# Copyright (c) 2012 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require 'rvc/vim' DEFAULT_SERVER_PLACEHOLDER = '' def wait_for_multiple_tasks tasks, timeout if tasks == [] return [] end pc = tasks.first._connection.serviceContent.propertyCollector done = false t1 = Time.now while !done && (Time.now - t1) < timeout tasks_props = pc.collectMultiple(tasks, 'info.state') if tasks_props.reject{|t,f| ['success', 'error'].member?(f['info.state'])}.empty? done = true end sleep 2 end tasks_props = pc.collectMultiple(tasks, 'info.state', 'info.error') results = Hash[tasks_props.map do |task, props| result = if props['info.state'] == 'success' task.info.result elsif props['info.state'] == 'error' props['info.error'] else "Timed out" end [task, result] end] results end # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3386233/how-to-get-exit-status-with-rubys-netssh-library def ssh_exec!(ssh, command) stdout_data = "" stderr_data = "" exit_code = nil exit_signal = nil ssh.open_channel do |channel| channel.exec(command) do |ch, success| unless success abort "FAILED: couldn't execute command (ssh.channel.exec)" end channel.on_data do |ch,data| stdout_data+=data end channel.on_extended_data do |ch,type,data| stderr_data+=data end channel.on_request("exit-status") do |ch,data| exit_code = data.read_long end end end ssh.loop [stdout_data, stderr_data, exit_code] end opts :restart_services do summary "Restart all services in hosts" arg :cluster, nil, :lookup => VIM::ComputeResource, :multi => true opt :host, "Host name (multi ok)", type: :string, short: 'n', :multi => true opt :password, "Host password (multi ok)", type: :string, short: 'p', :multi => true end def restart_services clusters, opts hosts = opts[:host] pwds = opts[:password] puts "Need to specify password(s) for fixing" if pwds == [] hosts.each do |host| finished = false pwds.each do |pwd| break if finished puts "\nTrying restart #{host} with pwd #{pwd}" begin Net::SSH.start(host, "root", :password => pwd, :paranoid => false) do |ssh| # HZ 1258412 discusses the commands to fix a node with hostd problems cmd = "/sbin/chkconfig usbarbitrator off" puts "Running #{cmd}" out = ssh_exec!(ssh,cmd) if out[2] != 0 puts "Failed to execute #{cmd} on host #{host}" puts out[1] end cmd = "/sbin/services.sh restart > /tmp/restart_services.log 2>&1" puts "Running #{cmd}" out = ssh_exec!(ssh,cmd) if out[2] != 0 puts "Failed to restart all services on host #{host}" puts out[1] else puts "Host #{host} restarted all services" finished = true end end rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed puts "Failed to authenticate on host #{host}" end end end end opts :vm_create do summary "Check that VMs can be created on all hosts in a cluster" arg :cluster, nil, :lookup => VIM::ComputeResource, :multi => true opt :datastore, "Datastore to put (temporary) VMs on", :lookup => VIM::Datastore opt :vm_folder, "VM Folder to place (temporary) VMs in", :lookup => VIM::Folder opt :timeout, "Time to wait for VM creation to finish", :type => :int, :default => 3 * 60 opt :fix, "Fix the failing ESX hosts", :type => :boolean , :default => false opt :password, "Passwords for fixing hosts", :type => :string, short: 'p', :multi => true end def vm_create clusters, opts datastore = opts[:datastore] vm_folder = opts[:vm_folder] err "datastore is a required parameter" unless datastore err "vm_folder is a required parameter" unless vm_folder puts "Creating one VM per host ... (timeout = #{opts[:timeout]} sec)" errors = [] failed_hosts = [] begin result = _vm_create clusters, datastore, vm_folder, opts errors = result.select{|h, x| x['status'] != 'green'} errors.each do |host, info| puts "Failed to create VM on host #{host} (in cluster #{info['cluster']}): #{info['error']}" err_msgs = ["Timed out", "InvalidState", "InvalidHostState", "InvalidHostConnectionState", "HostCommunication"] err_msgs.each do |msg| if info['error'].include? msg failed_hosts << host break end end end rescue Exception => e puts "An error occurred:\n" puts "e.message:", e.message puts "e.backtrace:", e.backtrace.join("\n") errors = [e] end if errors.length == 0 puts "Success" end if opts[:fix] && failed_hosts != [] opts[:host] = failed_hosts restart_services(clusters, opts) end end def _vm_create clusters, datastore, vm_folder, opts = {} pc = datastore._connection.serviceContent.propertyCollector datastore_path = "[#{datastore.name}]" run = Time.now.to_i % 1000 tasks_map = {} cluster_host_map = {} clusters_props = pc.collectMultiple(clusters, 'name', 'resourcePool', 'host') all_hosts = clusters_props.map{|c, p| p['host']}.flatten hosts_props = pc.collectMultiple(all_hosts, 'name') hosts_infos = Hash[all_hosts.map{|host| [host, {}]}] clusters.each do |cluster| cluster_props = clusters_props[cluster] rp = cluster_props['resourcePool'] hosts = cluster_props['host'] hosts.map do |host| cluster_host_map[host] = cluster config = { :name => "VM-on-#{hosts_props[host]['name']}-#{run}", :guestId => 'otherGuest', :files => { :vmPathName => datastore_path }, :numCPUs => 1, :memoryMB => 16, :annotation => YAML.dump({'lease' => Time.now + 2 * opts[:timeout] + 60}), :deviceChange => [ { :operation => :add, :device => VIM.VirtualCdrom( :key => -2, :connectable => { :allowGuestControl => true, :connected => true, :startConnected => true, }, :backing => VIM.VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo( :fileName => datastore_path ), :controllerKey => 200, :unitNumber => 0 ) } ], } begin task = vm_folder.CreateVM_Task(:config => config, :pool => rp, :host => host) tasks_map[task] = host hosts_infos[host][:create_task] = task rescue puts "Failed to create task for host #{host.name}" end end end create_tasks = tasks_map.keys create_results = wait_for_multiple_tasks create_tasks, opts[:timeout] create_results.each { |t, r| hosts_infos[tasks_map[t]][:create_result] = r } vms = create_results.select{|t, x| x.is_a? VIM::VirtualMachine} destroy_tasks = Hash[vms.map{|t, x| [x.Destroy_Task, t]}] destroy_results = wait_for_multiple_tasks destroy_tasks.keys, opts[:timeout] destroy_results.each do |t, r| create_task = destroy_tasks[t] hosts_infos[tasks_map[create_task]][:destroy_result] = r end out = {} all_hosts.each do |host| host_info = hosts_infos[host] host_props = hosts_props[host] cluster = cluster_host_map[host] cluster_props = clusters_props[cluster] result = host_info[:create_result] result = host_info[:destroy_result] if result.is_a?(VIM::VirtualMachine) error_detail = nil if result == nil error_str = nil status = 'green' elsif result.is_a?(String) error_str = result status = 'red' else error_str = "#{result.fault.class.wsdl_name}: #{result.localizedMessage}" status = 'red' begin error_detail = result.fault.faultMessage rescue end end out[host_props['name']] = { 'cluster' => cluster_props['name'], 'status' => status, 'error' => error_str, 'error_detail' => error_detail, } end out end