module Neo4j module ActiveNode # An abstraction layer to quickly build and return objects from the Neo4j Core Query class. # It auto-increments node and relationship identifiers, uses relationships pre-defined in models to create match methods, and automatically maps # results to collections. class QuickQuery attr_reader :quick_query # Initialize sets the values of @node_on_deck and defines @rel_on_deck, among other things. # The objects on deck are the objects implicitly modified when calling a method without specifying an identifier. # They are auto-incremented at stages throughout the class. def initialize(caller, as, caller_class = nil) @caller_class = caller_class || caller @node_on_deck = @return_obj = as.to_sym @current_node_index = 2 @current_rel_index = 1 @rel_on_deck = nil @return_set = false @caller = caller @quick_query = caller.query_as(as) @identifiers = [@node_on_deck] set_rel_methods(@caller_class) return self end # sends the #to_cypher method to the core query class def to_cypher @quick_query.return(@return_obj).to_cypher end # Creates methods that send cleaned up arguments to the Core Query class # Pass a symbol to specify the target identifier. # Pass a hash to specify match parameters. # Pass a valid cypher string to send directly to Core Query. # If an identifier is not specified, it will apply them to the on-deck node. # @example # Student.qq.where(name: 'chris') # Student.qq.lessons.where(:n2, name: 'history 101') # Student.qq.lessons() CUSTOM_METHODS = %w[where set set_props] CUSTOM_METHODS.each do |method| class_eval(%Q{ def #{method}(*args) result = prepare(args) final_query(__method__, result) return self end }, __FILE__, __LINE__) end # Creates methods that send strings directly to Core Query class LITERAL_METHODS = %w[limit skip match offset] LITERAL_METHODS.each do |method| class_eval(%Q{ def #{method}(s) @quick_query = @quick_query.send(__method__, s) return self end }, __FILE__, __LINE__) end # Sends #return to the core query class, does not map to an enumerable. # Assumes the @return_obj if nothing is specified. # if you want distinct, pass boolean true # @example # Student.qq.lessons.return(:n2) # Student.qq.lessons.return(:n2, true) def return(*args) obj_sym ={|el| el.is_a?(Symbol) }.first || @return_obj distinct ={|el| el.is_a?(TrueClass) }.first || false r = final_return(obj_sym, distinct) @quick_query = @quick_query.return(r) return self end # Returns an enumerable of the query. If return has not been set, will set it to the on_deck node def to_a(distinct = false) @return_set ? result : self.return(distinct).to_a end # Same as to_a but with distinct set true def to_a! self.to_a(true) end # Set order for return. # @param prop_sym [Symbol] a symbol matching the property on the return class use for order # @param desc_bool [Boolean] boolean to dictate whether to sort descending. Defaults false, use true to descend def order(prop_sym, desc_bool = false) arg = "#{@return_obj}.#{prop_sym.to_s}" end_arg = desc_bool ? arg + ' DESC' : arg @quick_query = @quick_query.order(end_arg) return self end private def prepare(args) target ={|el| el.is_a?(Symbol) } send_target = target.empty? ? @node_on_deck : target.first result = process_args(args, send_target) end def result response = @quick_query.response if response.is_a?(Neo4j::Server::CypherResponse) Neo4j::Session.current.search_result_to_enumerable_first_column(response) else, @quick_query.to_cypher).map{|x| x[0] } end end def final_return(return_obj, distinct) @return_set = true distinct ? "distinct #{return_obj.to_s}" : return_obj.to_sym end def final_query(method, result) @quick_query = @quick_query.send(method, result) end # Creates match methods based on the caller's relationships defined in the model. # It works best when a relationship is defined explicitly with a direction and a receiving/incoming model. # This fires once on initialize, again every time a matcher method is called to build methods for the next step. # The dynamic classes accept