SEQUEL_ADAPTER_TEST = :mssql require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') def DB.sqls (@sqls ||= []) end logger = def logger.method_missing(m, msg) DB.sqls << msg end DB.loggers = [logger] describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB end it "should be able to read fractional part of timestamp" do rs = @db["select getutcdate() as full_date, cast(datepart(millisecond, getutcdate()) as int) as milliseconds"].first rs[:milliseconds].must_equal rs[:full_date].usec/1000 end it "should be able to write fractional part of timestamp" do t = Time.utc(2001, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 997000) (t.usec/1000).must_equal @db["select cast(datepart(millisecond, ?) as int) as milliseconds", t].get end it "should not raise an error when getting the server version" do @db.server_version @db.dataset.server_version end end describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table! :test3 do Integer :value Time :time end end after do @db.drop_table?(:test3) end it "should work with NOLOCK" do @db.transaction{@db[:test3].nolock.all.must_equal []} end end describe "MSSQL" do before(:all) do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:test3){Integer :v3} @db.create_table!(:test4){Integer :v4} @db[:test3].import([:v3], [[1], [2]]) @db[:test4].import([:v4], [[1], [3]]) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test3, :test4) end it "should should support CROSS APPLY" do @db[:test3].cross_apply(@db[:test4].where(Sequel[:test3][:v3]=>Sequel[:test4][:v4])).select_order_map([:v3, :v4]).must_equal [[1,1]] end it "should should support OUTER APPLY" do @db[:test3].outer_apply(@db[:test4].where(Sequel[:test3][:v3]=>Sequel[:test4][:v4])).select_order_map([:v3, :v4]).must_equal [[1,1], [2, nil]] end end # This spec is currently disabled as the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express doesn't support # full text searching. Even if full text searching is supported, # you may need to create a full text catalog on the database first via: # CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG ftscd AS DEFAULT describe "MSSQL full_text_search" do before do @db = DB @db.drop_table?(:posts) end after do @db.drop_table?(:posts) end it "should support fulltext indexes and full_text_search" do log do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :id, :null=>false; String :title; String :body; index :id, :name=>:fts_id_idx, :unique=>true; full_text_index :title, :key_index=>:fts_id_idx; full_text_index [:title, :body], :key_index=>:fts_id_idx} @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x') @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['sequel', 'ruby']).all.must_equal [{:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).call(:select, :n=>'rails').must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).prepare(:select, :fts_select).call(:n=>'rails').must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] end end end if false describe "MSSQL Dataset#join_table" do it "should emulate the USING clause with ON" do DB[:items].join(:categories, [:id]).sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] INNER JOIN [CATEGORIES] ON ([CATEGORIES].[ID] = [ITEMS].[ID])' ['SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] INNER JOIN [CATEGORIES] ON (([CATEGORIES].[ID1] = [ITEMS].[ID1]) AND ([CATEGORIES].[ID2] = [ITEMS].[ID2]))', 'SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] INNER JOIN [CATEGORIES] ON (([CATEGORIES].[ID2] = [ITEMS].[ID2]) AND ([CATEGORIES].[ID1] = [ITEMS].[ID1]))']. must_include(DB[:items].join(:categories, [:id1, :id2]).sql) DB[Sequel[:items].as(:i)].join(Sequel[:categories].as(:c), [:id]).sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] AS [I] INNER JOIN [CATEGORIES] AS [C] ON ([C].[ID] = [I].[ID])' end end describe "MSSQL Dataset#output" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @db.create_table!(:out){String :name; Integer :value} @ds = @db[:items] end after do @db.drop_table?(:items, :out) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:deleted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).delete_sql.must_match(/DELETE FROM \[ITEMS\] OUTPUT \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\]/) @ds.output(nil, []).delete_sql.must_match(/DELETE FROM \[ITEMS\] OUTPUT \[DELETED\].*/) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:deleted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).delete_sql.must_match(/DELETE FROM \[ITEMS\] OUTPUT \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\]/) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:deleted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).delete_sql.must_match(/DELETE FROM \[ITEMS\] OUTPUT \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[DELETED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\)/) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:inserted][:value]]).