module Dradis::Plugins::CSV class MappingImportJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :dradis_project # mappings hash: # The key is the column index, while the value is a hash containing the type of resource (evidence/identifier/issue/node). # It's used to map a CSV header to a field in Dradis (only for evidence and issues). # # e.g. # { # '0' => { 'type' => 'node' }, # '1' => { 'type' => 'issue', 'field' => 'Title' }, # '2' => { 'type' => 'identifier' }, # '3' => { 'type' => 'evidence', 'field' => 'Port' } # } def perform(default_user_id:, file:, mappings:, project_id:, uid:) logger = uid) logger.write { "Job id is #{job_id}." } importer = default_user_id: default_user_id, logger: logger, plugin: self.class.module_parent, project_id: project_id ) importer.import_csv(file: file, mappings: mappings) logger.write { 'Worker process completed.' } end end end