prettyPrint(); // sidebar navigation $(function() { var loc = window.location.href; // returns the full URL if(/overview/.test(loc)) { $('.overview-nav').addClass('active'); } else if(/code_index/.test(loc)) { $('.code-index-nav').addClass('active'); } else if(/smells_index/.test(loc)) { $('.smells-index-nav').addClass('active'); } else if(/simple_cov_index/.test(loc)) { $('.coverage-index-nav').addClass('active'); } }); var turbulenceData = turbulenceData || []; var COLOR = { 'A' : '#00B50E', 'B': '#53D700', 'C': '#FDF400', 'D': '#FF6C00', 'F': '#C40009' }; $("#churn-vs-complexity-graph-container").highcharts({ chart: { type: "scatter", zoomType: "xy" }, title: { text: "Churn vs Complexity" }, xAxis: { title: { enabled: true, text: "Churn" }, floor: 0, startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true }, yAxis: { title: { text: "Complexity" }, floor: 0, startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true }, plotOptions: { series: { turboThreshold: 0 }, scatter: { marker: { radius: 5, states: { hover: { enabled: true, lineColor: "rgb(100,100,100)" } } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: "{point.key}
", pointFormat: "Committed {point.x} times, with Flog score of {point.y}" } } }, series: [{ showInLegend: false, color: "steelblue", data: getMappedTurbulenceData() }] }); function getMappedTurbulenceData(){ var dataWithColorInformation ={ data.color = COLOR[data.rating]; return data; }); return dataWithColorInformation; }; $(function() { $("#gpa-chart").highcharts( { chart: { type: 'pie', events: { load: addTitle, redraw: addTitle, }, }, title: { text: "", useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { pie: { shadow: false } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return ''+ +': '+ this.y +' %'; } }, series: [{ name: 'Browsers', data: getGpaData(), size: '90%', innerSize: '65%', showInLegend:true, dataLabels: { enabled: false } }] }); }); function addTitle() { if (this.title) { this.title.destroy(); } var r = this.renderer, x = this.series[0].center[0] + this.plotLeft, y = this.series[0].center[1] + this.plotTop; this.title = r.label(''+score.toFixed(2)+'/100', 0, 0, "", 0, 0, true) .css({ color: 'black' }).hide().add(); var bbox = this.title.getBBox(); this.title.attr({ x: x - (bbox.width / 2), y: y }).show(); this.title.useHTML = true; }; function getGpaData(){ var ratingACount = getRatingWiseCount("A"); var ratingBCount = getRatingWiseCount("B"); var ratingCCount = getRatingWiseCount("C"); var ratingDCount = getRatingWiseCount("D"); var ratingFCount = getRatingWiseCount("F"); var total = ratingACount + ratingBCount + ratingCCount + ratingDCount + ratingFCount; return [ {name: 'A', y: parseFloat(calculatePercentage(ratingACount, total).toFixed(2)), color: COLOR['A']}, {name: 'B', y: parseFloat(calculatePercentage(ratingBCount, total).toFixed(2)), color: COLOR['B']}, {name: 'C', y: parseFloat(calculatePercentage(ratingCCount, total).toFixed(2)), color: COLOR['C']}, {name: 'D', y: parseFloat(calculatePercentage(ratingDCount, total).toFixed(2)), color: COLOR['D']}, {name: 'F', y: parseFloat(calculatePercentage(ratingFCount, total).toFixed(2)), color: COLOR['F']}, ]; }; function calculatePercentage(gradeCount, total){ return (gradeCount/total)*100; }; function getRatingWiseCount(rating){ var count = 0; turbulenceData.forEach(function(data, index){ if(data.rating === rating){ count++; } }); return count; }; function emphasizeLineFromFragment() { emphasizeLine(window.location.hash) } $(".js-file-code").on("click", ".js-smell-location", emphasizeLineFromHref); function emphasizeLineFromHref(event) { if (hrefTargetIsOnCurrentPage(this) && !event.ctrlKey) { $(".js-file-code li").removeClass("highlight"); var lineId = "#" + this.href.split("#")[1]; emphasizeLine(lineId); return false; } } function hrefTargetIsOnCurrentPage(aTag) { return (window.location.pathname === aTag.pathname); } function emphasizeLine(lineReference) { scrollToTarget(lineReference); highlightLine(lineReference); } function scrollToTarget(lineReference) { window.location.hash = lineReference; $.scrollTo(lineReference, { duration: 300, easing: "linear", offset: {top: -87}, axis: 'y' }); } function highlightLine(lineReference) { $(lineReference).addClass("highlight"); } $("#toggle-code").on("click", showCode); $("#toggle-smells").on("click", showSmells); $("#toggle-coverage").on("click", showCoverage); function showCode() { $('#toggle-code').parent('li').addClass('active'); $('#toggle-smells').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $('#toggle-coverage').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $(".smells").hide(); } function showSmells() { $('#toggle-code').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $('#toggle-coverage').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $('#toggle-smells').parent('li').addClass('active'); $(".smells").show(); } function showCoverage() { $('#toggle-code').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $('#toggle-smells').parent('li').removeClass('active'); $('#toggle-coverage').parent('li').addClass('active'); $(".coverage").show(); } $("#codeTable") .tablesorter({ // Sort the table sortList: [[0,1]] }); $("#js-index-table") .tablesorter({ // Sort the table sortList: [[0,0]] }); $(".js-timeago").timeago(); $(function(){ $('.table-header').click(function(){ $('.table-header').not(this).each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).find('.sort-type').removeClass('table-header-asc'); $(this).find('.sort-type').removeClass('table-header-desc'); }); if($(this).hasClass('active')){ $(this).find('.sort-type').toggleClass('table-header-asc table-header-desc'); } else{ $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).find('.sort-type').addClass('table-header-asc'); } }); }); function assignIdsToCodeLines(){ $($('.linenums')[1]).children().each(function(index){ $(this).attr('id', "L" + index) }); }; $(document).ready(function(){ assignIdsToCodeLines(); emphasizeLineFromFragment(); initTableFilters(); }); var initTableFilters = function() { $("#codeTable").filterTable({ignoreColumns: [2], placeholder: 'Filter by Name'}); $("#js-index-table").filterTable({ignoreColumns: [2, 3, 4, 5], placeholder: 'Filter by Smell or Location', inputSelector: 'form-control'}); }