Templates ========= - [Templates overview](#templates-overview) - [Templates discovery with `simple_exec` entity type](#templates-discovery-with-simple_exec-entity-type) - [What can I do within templates ?](#what-can-i-do-within-templates-) - [ERB for newbies](#erb-for-newbies) - [The `PowerStencil` DSL](#the-powerstencil-dsl) - [Where do I create templates ?](#where-do-i-create-templates-) - [Creating templates-templates of your own](#creating-templates-templates-of-your-own) - [basics](#basics) - [`.xxx_ignore` files](#xxx_ignore-files) - [Application to our example](#application-to-our-example) [:back:][Documentation root] # Templates overview Templates are the key feature of `PowerStencil` (hence the name). Templates are what will use the [entities] you carefully crafted in order to produce something during the [build][builds] process. Currently the underlying engine is [ERB]. When an entity type has some templates associated and you create an entity, it will create a directory `/` where you will fond those templates. # Templates discovery with `simple_exec` entity type In the basic entity types, the only one having templates is the `simple_exec` entity type. So let's try with it: ```shell $ power_stencil create simple_exec/demo_templates Created 'simple_exec/demo_templates' $ power_stencil check simple_exec/demo_templates RAW ENTITIES 'simple_exec/demo_templates': - Storage path : '/tmp/tst3/.ps_project/entities/simple_exec/demo_templates.yaml' - Templates path : '/tmp/tst3/simple_exec/demo_templates' - Status : Valid - Buildable : true ``` As you can see the output of `power_stencil check` shows more information than entities we already created. First we see that this entity is `buildable`, and we'll detail that in the [builds] document, but for the moment what we will focus on the `Templates path` information. And it's true if we have a look in the `simple_exec/demo_templates` from the root of the project, a file appeared there: ```shell $ ls -l simple_exec/demo_templates total 4 -rwxrwxr-x 1 laurent laurent 57 août 23 16:44 main.sh $ cat simple_exec/demo_templates/main.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Nothing to do... Easy task..." ``` Humm... This stuff doesn't look like a template...looks like a regular bash script. It's true and we'll come back to the internals of `simple_exec` in the [builds], where does this script come from etc... So don't focus too much on this file for the moment. We will just first experiment our first build ! ```shell $ power_stencil build simple_exec/demo_templates -v De-templating files for 'simple_exec/demo_templates' into '/tmp/tst3/build/20190823-1709-54271-simple_exec_demo_templates/simple_exec_demo_templates' Entities analysis completed. Running '/tmp/tst3/build/20190823-1709-54271-simple_exec_demo_templates/simple_exec_demo_templates/main.sh' Nothing to do... Easy task... End of process 15572 - 'simple_exec/demo_templates' has been correctly built ``` What can we see there ? The first line is the most interesting one for us. It says "De-templating ... into ...", and it's true that a brand new directory named `build` appeared at the root of the project. Again we won't focus too much on the name of the sub-directory as we will see that in the [builds], but if we have a look in the generated directory we see the same content as what we had in `simple_exec/demo_templates`... And by the way the generated script seems to have been run, as we can see in the output. :warning: If bash is not installed on your system, the output will obviously be different as `PowerStencil` won't be able to run the script, yet all the files should have been generated correctly. Ok is it possible, that everything inside `simple_exec/demo_templates` is actually considered as templates ? **The answer is yes !!** Let prove it and replace the content of `simple_exec/demo_templates/main.sh` by the following: ```shell #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "This script has been generated on <%= Time.now %>" echo "It was done in the scope of '<%= build_target.name %>' (which is of the type '<%= build_target.type %>')..." ``` Ah ok... now it looks like an ERB template ! Let's rebuild... ```shell $ power_stencil build simple_exec/demo_templates -v De-templating files for 'simple_exec/demo_templates' into '/tmp/tst3/build/20190823-1733-08665-simple_exec_demo_templates/simple_exec_demo_templates' Entities analysis completed. Running '/tmp/tst3/build/20190823-1733-08665-simple_exec_demo_templates/simple_exec_demo_templates/main.sh' This script has been generated on 2019-08-23 17:33:08 +0200 It was done in the scope of 'demo_templates' (which is of the type 'simple_exec')... End of process 415 - 'simple_exec/demo_templates' has been correctly built ``` And it's true, if I have a look at the generated script (replace with your own path): ```shell $ cat /tmp/tst3/build/20190823-1733-08665-simple_exec_demo_templates/simple_exec_demo_templates/main.