require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Journaled::Writer do subject { journaled_event: journaled_event } describe '#initialize' do context 'when the Journaled Event does not implement all the necessary methods' do let(:journaled_event) { double } it 'raises on initialization' do expect { subject }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /An enqueued event must respond to/ end end context 'when the Journaled Event returns non-present values for some of the required methods' do let(:journaled_event) do double( journaled_schema_name: nil, journaled_attributes: {}, journaled_partition_key: '', journaled_app_name: nil, journaled_enqueue_opts: {}, ) end it 'raises on initialization' do expect { subject }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /An enqueued event must have a non-nil response to/ end end context 'when the Journaled Event complies with the API' do let(:journaled_event) do double( journaled_schema_name: :fake_schema_name, journaled_attributes: { foo: :bar }, journaled_partition_key: 'fake_partition_key', journaled_app_name: nil, journaled_enqueue_opts: {}, ) end it 'does not raise on initialization' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end end describe '#journal!' do let(:schema_path) { Journaled::Engine.root.join "journaled_schemas/fake_schema_name.json" } let(:schema_file_contents) do <<-JSON { "title": "Foo", "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "string" } }, "required": ["foo"] } JSON end before do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(schema_path).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:read).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:read).with(schema_path).and_return(schema_file_contents) end let(:journaled_enqueue_opts) { {} } let(:journaled_event) do double( journaled_schema_name: :fake_schema_name, journaled_attributes: journaled_event_attributes, journaled_partition_key: 'fake_partition_key', journaled_app_name: 'my_app', journaled_enqueue_opts: journaled_enqueue_opts, ) end around do |example| with_jobs_delayed { } end context 'when the journaled event does NOT comply with the base_event schema' do let(:journaled_event_attributes) { { foo: 1 } } it 'raises an error and does not enqueue anything' do expect { subject.journal! }.to raise_error JSON::Schema::ValidationError expect(Delayed::Job.where('handler like ?', '%Journaled::Delivery%').count).to eq 0 end end context 'when the event complies with the base_event schema' do context 'when the specific json schema is NOT valid' do let(:journaled_event_attributes) { { id: 'FAKE_UUID', event_type: 'fake_event', created_at:, foo: 1 } } it 'raises an error and does not enqueue anything' do expect { subject.journal! }.to raise_error JSON::Schema::ValidationError expect(Delayed::Job.where('handler like ?', '%Journaled::Delivery%').count).to eq 0 end end context 'when the specific json schema is also valid' do let(:journaled_event_attributes) { { id: 'FAKE_UUID', event_type: 'fake_event', created_at:, foo: :bar } } it 'creates a delivery with the app name passed through' do allow(Journaled::Delivery).to receive(:new).and_call_original subject.journal! expect(Journaled::Delivery).to have_received(:new).with(hash_including(app_name: 'my_app')) end context 'when there is no job priority specified in the enqueue opts' do around do |example| old_priority = Journaled.job_priority Journaled.job_priority = 999 Journaled.job_priority = old_priority end it 'defaults to the global default' do expect { subject.journal! }.to change { Delayed::Job.where('handler like ?', '%Journaled::Delivery%').where(priority: 999).count }.from(0).to(1) end end context 'when there is a job priority specified in the enqueue opts' do let(:journaled_enqueue_opts) { { priority: 13 } } it 'enqueues a Journaled::Delivery object with the given priority' do expect { subject.journal! }.to change { Delayed::Job.where('handler like ?', '%Journaled::Delivery%').where(priority: 13).count }.from(0).to(1) end end end end end end