# frozen_string_literal: true # Ruby standard library require 'base64' class String # Encode the string into base64 # @param opts [Hash] optional parameters # @option opts [Symbol] :mode Default value: +:strict+. # Other values are +:strict+ (+:rfc4648+) or +:urlsafe+. # @see https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.5/libdoc/base64/rdoc/Base64.html # @return [String] the Base64 encoded string # @example # 'Super lib!'.to_b64 # => "U3VwZXIgbGliIQ==" def to_b64(opts = {}) opts[:mode] ||= :strict return Base64.strict_encode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :strict || opts[:mode] == :rfc4648 return Base64.encode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :rfc2045 return Base64.urlsafe_encode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :urlsafe end # Encode the string into base64 in place as described for {String#to_b64}. # @return [nil] # @example # myStr = 'Ruby' # => "Ruby" # myStr.to_b64! # => nil # myStr # => "UnVieQ==" def to_b64!(opts = {}) opts[:mode] ||= :strict replace(to_b64) if opts[:mode] == :strict || opts[:mode] == :rfc4648 replace(to_b64(mode: :rfc2045)) if opts[:mode] == :rfc2045 replace(to_b64(mode: :urlsafe)) if opts[:mode] == :urlsafe end # Decode the string from base64 # @param opts [Hash] optional parameters # @option opts [Symbol] :mode Default value: +:strict+. # Other values are +:strict+ (+:rfc4648+) or +:urlsafe+. # @see https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.5/libdoc/base64/rdoc/Base64.html # @return [String] the Base64 decoded string # @example # 'UnVieQ=='.from_b64 # => "Ruby" def from_b64(opts = {}) opts[:mode] ||= :strict return Base64.strict_decode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :strict || opts[:mode] == :rfc4648 return Base64.decode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :rfc2045 return Base64.urlsafe_decode64(self) if opts[:mode] == :urlsafe end # Decode the string from base64 in place as described for {String#from_b64}. # @return [nil] # @example # a = 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh' # => "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh" # a.from_b64! # => nil # a # => "Hello world!" def from_b64!(opts = {}) opts[:mode] ||= :strict replace(from_b64) if opts[:mode] == :strict || opts[:mode] == :rfc4648 replace(from_b64(mode: :rfc2045)) if opts[:mode] == :rfc2045 replace(from_b64(mode: :urlsafe)) if opts[:mode] == :urlsafe end # Is the string encoded in base64? # @param opts [Hash] optional parameters # @option opts [Symbol] :mode Default value: +:strict+. # Other values are +:strict+ (+:rfc4648+) or +:urlsafe+. # @see https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.5/libdoc/base64/rdoc/Base64.html # @return [Boolean] +true+ if the string is a valid base64 string, +false+ # else. # @example # 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh'.b64? # => true # 'SGVsbG8g@@d29ybGQh'.b64? # => false def b64?(opts = {}) opts[:mode] ||= :strict b64 = false # https://www.rexegg.com/regex-ruby.html reg1 = %r{\A(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{4})*(?:|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{3}=)| (?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{2}==)|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{1}===))\Z}xn reg3 = /\A(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{4})*(?:|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{3}=)| (?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{2}==)|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{1}===))\Z/xn if opts[:mode] == :strict || opts[:mode] == :rfc4648 b64 = true if reg1.match?(self) elsif opts[:mode] == :rfc2045 b64 = true split("\n").each do |s| b64 = false unless reg1.match?(s) end elsif opts[:mode] == :urlsafe b64 = true if reg3.match?(self) else raise ArgumentError 'Wrong mode' end return b64 end end