import { next, run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { setOnerror } from '@ember/-internals/error-handling'; import Test from '../lib/test'; import Adapter from '../lib/adapters/adapter'; import QUnitAdapter from '../lib/adapters/qunit'; import EmberApplication from '@ember/application'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { getDebugFunction, setDebugFunction } from '@ember/debug'; const originalDebug = getDebugFunction('debug'); const noop = function() {}; var App, originalAdapter, originalQUnit, originalWindowOnerror; var originalConsoleError = console.error; // eslint-disable-line no-console function runThatThrowsSync(message = 'Error for testing error handling') { return run(() => { throw new Error(message); }); } function runThatThrowsAsync(message = 'Error for testing error handling') { return next(() => { throw new Error(message); }); } class AdapterSetupAndTearDown extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { setDebugFunction('debug', noop); super(); originalAdapter = Test.adapter; originalQUnit = window.QUnit; originalWindowOnerror = window.onerror; } afterEach() { console.error = originalConsoleError; // eslint-disable-line no-console } teardown() { setDebugFunction('debug', originalDebug); if (App) { run(App, App.destroy); App.removeTestHelpers(); App = null; } Test.adapter = originalAdapter; window.QUnit = originalQUnit; window.onerror = originalWindowOnerror; setOnerror(undefined); } } moduleFor( 'ember-testing Adapters', class extends AdapterSetupAndTearDown { ['@test Setting a test adapter manually'](assert) { assert.expect(1); var CustomAdapter; CustomAdapter = Adapter.extend({ asyncStart() { assert.ok(true, 'Correct adapter was used'); }, }); run(function() { App = EmberApplication.create(); Test.adapter = CustomAdapter.create(); App.setupForTesting(); }); Test.adapter.asyncStart(); } ['@test QUnitAdapter is used by default (if QUnit is available)'](assert) { assert.expect(1); Test.adapter = null; run(function() { App = EmberApplication.create(); App.setupForTesting(); }); assert.ok(Test.adapter instanceof QUnitAdapter); } ['@test Adapter is used by default (if QUnit is not available)'](assert) { assert.expect(2); delete window.QUnit; Test.adapter = null; run(function() { App = EmberApplication.create(); App.setupForTesting(); }); assert.ok(Test.adapter instanceof Adapter); assert.ok(!(Test.adapter instanceof QUnitAdapter)); } ['@test With Ember.Test.adapter set, errors in synchronous are bubbled out'](assert) { let thrown = new Error('Boom!'); let caughtInAdapter, caughtInCatch; Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { caughtInAdapter = error; }, }); try { run(() => { throw thrown; }); } catch (e) { caughtInCatch = e; } assert.equal( caughtInAdapter, undefined, 'test adapter should never receive synchronous errors' ); assert.equal(caughtInCatch, thrown, 'a "normal" try/catch should catch errors in sync run'); } ['@test when both Ember.onerror (which rethrows) and TestAdapter are registered - sync run']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); Test.adapter = { exception() { assert.notOk(true, 'adapter is not called for errors thrown in sync run loops'); }, }; setOnerror(function(error) { assert.ok(true, 'onerror is called for sync errors even if TestAdapter is setup'); throw error; }); assert.throws(runThatThrowsSync, Error, 'error is thrown'); } ['@test when both Ember.onerror (which does not rethrow) and TestAdapter are registered - sync run']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); Test.adapter = { exception() { assert.notOk(true, 'adapter is not called for errors thrown in sync run loops'); }, }; setOnerror(function() { assert.ok(true, 'onerror is called for sync errors even if TestAdapter is setup'); }); runThatThrowsSync(); assert.ok(true, 'no error was thrown, Ember.onerror can intercept errors'); } ['@test when TestAdapter is registered and error is thrown - async run'](assert) { assert.expect(3); let done = assert.async(); let caughtInAdapter, caughtInCatch, caughtByWindowOnerror; Test.adapter = { exception(error) { caughtInAdapter = error; }, }; window.onerror = function(message) { caughtByWindowOnerror = message; // prevent "bubbling" and therefore failing the test return true; }; try { runThatThrowsAsync(); } catch (e) { caughtInCatch = e; } setTimeout(() => { assert.equal( caughtInAdapter, undefined, 'test adapter should never catch errors in run loops' ); assert.equal( caughtInCatch, undefined, 'a "normal" try/catch should never catch errors in an async run' ); assert.pushResult({ result: /Error for testing error handling/.test(caughtByWindowOnerror), actual: