[:max_gapfill_paths] }]") do |arg| options[:max_gapfill_paths] = arg end optparse_object.on("--max-explore-nodes NUM", Integer, "Only explore this many nodes. If max is reached, do not make connections. [default: #{options[:max_explore_nodes] }]") do |arg| options[:max_explore_nodes] = arg end optparse_object.on("--gapfill-with-max-coverage", "When gapfilling, take the path with maximal coverage and do not print variants [default: #{options[:gapfill_with_max_coverage] }]") do options[:gapfill_with_max_coverage] = true end optparse_object.on("--debug", "Build the graph, then drop to a pry console. [default: #{options[:debug] }]") do options[:debug] = true end optparse_object.on("--probe NUM",Integer,"debug mode: explore from this probe number (1-based index), gapfill only, no wander. [default: explore from all probes}]") do |arg| options[:interesting_probes] = [arg-1] #convert to 0-based index options[:gapfill_only] = true end #optparse_object.on("--proceed-on-short-contigs", "By default, when overly short contigs are encountered, finishm croaks. This option stops the croaking [default: #{options[:proceed_on_short_contigs] }]") do # options[:proceed_on_short_contigs] = true #end optparse_object, options end def validate_options(options, argv) #TODO: give a better description of the error that has occurred #TODO: require reads options if argv.length != 0 return "Dangling argument(s) found e.g. #{argv[0] }" else [ :assembly_files, :output_directory, ].each do |sym| if options[sym].nil? return "No option found to specify #{sym}." end end #if return nil from here, options all were parsed successfully return, []) end end def run(options, argv=[]) # Make sure output directory is writeable to avoid late croaking output_directory = setup_output_directory options[:output_directory] # Gather the probes from each genome supplied genomes = Bio::FinishM::InputGenome.parse_genome_fasta_files( options[:assembly_files], options[:contig_end_length], options ) # Generate one velvet assembly to rule them all (forging the assembly is hard work..) probe_sequences = genomes.collect{|genome| genome.probe_sequences}.flatten # Generate the graph with the probe sequences in it. read_input = read_input.parse_options options master_graph =, read_input, options) binding.pry if options[:debug] # For each genome, wander, gapfill, then output wanderer = gapfiller = printer = genomes.each do |genome| # wander using just the probes on the ends of the scaffolds connected_scaffolds = nil all_connections = [] gaps_filled_in_genome = 0 wandered_probe_indices = nil, File.basename(genome.filename)+".report.txt"),'w') do |report| report.puts "#{} FinishM report for roundup run with: #{options.inspect}" if options[:gapfill_only] "Skipping wander, gapfilling only" connected_scaffolds =[], (0...genome.scaffolds.length)).scaffolds([]) else log.debug "Wandering.." connected_scaffolds, all_connections, wandered_probe_indices = wander_a_genome(wanderer, genome, master_graph, options, report) end # Write out all the connections, File.basename(genome.filename)+".connections.csv"),'w') do |con_file| all_connections.each do |connection| con_file.puts connection end end output_path = File.join(output_directory, File.basename(genome.filename)+".scaffolds.fasta") variants_path = File.join(output_directory, File.basename(genome.filename)+".at_least_half_completely_wrong.vcf") num_circular_scaffolds = 0, 'w') do |output_file|,'w') do |variants_file| variants_file.puts %w(#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO).join("\t") # gapfill between # (1) interpreted_connections # (2) gaps that were present before above wander connected_scaffolds.each_with_index do |cross_scaffold_connection, connected_scaffold_index| superscaffold_name = "scaffold#{connected_scaffold_index+1}" pretend_contig = cross_scaffold_connection.contigs[0] first_scaffold_index = pretend_contig.sequence_index # Gapfill contigs within the scaffold on the extreme LHS scaffold_sequence, num_gaps, variants = gapfill_a_scaffold(gapfiller, printer, master_graph, genome, first_scaffold_index, pretend_contig.direction, superscaffold_name, report, variants_file, options) gaps_filled_in_genome += num_gaps last_contig = nil cross_scaffold_connection.contigs.each_with_index do |contig, superscaffold_index| unless last_contig.nil? #skip the first contig - it be done last_name = genome.scaffolds[last_contig.sequence_index].name current_name = genome.scaffolds[contig.sequence_index].name log.debug "Connecting #{last_name} and #{current_name}" if log.debug? # Ready the contig on the RHS of this join # Gapfill within the scaffold on the RHS of the new gap rhs_sequence, num_gaps, variants = gapfill_a_scaffold(gapfiller, printer, master_graph, genome, contig.sequence_index, contig.direction, superscaffold_name, report, variants_file, options) gaps_filled_in_genome += num_gaps # Gapfill across the new gap between scaffolds aconn = gapfiller.gapfill(master_graph, last_contig.direction == true ? genome.last_probe(last_contig.sequence_index).index : genome.first_probe(last_contig.sequence_index).index, contig.direction == true ? genome.first_probe(contig.sequence_index).index : genome.last_probe(contig.sequence_index).index, options ) second_sequence = genome.scaffolds[contig.sequence_index].contigs[0].sequence log.debug "Found #{aconn.paths.length} connections between #{last_name} and #{current_name}" if log.debug? if aconn.paths.length == 0 # when this occurs, it is due to there being a circuit in the path, so no paths are printed. # (at least for now) TODO: this could be