the following: # -a symbol to refer to the destination node # -a hash with key :rel_as, value a symbol to act as relationship identifier (otherwise it uses r#{@current_rel_index}) # -a hash with key :rel_where containing other hashes of {parameter: value} to specify relationship conditions # -hashes of {parameter: value} that specify conditions for the destination nodes # @example # Student.qq.lessons # Student.qq.lessons(rel_as: :student_status) # Student.qq.lessons(rel_as: :student_status, rel_where: { grade: 'b-' }) # Student.qq.lessons(rel_as: :student_status, rel_where: { grade: 'b-' }, :lessinzzz, class: 'history 101').teachers def set_rel_methods(caller_class) caller_class._decl_rels.each { |k,v| if v.target_class.nil? class_eval(%Q{ def #{k}(*args) process_rel(args, "#{v.rel_type}") return self end}, __FILE__, __LINE__) else class_eval(%Q{ def #{k}(*args) process_rel(args, "#{v.rel_type}", "#{}") return self end}, __FILE__, __LINE__) end } end # Called when a matcher method is called # args are the arguments sent along with the matcher method # rel_type is the defined relationship type # right_label is the label to use for the destination, if available. It's the "right label" cause it's on the right side... get it? # A label can only be used if the model defines the destination class explicitly. def process_rel(args, rel_type, right_label = nil) from_node = @node_on_deck hashes, strings = setup_rel_args(args) set_on_deck(args) hashes = process_rel_hashes(hashes) unless hashes.nil? end_args = process_args([hashes] + strings, @node_on_deck) unless hashes.nil? && strings.nil? destination = right_label.nil? ? @node_on_deck : "(#{@node_on_deck}:#{right_label})" @quick_query = @quick_query.match("#{from_node}-[#{@rel_on_deck}:`#{rel_type}`]-#{destination}") @quick_query = @quick_query.where(end_args) unless end_args.nil? set_rel_methods(right_label.constantize) unless right_label.nil? return self end # Prepares arguments passed with the relationship matcher. It finds hashes, which contain properties and values, and strings, which # which literal cypher phrases. def setup_rel_args(args) hashes ={|el| el.is_a?(Hash) }.first strings ={|el| el.is_a?(String) } return hashes, strings end # Queues up the new node and relationship. This is only used during process_rel. def set_on_deck(args) @node_on_deck = @return_obj = node_as({|el| el.is_a?(Symbol) }.first) @rel_on_deck = new_rel_id @identifiers.push([@node_on_deck, @rel_on_deck]) end # Prepares relationship-specific hashes found during the setup_rel_args method. Removes anything it finds from the hash and sends it back. def process_rel_hashes(hashes) @rel_on_deck = set_rel_as(hashes) @identifiers.push @rel_on_deck set_rel_where(hashes) hashes.delete_if{|k,v| k == :rel_as || k == :rel_where } end # Creates a new node identifier def new_node_id n = "n#{@current_node_index}" @current_node_index += 1 return n end # Creates a new relationship identifier def new_rel_id r = "r#{@current_rel_index}" @current_rel_index += 1 return r end def node_as(node_as) node_as.nil? ? new_node_id : node_as.to_sym end def set_rel_as(h) h.has_key?(:rel_as) ? h[:rel_as] : new_rel_id end def set_rel_where(h) if h.has_key?(:rel_where) @quick_query = @quick_query.where(Hash[@rel_on_deck => h[:rel_where]]) end end # Utility method used to split up passed values and fix syntax to match Neo4j Core Query class def process_args(args, where_target) end_args = [] args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a?(String) end_args.push process_string(arg, where_target) elsif arg.is_a?(Symbol) @node_on_deck = arg @return_obj = arg if @return_obj.nil? elsif arg.is_a?(Hash) end_args.push Hash[where_target => arg] unless arg.empty? end end return end_args end # Attempts to determine whether the passed string already contains a node/rel identifier or if it needs one prepended. def process_string(arg, where_target) @identifiers.include?(arg.split('.').first.to_sym) ? arg : "#{where_target}.#{arg}" end end end end