RearAPI = function() {
var errorInstance;
this.switch_page = function(domSelector, url) {
url: url,
type: 'GET'
}).done(function(response) {
this.check_multiple = function(domSelector, sourceElement, isControlElement) {
var status = sourceElement.checked;
return $(domSelector).prop('checked', status);
if (event.shiftKey) { // if holding Shift, toggle elements before clicked one
$(domSelector).each(function(i,e) {
// break iteration when arriving at checked element
if(e == sourceElement) return false;
$(e).prop('checked', status);
} else if (event.altKey) { // if holding Alt, toggle elements after clicked one
var sourceElementFound = false;
$(domSelector).each(function(i,e) {
// moving to next element until arriving to checked one
if(e == sourceElement) return sourceElementFound = true;
if(sourceElementFound) $(e).prop('checked', status);
this.trigger_selectable = function(domSelector) {
// using select.selectable instead of just .selectable
// to avoid Select2 to apply twice when pages loaded by XHR.
// that's it, Select2 converts .selectable elements into divs,
// so select.selectable wont match converted elements anymore.
$(domSelector || 'select.selectable').each(function(i,e) {
if($(e).select2 == 'undefined') return false;
$(e).select2({width: 'resolve'});
this.trigger_hoverable = function(domSelector) {
$(domSelector || ".hoverable").hover(
function () { $(this).addClass("hoverable-hover") },
function () { $(this).removeClass("hoverable-hover") }
this.CRUD = function(objectID, baseURL, redirectURL, readonly) {
var objectID = objectID,
baseURL = baseURL,
redirectURL = redirectURL; = function() {
if(readonly) {
Rear.warn('ReadOnly Mode! Item Not Saved');
return false;
if (objectID > 0) {
var requestMethod = 'PUT',
url = [baseURL, objectID].join('/'),
alert = "Item Successfully Updated";
} else {
var requestMethod = 'POST',
url = baseURL,
alert = "Item Successfully Created";
url: url,
type: requestMethod,
data: $('#editor-main_form').serialize(),
complete: function(xhr) {
if(xhr.statusText == "OK") {
if (objectID > 0) {
if(errorInstance) errorInstance.close();
} else {
localStorage['flash'] = alert;
window.location = [redirectURL, xhr.responseText].join('/');
} else Rear.error(xhr.responseText);
this.delete = function(redirectURL) {
if(readonly) {
Rear.warn('ReadOnly Mode! Item Not Deleted');
return false;
url: [baseURL, objectID].join('/'),
type: 'DELETE',
complete: function(xhr) {
if(xhr.statusText == "OK") {
localStorage['flash'] = "Item Successfully Deleted";
window.location = redirectURL;
} else Rear.error(xhr.responseText);
this.delete_selected = function(baseURL, redirectURL, readonly) {
if(readonly) {
Rear.warn('ReadOnly Mode! No Items Deleted');
return false;
var items = []
$('.pane-selected_item:checked').each(function(i,e) {
url: baseURL,
type: 'DELETE',
data: {items: items.join(' ')},
complete: function(xhr) {
if(xhr.statusText == "OK") {
localStorage['flash'] = "Selected Items Successfully Deleted";
window.location = redirectURL;
} else Rear.error(xhr.responseText);
this.BulkCRUD = function(baseURL) {
this.invoke = function(){
var form = $('#bulk_editor-main_form');
if(!form) {
Rear.error('No form found for bulk editing');
return false;
url: baseURL,
type: 'POST',
data: form.serialize(),
complete: function(xhr) {
if(xhr.statusText == 'OK') {
if(errorInstance) errorInstance.close();
} else
this.Assoc = function(baseURL, domSelector, readonly) {
var urlArray = baseURL.split('?');
var baseURL = urlArray[0],
queryString = urlArray[1],
domSelector = domSelector,
readonly = readonly;
this.load = function() {
this.load_attached = function(attacher) {
// queryString are used here only to pass assoc filters
// and it makes sense to apply assoc filters only on detached items
$.get(baseURL + '/true', function(response) {
$(domSelector.replace(/_detached$/, '')).html(response);
$('.pane-assoc-attacher').each(function(i,e) {
$(e).attr('checked', e == attacher);
this.load_detached = function(callback) {
$.get(baseURL, queryString, function(response) {
$(domSelector + '_detached').html(response);
callback && typeof(callback) === "function" && callback();
this.create = function(remoteID) {
if(readonly) {
Rear.warn('ReadOnly Relation! Any updates discarded');
return false;
invoke('POST', remoteID);
this.delete = function(remoteID) {
if(readonly) {
Rear.warn('ReadOnly Relation! Any updates discarded');
return false;
invoke('DELETE', remoteID);
var invoke = function(requestMethod, remoteID) {
type: requestMethod,
url: baseURL,
data: {target_item_id: remoteID},
complete: function(xhr, txtResponse) {
if(txtResponse == 'success') {
Rear.alert('Relation Updated');
} else {
if(xhr.status == 400)
else if(xhr.status == 500)
this.Filters = function(domID, url) {
var domID = domID, url = url;
this.apply = function() {
'#' + domID,
$('#pane-filters-form-' + domID).serialize()
this.reset = function() {
invoke('#' + domID, {});
this.update = function() {
'#pane-filters-input-' + domID,
$('#pane-filters-form-' + domID).serialize()
var invoke = function(domSelector, data) {
url: url, type: 'GET', data: data
}).done(function(response) {
this.alert = function(msg, timeout) {
text: msg,
type: 'information',
layout: 'topRight',
timeout: timeout || 2000
this.sticky_alert = function(msg) {
text: msg,
type: 'information',
layout: 'topRight'
this.warn = function(msg, timeout) {
text: msg,
type: 'warning',
layout: 'topRight',
timeout: timeout || 3000
this.sticky_warn = function(msg) {
text: msg,
type: 'warning',
layout: 'topRight'
this.error = function(msg) {
msg = msg.replace(//gm, '>').
replace(/\n|\r/gm, '
').replace(/\t/gm, ' ');
errorInstance = noty({
text: '