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).must_match(/INSERT INTO \[ITEMS\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\) OUTPUT \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\] VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/) @ds.output(nil, []).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).must_match(/INSERT INTO \[ITEMS\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\) OUTPUT \[INSERTED\].* VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:inserted][:value]]).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).must_match(/INSERT INTO \[ITEMS\] \((\[NAME\]|\[VALUE\]), (\[NAME\]|\[VALUE\])\) OUTPUT \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\] VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:inserted][:value]}).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).must_match(/INSERT INTO \[ITEMS\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\) OUTPUT \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[INSERTED\].\[(NAME|VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\) VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).update_sql(:value => 2).must_match(/UPDATE \[ITEMS\] SET \[VALUE\] = 2 OUTPUT \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\], \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\]/) @ds.output(nil, []).update_sql(:value => 2).must_match(/UPDATE \[ITEMS\] SET \[VALUE\] = 2 OUTPUT \[INSERTED\].*/) end it "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).update_sql(:value => 2).must_match(/UPDATE \[ITEMS\] SET \[VALUE\] = 2 OUTPUT \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\], \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\]/) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).update_sql(:value => 2).must_match(/UPDATE \[ITEMS\] SET \[VALUE\] = 2 OUTPUT \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\], \[(INSERTED\].\[NAME|DELETED\].\[VALUE)\] INTO \[OUT\] \(\[(NAME|VALUE)\], \[(NAME|VALUE)\]\)/) end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in DELETE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:deleted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).delete @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:deleted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).delete @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:inserted][:value]]).insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:inserted][:value]}).insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in UPDATE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).update(:value => 2) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).update(:value => 3) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end end describe "MSSQL dataset using #with and #with_recursive" do before do @db = DB @ds = DB[:t] @ds1 = @ds.with(:t, @db[:x]) @ds2 = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @db[:x], @db[:t]) end it "should prepend UPDATE statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.update_sql(:x => :y).must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X]) UPDATE [T] SET [X] = [Y]' @ds2.update_sql(:x => :y).must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [T]) UPDATE [T] SET [X] = [Y]' end it "should prepend DELETE statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.filter(:y => 1).delete_sql.must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X]) DELETE FROM [T] WHERE ([Y] = 1)' @ds2.filter(:y => 1).delete_sql.must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [T]) DELETE FROM [T] WHERE ([Y] = 1)' end it "should prepend INSERT statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.insert_sql(@db[:t]).must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X]) INSERT INTO [T] SELECT * FROM [T]' @ds2.insert_sql(@db[:t]).must_equal 'WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [T]) INSERT INTO [T] SELECT * FROM [T]' end it "should move WITH clause on joined dataset to top level" do @db[:s].inner_join(@ds1).sql.must_equal "WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X]) SELECT * FROM [S] INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM [T]) AS [T1]" @ds1.inner_join(@db[:s].with(:s, @db[:y])).sql.must_equal "WITH [T] AS (SELECT * FROM [X]), [S] AS (SELECT * FROM [Y]) SELECT * FROM [T] INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM [S]) AS [T1]" end end describe "MSSQL::Dataset#import" do before do @db = DB @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test) end it "#import should work correctly with an arbitrary output value" do @db.create_table!(:test){primary_key :x; Integer :y} @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:y], Sequel[:inserted][:x]]).import([:y], [[3], [4]]).must_equal [{:y=>3, :x=>1}, {:y=>4, :x=>2}] @ds.all.must_equal [{:x=>1, :y=>3}, {:x=>2, :y=>4}] end it "should handle WITH statements" do @db.create_table!