import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { get } from 'ember-metal'; import HashLocation from '../../lib/location/hash_location'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let location; function createLocation(options, assert) { let HashTestLocation = HashLocation.extend({ _location: { href: '', pathname: '/', hash: '', search: '', replace() { assert.ok(false, 'location.replace should not be called during testing'); }, }, }); if (!options) { options = {}; } location = HashTestLocation.create(options); } function mockBrowserLocation(path) { // This is a neat trick to auto-magically extract the hostname from any // url by letting the browser do the work ;) let tmp = document.createElement('a'); tmp.href = path; let protocol = !tmp.protocol || tmp.protocol === ':' ? 'http' : tmp.protocol; let pathname = tmp.pathname.match(/^\//) ? tmp.pathname : '/' + tmp.pathname; return { hash: tmp.hash, host: || 'localhost', hostname: tmp.hostname || 'localhost', href: tmp.href, pathname: pathname, port: tmp.port || '', protocol: protocol, search:, }; } function triggerHashchange() { var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('hashchange', true, false); window.dispatchEvent(event); } moduleFor( 'HashLocation', class extends AbstractTestCase { teardown() { run(function() { if (location) { location.destroy(); } }); } ['@test HashLocation.getURL() returns the current url'](assert) { createLocation( { _location: mockBrowserLocation('/#/foo/bar'), }, assert ); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar'); } ['@test HashLocation.getURL() includes extra hashes'](assert) { createLocation( { _location: mockBrowserLocation('/#/foo#bar#car'), }, assert ); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo#bar#car'); } ['@test HashLocation.getURL() assumes location.hash without #/ prefix is not a route path']( assert ) { createLocation( { _location: mockBrowserLocation('/#foo#bar'), }, assert ); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/#foo#bar'); } ['@test HashLocation.getURL() returns a normal forward slash when there is no location.hash']( assert ) { createLocation( { _location: mockBrowserLocation('/'), }, assert ); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/'); } ['@test HashLocation.setURL() correctly sets the url'](assert) { createLocation({}, assert); location.setURL('/bar'); assert.equal(get(location, 'location.hash'), '/bar'); assert.equal(get(location, 'lastSetURL'), '/bar'); } ['@test HashLocation.replaceURL() correctly replaces to the path with a page reload'](assert) { assert.expect(2); createLocation( { _location: { replace(path) { assert.equal(path, '#/foo'); }, }, }, assert ); location.replaceURL('/foo'); assert.equal(get(location, 'lastSetURL'), '/foo'); } ['@test HashLocation.onUpdateURL callback executes as expected'](assert) { assert.expect(1); createLocation( { _location: mockBrowserLocation('/#/foo/bar'), }, assert ); let callback = function(param) { assert.equal(param, '/foo/bar', 'path is passed as param'); }; location.onUpdateURL(callback); triggerHashchange(); } ["@test HashLocation.onUpdateURL doesn't execute callback if lastSetURL === path"](assert) { assert.expect(0); createLocation( { _location: { href: '/#/foo/bar', }, lastSetURL: '/foo/bar', }, assert ); let callback = function() { assert.ok(false, 'callback should not be called'); }; location.onUpdateURL(callback); triggerHashchange(); } ['@test HashLocation.formatURL() prepends a # to the provided string'](assert) { createLocation({}, assert); assert.equal(location.formatURL('/foo#bar'), '#/foo#bar'); } ['@test HashLocation.willDestroy() cleans up hashchange event listener'](assert) { assert.expect(1); createLocation({}, assert); let callback = function() { assert.ok(true, 'should invoke callback once'); }; location.onUpdateURL(callback); triggerHashchange(); run(location, 'destroy'); location = null; triggerHashchange(); } } );