# Author:: Mike Evans # Copyright:: 2013 Urlgonomics LLC. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Couchbase::Operations module Get # Obtain an object stored in Couchbase by given key. # # @since 1.0.0 # # @see http://couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-manual-2.0/couchbase-architecture-apis-memcached-protocol-additions.html#couchbase-architecture-apis-memcached-protocol-additions-getl # # @overload get(*keys, options = {}) # @param keys [String, Symbol, Array] One or several keys to fetch # @param options [Hash] Options for operation. # @option options [true, false] :extended (false) If set to +true+, the # operation will return a tuple +[value, flags, cas]+, otherwise (by # default) it returns just the value. # @option options [Fixnum] :ttl (self.default_ttl) Expiry time for key. # Values larger than 30*24*60*60 seconds (30 days) are interpreted as # absolute times (from the epoch). # @option options [true, false] :quiet (self.quiet) If set to +true+, the # operation won't raise error for missing key, it will return +nil+. # Otherwise it will raise error in synchronous mode. In asynchronous # mode this option ignored. # @option options [Symbol] :format (nil) Explicitly choose the decoder # for this key (+:plain+, +:document+, +:marshal+). See # {Bucket#default_format}. # @option options [Fixnum, Boolean] :lock Lock the keys for time span. # If this parameter is +true+ the key(s) will be locked for default # timeout. Also you can use number to setup your own timeout in # seconds. If it will be lower that zero or exceed the maximum, the # server will use default value. You can determine actual default and # maximum values calling {Bucket#stats} without arguments and # inspecting keys "ep_getl_default_timeout" and "ep_getl_max_timeout" # correspondingly. See overloaded hash syntax to specify custom timeout # per each key. # @option options [true, false] :assemble_hash (false) Assemble Hash for # results. Hash assembled automatically if +:extended+ option is true # or in case of "get and touch" multimple keys. # @option options [true, false] :replica (false) Read key from replica # node. Options +:ttl+ and +:lock+ are not compatible with +:replica+. # # @yieldparam ret [Result] the result of operation in asynchronous mode # (valid attributes: +error+, +operation+, +key+, +value+, +flags+, # +cas+). # # @return [Object, Array, Hash] the value(s) (or tuples in extended mode) # associated with the key. # # @raise [Couchbase::Error::NotFound] if the key is missing in the # bucket. # # @raise [Couchbase::Error::Connect] if connection closed (see {Bucket#reconnect}) # # @raise [ArgumentError] when passing the block in synchronous mode # # @example Get single value in quiet mode (the default) # c.get("foo") #=> the associated value or nil # # @example Use alternative hash-like syntax # c["foo"] #=> the associated value or nil # # @example Get single value in verbose mode # c.get("missing-foo", :quiet => false) #=> raises Couchbase::NotFound # c.get("missing-foo", :quiet => true) #=> returns nil # # @example Get and touch single value. The key won't be accessible after 10 seconds # c.get("foo", :ttl => 10) # # @example Extended get # val, flags, cas = c.get("foo", :extended => true) # # @example Get multiple keys # c.get("foo", "bar", "baz") #=> [val1, val2, val3] # # @example Get multiple keys with assembing result into the Hash # c.get("foo", "bar", "baz", :assemble_hash => true) # #=> {"foo" => val1, "bar" => val2, "baz" => val3} # # @example Extended get multiple keys # c.get("foo", "bar", :extended => true) # #=> {"foo" => [val1, flags1, cas1], "bar" => [val2, flags2, cas2]} # # @example Asynchronous get # c.run do # c.get("foo", "bar", "baz") do |res| # ret.operation #=> :get # ret.success? #=> true # ret.key #=> "foo", "bar" or "baz" in separate calls # ret.value # ret.flags # ret.cas # end # end # # @example Get and lock key using default timeout # c.get("foo", :lock => true) # # @example Determine lock timeout parameters # c.stats.values_at("ep_getl_default_timeout", "ep_getl_max_timeout") # #=> [{""=>"15"}, {""=>"30"}] # # @example