(:test){Integer :x; Integer :y} @db[:testx].with(:testx, @db[:test]).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], :slice => 2) @ds.select_order_map([:x, :y]).must_equal [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] end end describe "MSSQL joined datasets" do before do @db = DB end it "should format DELETE statements" do @db[:t1].inner_join(:t2, Sequel[:t1][:pk] => Sequel[:t2][:pk]).delete_sql.must_equal "DELETE FROM [T1] FROM [T1] INNER JOIN [T2] ON ([T1].[PK] = [T2].[PK])" end it "should format UPDATE statements" do @db[:t1].inner_join(:t2, Sequel[:t1][:pk] => Sequel[:t2][:pk]).update_sql(:pk => Sequel[:t2][:pk]).must_equal "UPDATE [T1] SET [PK] = [T2].[PK] FROM [T1] INNER JOIN [T2] ON ([T1].[PK] = [T2].[PK])" end end describe "Offset support" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:i){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i].order(:id) @hs = [] @ds = @ds.with_row_proc(proc{|r| @hs << r.dup; r[:id] *= 2; r[:parent_id] *= 3; r}) @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table?(:i) end it "should return correct rows" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all.must_equal [{:id=>6, :parent_id=>3}, {:id=>8, :parent_id=>3}] end it "should not include offset column in hashes passed to row_proc" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all @hs.must_equal [{:id=>3, :parent_id=>1}, {:id=>4, :parent_id=>1}] end end describe "Common Table Expressions" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @db.create_table!(:i2){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i1] @ds2 = @db[:i2] @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table?(:i1, :i2) end it "using #with should be able to update" do @ds.insert(:id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>3, :parent_id=>2) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).update(:parent_id => @db[:t].filter(:id => Sequel[:i1][:id]).select(:parent_id).limit(1)) @ds[:id => 1].must_equal(:id => 1, :parent_id => nil) @ds[:id => 2].must_equal(:id => 2, :parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 3].must_equal(:id => 3, :parent_id => 2) @ds[:id => 4].must_equal(:id => 4, :parent_id => 1) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to update" do ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1).or(:id => 1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.exclude(:id => @db[:t].select(:i)).update(:parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 1].must_equal(:id => 1, :parent_id => nil) @ds[:id => 2].must_equal(:id => 2, :parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 5].must_equal(:id => 5, :parent_id => 3) end it "using #with should be able to insert" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).insert(@db[:t]) @ds[:id => 7].must_equal(:id => 7, :parent_id => nil) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to insert" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.insert @db[:t] @ds2.all.must_equal [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end it "using #with should be able to delete" do @ds2.insert(:id=>6) @ds2.insert(:id=>5) @ds2.insert(:id=>4) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}] end it "using #with_recursive should be able to delete" do @ds.insert(:id=>7, :parent_id=>2) ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.filter(Sequel[:i1][:id] => @db[:t].select(:i)).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 7, :parent_id => 2}] end it "using #with should be able to import" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:id, :parent_id) @ds[:id => 7].must_equal(:id => 7, :parent_id => nil) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to import" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:i, :pi) @ds2.all.must_equal [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end end describe "MSSSQL::Dataset#insert" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value} @db.create_table! :test4 do String :name, :size => 20 column :value, 'varbinary(max)' end @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5, :test4) end it "should have insert_select return nil if disable_insert_output is used" do @ds.disable_insert_output.insert_select(:value=>10).must_be_nil end it "should have insert_select return nil if the server version is not 2005+" do @ds = @ds.with_extend do def server_version() 8000760 end end @ds.insert_select(:value=>10).must_be_nil end it "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record" do h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10) h[:value].must_equal 10 @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].must_equal 10 end cspecify "should allow large text and binary values", [:odbc] do blob ="0" * (65*1024)) @db[:test4].insert(:name => 'max varbinary test', :value => blob) b = @db[:test4].where(:name => 'max varbinary test').get(:value) b.length.must_equal blob.length b.must_equal blob end it "should play nicely with simple_select_all?" do DB[:test4].disable_insert_output.send(:simple_select_all?).must_equal true end end describe "MSSSQL::Dataset#into" do before do @db = DB end it "should format SELECT statement" do @db[:t].into(:new).select_sql.must_equal "SELECT * INTO [NEW] FROM [T]" end it "should select rows into a new table" do @db.create_table!