improved. # Just arbitrarily put in 100 N characters, to denote a join, but no gapfill scaffold_sequence = scaffold_sequence+('N'*100)+rhs_sequence else acon.collapse_paths_to_maximal_coverage_path! if options[:gapfill_with_max_coverage] scaffold_sequence, variants = printer.ready_two_contigs_and_connections( master_graph.graph, scaffold_sequence, aconn, rhs_sequence, master_graph.velvet_sequences ) # Print variants # TODO: need to change coordinates of variants, particularly when >2 contigs are joined? variants.each do |variant| variant.reference_name = superscaffold_name variants_file.puts variant.vcf(scaffold_sequence) end end end last_contig = contig end #Output the scaffold to the output directory descriptor = nil if cross_scaffold_connection.circular? descriptor = 'circular' num_circular_scaffolds += 1 else descriptor = 'scaffold' end scaffold_names = cross_scaffold_connection.contigs.collect do |contig| genome.scaffolds[contig.sequence_index].name end output_file.puts ">#{superscaffold_name} #{descriptor} #{scaffold_names.join(':') }" output_file.puts scaffold_sequence end num_connected_scaffolds = genome.scaffolds.length - connected_scaffolds.length "Wrote #{connected_scaffolds.length} scaffolds to #{output_path}, after scaffolding #{num_connected_scaffolds} scaffolds together (#{num_circular_scaffolds} were circular) and filling #{gaps_filled_in_genome} gaps." end end end end end def setup_output_directory(given_directory) output_directory = File.absolute_path(given_directory) log.debug "Using output directory: #{output_directory}" if log.debug? if File.exist?(output_directory) if ! log.error "Specified --output-directory #{output_directory} exists but is a file and not a directory. Cannot continue." exit 1 elsif !File.writable?(output_directory) log.error "Specified --output-directory #{output_directory} is not writeable. Cannot continue." exit 1 else log.debug "Already existing output directory #{output_directory} seems usable" end else # Creating a new output directory Dir.mkdir(output_directory) end return output_directory end def wander_a_genome(wanderer, genome, master_probed_graph, options, report) # Create new finishm_graph with only probes from the ends of the scaffolds of this genome probe_indices = [] genome.each_scaffold_end_numbered_probe{|probe| probe_indices.push(probe.number)} genome_graph = master_probed_graph.subgraph(probe_indices) num_scaffolds = genome.scaffolds.length all_connections = wanderer.probed_graph_to_connections(genome_graph, options) interpreter =, (0...num_scaffolds)) connections = interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections report.puts "Found #{connections.length} connections between contigs that can be used for scaffolding" unconnected_probes = interpreter.unconnected_probes report.puts "Found #{unconnected_probes.length} contig ends that did not connect to any others" unconnected_probes.each do |probe| report.puts "Did not connect to any other probes: #{probe.inspect}" end return interpreter.scaffolds(connections), all_connections, probe_indices end def gapfill_a_scaffold(gapfiller, printer, master_graph, genome, scaffold_index, scaffold_direction, superscaffold_name, report, variants_file, options) connections = [] genome.each_gap_probe_pair(scaffold_index) do |probe1, probe2| "Gapfilling between probes #{probe1.number+1} and #{probe2.number+1}.." next unless options[:interesting_probes].nil? or options[:interesting_probes].include?(probe1.number) or options[:interesting_probes].include?(probe2.number) connections.push gapfiller.gapfill(master_graph, probe1.index, probe2.index, options) end log.debug "Found #{connections.length} connections" if log.debug? all_variants = [] num_gapfills = 0 scaffold = genome.scaffolds[scaffold_index] gapfilled_sequence = genome.scaffolds[scaffold_index].contigs[0].sequence connections.each_with_index do |aconn, i| rhs_sequence = scaffold.contigs[i+1].sequence gapfilled_sequence, variants, gapfilled = piece_together_gapfill( printer, master_graph, gapfilled_sequence, aconn, rhs_sequence, genome.gap_length(scaffold_index, i), options[:max_gapfill_paths] ) if gapfilled num_gapfills += 1 variants.each{|v| all_variants << v} to_log = "Filled a gap on genome #{genome.filename}: scaffold #{}: #{scaffold.contigs[i].scaffold_position_end+1}-#{scaffold.contigs[i+1].scaffold_position_start-1}" report.puts to_log to_log end end if scaffold_direction == false gapfilled_sequence = revcom(gapfilled_sequence) all_variants.each do |variant| variant.position = gapfilled_sequence.length - variant.position variant.reverse! end end all_variants.each do |variant| variant.reference_name = superscaffold_name variants_file.puts variant.vcf(gapfilled_sequence) end return gapfilled_sequence, num_gapfills, all_variants end def piece_together_gapfill(printer, master_graph, first_sequence, aconn, second_sequence, gap_length, max_gapfill_paths, options) scaffold_sequence = nil gapfilled = -1 if aconn.paths.length == 0 or aconn.paths.length > max_gapfill_paths # No paths found. Just fill with Ns like it was before scaffold_sequence = first_sequence + 'N'*gap_length + second_sequence gapfilled = false else acon.collapse_paths_to_maximal_coverage_path! if options[:gapfill_with_max_coverage] scaffold_sequence, variants = printer.ready_two_contigs_and_connections( master_graph.graph, first_sequence, aconn, second_sequence, master_graph.velvet_sequences ) gapfilled = true end scaffold_sequence.gsub!('-','') #remove gaps i.e. where the consensus is a gap return scaffold_sequence, variants, gapfilled end def revcom(seq) end end