require 'spec_helper' describe AngellistApi::Client::Startups, :vcr => { :cassette_name => 'startups' } do let(:client) { } it 'gets information about a startup' do startup = client.get_startup(1124) startup.angellist_url.should eq '' end it 'gets comments about a startup' do comments = client.startup_comments(1124) comments.should be_an Array comments.first.should have_key :comment comments.first.should have_key :user end it 'gets startups in batch' do startups = client.get_startups [1124, 31627] eq '500 Startups (Fund)' startups.last.angellist_url.should eq '' end it 'gets fundraising startups' do response = client.all_startups(:filter => :raising) response.should be_an Hash response.should have_key :startups startups = response.startups startups.should be_an Array startups.first.should have_key :id end it 'gets information about a startup found by URL slug' do startup = client.startup_search(:slug => '500-startups-fund') startup.company_url.should eq '' end it 'gets information about a startup found by site domain' do startup = client.startup_search(:domain => '') startup.angellist_url.should eq '' end it 'gets a company\s startup roles' do roles = client.startup_roles(1124) roles.startup_roles.size.should be > 0 roles.startup_roles.each do |relationship| ROLES.should include relationship.role end end it 'gets a company\s outgoing startup roles' do roles = client.startup_roles(1124) roles.startup_roles.size.should be > 0 roles.startup_roles.each do |relationship| ROLES.should include relationship.role end end end