(:t) {Integer :id; String :value} @db[:t].insert(:id => 1, :value => "test") @db << @db[:t].into(:new).select_sql @db[:new].all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :value => "test"}] @db.drop_table?(:t, :new) end end describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB end after do @db.drop_table?(:a) end it "should handle many existing types for set_column_allow_null" do @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'integer'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'decimal(24, 2)'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.schema(:a).first.last[:column_size].must_equal 24 @db.schema(:a).first.last[:scale].must_equal 2 @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'decimal(10)'} @db.schema(:a).first.last[:column_size].must_equal 10 @db.schema(:a).first.last[:scale].must_equal 0 @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'nchar(2)'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} s = @db.schema(:a).first.last (s[:max_chars] || s[:column_size]).must_equal 2 end end describe "MSSQL::Database#rename_table" do it "should work on non-schema bound tables which need escaping" do DB.create_table! :'foo bar' do text :name end DB.rename_table 'foo bar', 'foo' DB.drop_table :foo end it "should work on schema bound tables within the same schema" do DB.execute(<<-SQL) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'MY') EXECUTE sp_executesql N'create schema MY' SQL DB.create_table! Sequel[:MY][:foo] do text :name end DB.rename_table Sequel[:MY][:foo], Sequel[:MY][:bar] DB.rename_table Sequel[:MY][:bar], :foo DB.drop_table Sequel[:MY][:foo] end end describe "MSSQL::Dataset#count" do it "should work with a distinct query with an order clause" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name; Integer :value} DB[:items].insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) DB[:items].insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) DB[:items].select(:name, :value).distinct.order(:name).count.must_equal 1 DB[:items].select(:name, :value).group(:name, :value).order(:name).count.must_equal 1 end end describe "MSSQL::Database#create_table" do it "should support collate with various other column options" do DB.create_table!(:items){ String :name, :size => 128, :collate => :sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as, :default => 'foo', :null => false, :unique => true} DB[:items].insert DB[:items].select_map(:name).must_equal ["foo"] end end describe "MSSQL::Database#mssql_unicode_strings = false" do before do DB.mssql_unicode_strings = false end after do DB.drop_table?(:items) DB.mssql_unicode_strings = true end it "should work correctly" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name} DB[:items].mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false DB[:items].insert(:name=>'foo') DB[:items].select_map(:name).must_equal ['foo'] end it "should be overridable at the dataset level" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name} ds = DB[:items] ds.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false ds1 = ds.with_mssql_unicode_strings(true) ds.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false ds1.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal true ds1.insert(:name=>'foo') ds1.select_map(:name).must_equal ['foo'] end end describe "A MSSQL database adds index with include" do before :all do @table_name = :test_index_include @db = DB @db.create_table! @table_name do integer :col1 integer :col2 integer :col3 end end after :all do @db.drop_table? @table_name end it "should be able add index with include" do @db.alter_table @table_name do add_index [:col1], :include => [:col2,:col3] end @db.indexes(@table_name).keys.must_include("#{@table_name}_col1_index".to_sym) end end describe "MSSQL set_column_allow_null" do before do @db = DB end after do @db.drop_table?(:test3) end it "should work with nvarchar(MAX) columns" do @db.create_table!(:test3) do column :t, 'nvarchar(MAX)' end @db.alter_table(:test3) do set_column_not_null :t end end it "should work with text columns" do @db.create_table!