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "This script has been generated on 2019-08-23 17:33:08 +0200" echo "It was done in the scope of 'demo_templates' (which is of the type 'simple_exec')..." ``` The content has been "de-templated"... :+1: sooo cool ! :information_source: Here the template directory of the `simple_exec/demo_templates` was containing only on file (the bash script), but **any file in any sub-directory of that directory would have been considered as a template** (yet there are some mechanism to control and limit which files have to be processed, like for example imagine there would be images, or zip files, probably you don't want them to be processed. All of this will be covered in the [builds] document). # What can I do within templates ? ## ERB for newbies So you noticed the [ERB] syntax. If you already developed within a [Ruby on Rails] project you are probably used to it. Basically [ERB] introduces two main types of tags: - `<% %>` between those tags you can put **any valid [Ruby] code**. - `<%= %>` what is returned by the enclosed [Ruby] code will be inserted _here_ in the resulting document. There are some other minor tags like comments, or insertion without carriage return... You are encouraged to have a look at [ERB] if you don't know it, but it's fairly simple like most templating engine are. ## The `PowerStencil` DSL On top of any Ruby legit code you can use special methods provided by `PowerStencil` to ease the access to entities, configuration etc... Here are the main methods: - `entity(type, name)` will return any entity from the repository. The method is self-explanatory, this is the most generic way to access any entity of the repository. - `entities(criterion: nil, value: nil, &filter_block)` which is a more generic entities query method where `criterion` can be `:by_name` or `:by_type` and that will return an array (that you can potentially filter using the `filter_block`). - `build_target` will return the entity that you are currently building. - `project_config` is a shortcut to the project entity. You could actually retrieve it using the `entity(type, name)` method. And of course you have access like in `power_stencil shell` to any class brought by `PowerStencil`, you could create entities there, destroy some, **but you should not do it**, as it would be very weird to do that during the process of detemplating ! # Where do I create templates ? **When an entity is [buildable] you can find its templates in the `/` from the root of the project.** But by default, that directory is not created, and if no templates is created at this place for a [buildable] entity, the build will fail saying it didn't find any template... Yet, you probably noticed that when we created an entity of `simple_exec` type, a file (the bash script `main.sh`) _automagically_ appeared in the right place so that we could immediatelly build it. How can you achieve that with entity types of your own ? **This is what is called _templates-templates_**... First let's have a look at the output of `power_stencil info`, focusing on `simple_exec`: ```shell $ power_stencil info . . . - Type 'simple_exec' --> PowerStencil::SystemEntityDefinitions::SimpleExec (template-template path: '/opt/rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/power_stencil-0.2.18/etc/templates/simple_exec') ``` `simple_exec` is an entity type coming with `PowerStencil`, and you can see that it takes its _template-template_ from within the `PowerStencil` gem itself ! But within the `PowerStencil` project, there is a place to create _templates-templates_ of your own: `.ps_projet/templates-templates/`. To summarize about templates and _templates-templates_: ![entity-creation-flow] :information_source: There is actually a third place where you could find entity types and _templates-templates_, this is within [plugins], but we will cover that in the [plugins] part... # Creating templates-templates of your own ## basics Let's imagine we have a custom buildable entity type defined in `.ps_project/entity_definitions/custom_buildable_entity.rb` and which content is: ```ruby class CustomBuildableEntity < PowerStencil::SystemEntityDefinitions::ProjectEntity entity_type :custom_buildable_entity buildable end ``` We could have (useless) _templates-templates_ defined in `.ps_project/templates-templates/custom_buildable_entity`. :information_source: A whole tree structure can be defined there, not only one file. Let's create there a text file named `a_useless_text_file.txt` with the following content: ``` This text has been generated on the <%= Time.now %> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt .... ``` Let's now create an entity of this type: ```shell $ power_stencil create custom_buildable_entity/test1 Created 'custom_buildable_entity/test1' $ ll custom_buildable_entity/test1 total 12 drwxrwxr-x 2 laurent laurent 4096 août 26 13:40 ./ drwxrwxr-x 3 laurent laurent 4096 août 26 13:40 ../ -rw-rw-r-- 1 laurent laurent 26 août 26 13:40 a_useless_text_file.txt ``` Everything, seems ok. The entity `custom_buildable_entity/test1` has been created and there is now a new folder at the root of the project named `custom_buildable_entity/test1` and which content is a text file named `a_useless_text_file.txt`... So far so good. And what is the content of this file ? ```shell $ cat custom_buildable_entity/test1/a_useless_text_file.txt This text has been generated on the 2019-08-26 13:50:35 +0200 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt .... ``` **Oops !!