# straightedge [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/jweissman/straightedge/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/jweissman/straightedge) * [Homepage](https://rubygems.org/gems/straightedge) * [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/gems/straightedge/frames) * [Email](mailto:jweissman1986 at gmail.com) ## Description Give me a compass and straightedge and I will conquer the world [![Compass and Straightedge XKCD](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/compass_and_straightedge.png)](http://xkcd.com/866/) Geometry primitives and graphical app (game) framework framework. ## Features * Geometry toolkit - extensible Compass - Ruler (for measuring distances) * Figures composed of points called Marks - Line - Quadrilateral - Hexagon * Some fledgling support for grids * Some reactor-pattern framework platform components to help standardize interfaces (see straightedge-gosu and straightedge-canvas for examples) ## Examples require 'straightedge' # you need an adapter to actually render something require 'straightedge-gosu' class Example::GameController < Straightedge::Director def current_scene { [200,300] => Quadrilateral.new(dimensions: [200,100], color: :green), [200,305] => "rectangle", [400,300] => Hexagon.new(scale: 40.0, color: :blue), [400,305] => "hexagon" } end end ## Requirements Ruby 2.x should be enough ## Install $ gem install straightedge ## Synopsis Eventually it would be nice to support a CLI that wraps around tasks (note: not implemented yet) $ straightedge create [app] — builds an example app skeleton $ straightedge serve — stands up a canvas webserver $ straightedge play — connects to local instance or plays through OpenGL adapter… etc ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Joseph Weissman See {file:LICENSE.txt} for details.