caughtByWindowOnerror, expected: 'to include `Error for testing error handling`', message: 'error should bubble out to window.onerror, and therefore fail tests (due to QUnit implementing window.onerror)', }); done(); }, 20); } ['@test when both Ember.onerror and TestAdapter are registered - async run'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let done = assert.async(); Test.adapter = { exception() { assert.notOk(true, 'Adapter.exception is not called for errors thrown in next'); }, }; setOnerror(function() { assert.ok(true, 'onerror is invoked for errors thrown in next/later'); }); runThatThrowsAsync(); setTimeout(done, 10); } } ); function testAdapter(message, generatePromise, timeout = 10) { return class PromiseFailureTests extends AdapterSetupAndTearDown { [`@test ${message} when TestAdapter without \`exception\` method is present - rsvp`](assert) { assert.expect(1); let thrown = new Error('the error'); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception: undefined, }); window.onerror = function(message) { assert.pushResult({ result: /the error/.test(message), actual: message, expected: 'to include `the error`', message: 'error should bubble out to window.onerror, and therefore fail tests (due to QUnit implementing window.onerror)', }); // prevent "bubbling" and therefore failing the test return true; }; generatePromise(thrown); // RSVP.Promise's are configured to settle within the run loop, this // ensures that run loop has completed return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } [`@test ${message} when both Ember.onerror and TestAdapter without \`exception\` method are present - rsvp`]( assert ) { assert.expect(1); let thrown = new Error('the error'); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception: undefined, }); setOnerror(function(error) { assert.pushResult({ result: /the error/.test(error.message), actual: error.message, expected: 'to include `the error`', message: 'error should bubble out to window.onerror, and therefore fail tests (due to QUnit implementing window.onerror)', }); }); generatePromise(thrown); // RSVP.Promise's are configured to settle within the run loop, this // ensures that run loop has completed return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } [`@test ${message} when TestAdapter is present - rsvp`](assert) { assert.expect(1); console.error = () => {}; // eslint-disable-line no-console let thrown = new Error('the error'); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { assert.strictEqual( error, thrown, 'Adapter.exception is called for errors thrown in RSVP promises' ); }, }); generatePromise(thrown); // RSVP.Promise's are configured to settle within the run loop, this // ensures that run loop has completed return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } [`@test ${message} when both Ember.onerror and TestAdapter are present - rsvp`](assert) { assert.expect(1); let thrown = new Error('the error'); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { assert.strictEqual( error, thrown, 'Adapter.exception is called for errors thrown in RSVP promises' ); }, }); setOnerror(function() { assert.notOk(true, 'Ember.onerror is not called if Test.adapter does not rethrow'); }); generatePromise(thrown); // RSVP.Promise's are configured to settle within the run loop, this // ensures that run loop has completed return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } [`@test ${message} when both Ember.onerror and TestAdapter are present - rsvp`](assert) { assert.expect(2); let thrown = new Error('the error'); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { assert.strictEqual( error, thrown, 'Adapter.exception is called for errors thrown in RSVP promises' ); throw error; }, }); setOnerror(function(error) { assert.strictEqual( error, thrown, 'Ember.onerror is called for errors thrown in RSVP promises if Test.adapter rethrows' ); }); generatePromise(thrown); // RSVP.Promise's are configured to settle within the run loop, this // ensures that run loop has completed return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } }; } moduleFor( 'Adapter Errors: .then callback', testAdapter('errors in promise constructor', error => { new RSVP.Promise(() => { throw error; }); }) ); moduleFor( 'Adapter Errors: Promise Contructor', testAdapter('errors in promise constructor', error => { RSVP.resolve().then(() => { throw error; }); }) ); moduleFor( 'Adapter Errors: Promise chain .then callback', testAdapter( 'errors in promise constructor', error => { new RSVP.Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)).then(() => { throw error; }); }, 20 ) );