** It looks like the _template-template_ content has been processed as templates and the `<%= Time.now %>` code has been replaced by its result. This is not **at all** what we could have expected !! The idea was that the entity type template (the _template-template_) would become the entity template, ready for the build... **:warning: In `PowerStencil`, the concept is that everywhere there is a template defined (and _templates-templates_ are), they are really treated as templates unless you explicitely say the opposite !** So, how can we avoid that, so that the _templates-templates_ are not processed as templates ? A bad answer would be to have [ERB] code to generate [ERB] tags and code... :scream: (although sometimes in very specific cases you may really want to do that). No in this case we would like the _template-template_ to be simply not processed as a template. There is a solution for that _.xxx_ignore files_... ## `.xxx_ignore` files When any file is processed using the `PowerStencil` framework to generate another file, there are 3 operations/checks that are always applied: 1. Is the file eligible to the process (ie should it be completely ignored by the process) ? 2. Is the file eligible to the templating process ? 3. Should the file be renamed ? This is managed through a set of files that work the same way `.git_ignore` files work for Git. You can have those files anywhere within the tree of files that are processed. Their syntax is very simple. Each line can either be: - an empty line - a comment line starting with `#` - a line specifying a [Dir::glob pattern] As you probably now guessed, there are three different `.xxx_ignore` types of files available: - the `.copy_ignore` file will define which files should be completely ignored by the process. A good example would be for example a README file describing what is in the directory, but that you don't want to copy. Those files are simply ignored. - the `.subst_ignore` file will define which files should be copied as-is and not processed as templates. - later in the process files could be renamed (for example, by default `.erb` files see their `.erb` extension removed, but sometimes you may not want this to happen). The `.rename_ignore` file will define which files should not be renamed. This feature is actually coming from the [dir_glob_ignore] Gem. ## Application to our example Let's come back to [our example](#basics), and create the relevant `.xxx_ignore` files. First we don't want the `.ps_project/templates-templates/custom_buildable_entity/a_useless_text_file.txt` to be considered as a template. So let's create the `.ps_project/templates-templates/custom_buildable_entity/.subst_ignore` file with the following content: ```ignore # Ignore everything in this directory and sub folders ** ``` But if we let things like that, the `.subst_ignore` would not be processed by the templating engine (because it matches `**` from a `Dir::glob` point of view), but would be copied. And we don't want that ! So let's create a `.ps_project/templates-templates/custom_buildable_entity/.copy_ignore` with the following content: ```ignore # This files should not be processed at all .subst_ignore .copy_ignore ``` Et voilà, let's verify: ```shell $ power_stencil create custom_buildable_entity/test2 Created 'custom_buildable_entity/test2' $ ls -la custom_buildable_entity/test2 total 12 drwxrwxr-x 2 laurent laurent 4096 août 26 18:37 . drwxrwxr-x 4 laurent laurent 4096 août 26 18:37 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 laurent laurent 148 août 26 18:37 a_useless_text_file.txt $ cat custom_buildable_entity/test2/a_useless_text_file.txt This text has been generated on the <%= Time.now %> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt .... ``` :+1: Success ! None of the `.xxx_ignore` files are in the resulting folder, and the `custom_buildable_entity/test2/a_useless_text_file.txt` has not been processed, ready for the [build process][builds]. We can verify this too: ```shell $ power_stencil build custom_buildable_entity/test2 -v De-templating files for 'custom_buildable_entity/test2' into '/tmp/tst3/build/20190826-1842-27501-custom_buildable_entity_test2/custom_buildable_entity_test2' Entities analysis completed. - 'custom_buildable_entity/test2' has been correctly built $ cat /tmp/tst3/build/20190826-1842-27501-custom_buildable_entity_test2/custom_buildable_entity_test2/a_useless_text_file.txt This text has been generated on the 2019-08-26 18:42:27 +0200 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt .... ``` Flawless victory !! [:back:][Documentation root] [Documentation root]: ../README.md "Back to documentation root" [entities]: entities.md "Entities in PowerStencil" [builds]: builds.md "Builds in PowerStencil" [plugins]: plugins.md "Plugins in PowerStencil" [example use cases]: example_use_cases.md "Example uses cases using PowerStencil" [buildable]: entities.md#buildable-and-buildable_by "How to make an entity buildable ?" [entity-creation-flow]: images/power-stencil-entity-creation.svg [ERB]: https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.3/libdoc/erb/rdoc/ERB.html "Quick ERB description" [Ruby On Rails]: https://rubyonrails.org/ "One of the best Web framework" [Ruby]: https://www.ruby-lang.org "The powerful Ruby language" [Dir::glob pattern]: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.3/Dir.html#method-c-glob "Ruby documentation" [dir_glob_ignore]: https://gitlab.com/lbriais/dir_glob_ignore "An extension to the Ruby `Dir::glob` feature"