Get and lock key using custom timeout # c.get("foo", :lock => 3) # # @example Get and lock multiple keys using custom timeout # c.get("foo", "bar", :lock => 3) # # @overload get(keys, options = {}) # When the method receive hash map, it will behave like it receive list # of keys (+keys.keys+), but also touch each key setting expiry time to # the corresponding value. But unlike usual get this command always # return hash map +{key => value}+ or +{key => [value, flags, cas]}+. # # @param keys [Hash] Map key-ttl # @param options [Hash] Options for operation. (see options definition # above) # # @return [Hash] the values (or tuples in extended mode) associated with # the keys. # # @example Get and touch multiple keys # c.get("foo" => 10, "bar" => 20) #=> {"foo" => val1, "bar" => val2} # # @example Extended get and touch multiple keys # c.get({"foo" => 10, "bar" => 20}, :extended => true) # #=> {"foo" => [val1, flags1, cas1], "bar" => [val2, flags2, cas2]} # # @example Get and lock multiple keys for chosen period in seconds # c.get("foo" => 10, "bar" => 20, :lock => true) # #=> {"foo" => val1, "bar" => val2} # def get(*args, &block) key, options = expand_get_args(args) get_key(key, options) end def [](key, options = {}) get(key, options) end def get_bulk(keys, options) keys = keys.map { |key| validate_key(key) } results = if options[:extended] get_bulk_extended(keys, options) else client_get_bulk(keys) end not_found_error(results.size != keys.size, options) if options[:assemble_hash] || options[:extended] results else ordered_multi_values(keys, results) end end def async_get(key, &block) fail ArgumentError, 'Must pass a block to #async_get' unless block_given? case key when String, Symbol key = validate_key(key) meta = { op: :get, key: key } future = client.asyncGet(key) when Array keys = key.map { |key| validate_key(key) } meta = { op: :get } future = client.asyncGetBulk(keys) when Hash # async_get_and_touch(key, options, &block) end register_future(future, meta, &block) end private def get_key(key, options) case key when String, Symbol get_single(key, options) when Array get_bulk(key, options) when Hash get_and_touch(key, options) end end def expand_get_args(args) options = extract_options_hash(args) key = args.size == 1 ? args.first : args [validate_key(key), options] end def get_single(key, options) if options[:lock] client_get_and_lock(key, options) elsif options[:extended] get_extended(key, options) else value = if options.key?(:ttl) client_get_and_touch(key, options[:ttl]) elsif options[:format] client.get(key, transcoders[options[:format]]) else client.get(key) end not_found_error(value.nil?, options) value.nil? ? nil : value end rescue Java::JavaLang::RuntimeException get_single(key, options.merge(format: :plain)) end def get_extended(key, options = {}) if options.key?(:lock) client_get_and_lock(key, options[:lock]) end extended = client_get_extended(key) not_found_error(extended.nil?, options) extended end def get_and_touch(key, options = {}) if key.size > 1 get_bulk_and_touch(key, options) else key, ttl = key.first value = client_get_and_touch(key, ttl) not_found_error(value.nil?) { key => value } end end def get_bulk_and_touch(keys, options = {}) options.merge!(assemble_hash: true) results = get_bulk(keys.keys, options) touch(keys) results.to_hash end def get_bulk_extended(keys, options = {}) {}.tap do |results| keys.each do |key| result = get_extended(key, options) results[key] = result unless result.nil? end end end def ordered_multi_values(keys, results) keys.map { |key| results[key] } end def client_get_and_touch(key, ttl) client.getAndTouch(key, ttl).getValue end def client_get_and_lock(key, options) lock = options[:lock] == true ? 30 : options[:lock] cas = client.getAndLock(key, lock) if options[:extended] [cas.getValue, nil, cas.getCas] else cas.getValue end end def client_get_extended(key) cas_value = client.gets(key) if cas_value.nil? nil else [cas_value.getValue, nil, cas_value.getCas] end end def client_get_bulk(keys) client.getBulk(keys) rescue java.lang.ClassCastException raise TypeError.new end end end