(:test3) do column :t, 'text' end @db.alter_table(:test3) do set_column_not_null :t end end end describe "MSSQL::Database#drop_column with a schema" do before do "create schema test" rescue nil end after do DB.drop_table(Sequel[:test][:items]) "drop schema test" rescue nil end it "drops columns with a default value" do DB.create_table!(Sequel[:test][:items]){ Integer :id; String :name, :default => 'widget' } DB.drop_column(Sequel[:test][:items], :name) DB[Sequel[:test][:items]].columns.must_equal [:id] end end describe "Database#foreign_key_list" do before(:all) do DB.create_table! :items do primary_key :id integer :sku end DB.create_table! :prices do integer :item_id datetime :valid_from float :price primary_key [:item_id, :valid_from] foreign_key [:item_id], :items, :key => :id, :name => :fk_prices_items end DB.create_table! :sales do integer :id integer :price_item_id datetime :price_valid_from foreign_key [:price_item_id, :price_valid_from], :prices, :key => [:item_id, :valid_from], :name => :fk_sales_prices, :on_delete => :cascade end end after(:all) do DB.drop_table :sales DB.drop_table :prices DB.drop_table :items end it "should support typical foreign keys" do DB.foreign_key_list(:prices).must_equal [{:name => :fk_prices_items, :table => :items, :columns => [:item_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }] end it "should support a foreign key with multiple columns" do DB.foreign_key_list(:sales).must_equal [{:name => :fk_sales_prices, :table => :prices, :columns => [:price_item_id, :price_valid_from], :key => [:item_id, :valid_from], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :cascade }] end describe "with multiple schemas" do before(:all) do DB.execute_ddl "create schema vendor" DB.create_table! Sequel[:vendor][:vendors] do primary_key :id varchar :name end DB.create_table! Sequel[:vendor][:mapping] do integer :vendor_id integer :item_id foreign_key [:vendor_id], Sequel[:vendor][:vendors], :name => :fk_mapping_vendor foreign_key [:item_id], :items, :name => :fk_mapping_item end end after(:all) do DB.drop_table? Sequel[:vendor][:mapping] DB.drop_table? Sequel[:vendor][:vendors] DB.execute_ddl "drop schema vendor" end it "should support mixed schema bound tables" do DB.foreign_key_list(Sequel[:vendor][:mapping]).sort_by{|h| h[:name].to_s}.must_equal [{:name => :fk_mapping_item, :table => :items, :columns => [:item_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }, {:name => :fk_mapping_vendor, :table => Sequel.qualify(:vendor, :vendors), :columns => [:vendor_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }] end end end describe "MSSQL optimistic locking plugin" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table! :items do primary_key :id String :name, :size => 20 column :timestamp, 'timestamp' end end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end it "should not allow stale updates" do c = c.plugin :mssql_optimistic_locking o = c.create(:name=>'test') o2 = c.first ts = o.timestamp ts.wont_equal nil = 'test2' o.timestamp.wont_equal ts proc{}.must_raise(Sequel::NoExistingObject) end end unless DB.adapter_scheme == :odbc describe "MSSQL Stored Procedure support" do before do @db = DB @now = @db.execute('CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SequelTest (@Input varchar(25), @IntegerInput int, @Output varchar(25) OUTPUT, @IntegerOutput int OUTPUT) AS BEGIN SET @Output = @Input SET @IntegerOutput = @IntegerInput RETURN @IntegerInput END') end after do @db.execute('DROP PROCEDURE dbo.SequelTest') end describe "with unnamed parameters" do it "should return a hash of output variables" do r = @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]}) r.must_be_kind_of(Hash) r.values_at(:var2, :var3).must_equal [@now, '1'] end it "should support typed output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, [:output, 'int']]})[:var3].must_equal 1 end it "should support named output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, [:output, nil, 'output'], :output]})[:output].must_equal @now end it "should return the number of Affected Rows" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]})[:numrows].must_equal 1 end it "should return the Result Code" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]})[:result].must_equal 1 end end describe "with named parameters" do it "should return a hash of output variables" do r = @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] }) r.must_be_kind_of(Hash) r.values_at(:output, :integer_output).must_equal [@now, '1'] end it "should support typed output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, 'int', 'integer_output'] })[:integer_output].must_equal 1 end it "should return the number of Affected Rows" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] })[:numrows].must_equal 1 end it "should return the Result Code" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] })[:result].must_equal 1 end end end unless DB.adapter_scheme == :odbc