just landed soehat. nice touchdown. separuh penumpang ibu2 kyk rombongan pengajian. bau minyak angin dimana-mana :-(
this if you miss justin's flirty tweets. :(
nothing to do here :(
寒いです~・・・。30f~50f。we had a snowstorm yesterday.it lasted only an hour but i was outside... :-(
ewwww why do i keep over eating? :(
terpesona liat ben 10 tuhhh...qiqiqiqrt sakit leher....again,again,agaiiinnn !!!! :( :(
and i aint hear from yall ina min :(
the only one i know of closes at 10 pm. :(
i too sleepy to get back up for meds :(
i missed you today :(
i hate having to say no when people ask if i speak tagalog :(
battery is red :( . ugh r.i.p.
just opened my last (raison d'etre)...a little sad :(
ahhhhh! don't even try it!!! *looks at phone log* oops. :-( luv ya, brooooo!!!
no. i was gonna go. my plan was get in noon wednesday...i spent all my money on business stuff. i have a swell studio tho :(
this if you miss justin's flirty tweets. :(
sorry to hear about da fall :(
i want to tweet so bad bt i dnt have a lot of battery :(
lol it show aww dont be mad :(
tengkyu bekajing :) be tough! ;) rt: strong outside fragile inside :(
i've thought of that. you have to clean their cages... :(
just listening to the podcast, and you said there was no entries for boidsters comp. i entered though :( the dm is still in my sent box.
~ haha, i probably will fall asleep soon. :(
so good to know! long time we dont talk :( how u been with ur ra ?
pissed da fuck offfffff :( dont look like me & ma cuzzin going too da bestie arty.... ughhh my fuckin aunt iz such a dick i swear
or just buy me a bunny :-(
lecras might be out for three weeks :(
benihanas but not eating smh i got here to late so they told us they not turning on the grill :(
awww poor baby so scared :(
day 1 of week from hell. i want to go home. :(
i'm freezing and i spilled food on my blanket... :(
don't be a stranger please :(
i think imma get a weave in like 2 weeks though lmao don't hate me rich :( *lmao nope nope 2 late i hate u alredy!
uugggh i know :-( rt: niquenique_07 poor baby... i'm sorry
lol. well that's where we differ, my nephew sleeps, problem is he wakes up every 3 hours for milk :(
no ive never been to one either :(
so tired would love a nap. :(
so like my jamaican side of the fam aka my dad & brother are sparking ls and sippin punch. wtf about me?! i'm sick right now : (
dude, why did u have to leave ow? roberts is gone and im tag partnerless :( de could have been champions!
lmaaoo ! he's on secretly :) but doesn't tweet much to us ~ :-(
lol... no problem. i would have wrote back but i'm not being followed : ( *tear*
:( whyyyy
lol its not pathetic!!cause i still really really wanna go!! :( we should throw a prom for me u nd ally lol xd
pissed off! :(
at ja' grill in lincoln park. they're blasting a 90s dancehall tape that is great selection-wise but terrible mixing-wise. and so loud :(
q:im bored too :( what have yuu been doing today a:being bored its dump
di veteran nh gue,jmput dong..mau unggul :( drumah..you?telekkmu unggul magerr aja !! dmana kaoo ?!?
fml why does a awesome party have to be on the one night im not in tauranga. :(
haha yeah but i think i have to wait til i go to my mums on monday :(
:( wut up twitz
i wish twitter was real life :(
half way done moving into the new apt !! sooo damn tiring :(
hoeeeeks mau muntah :(
i was supposed to go to tre for a friends bday but somebody has my i.d. and isn't answering now : (
becuz its f1!! why is f1 fun? just one reason! i wana go f1 :(
hahah ew no .. :( am i out ? can i twit pic something else
wish you came.. :( i kno u man i miss yall
me too :( i miss yeeew
lol... drama.... its too hard to explain... :(
i miss the #jonasbrothers so much :(
did you know that is following you? so envious! :(
me will miss you. :(
this if you miss justin's flirty tweets. :(
12 hours has passed and your still not here. so i'm lonely and i don't have any churros ..not cool :(
thx dear :) serem dengernya :( *hugs back*
add 'pears' to the list of fruit i'm now allergic too :(
#whydoboys lie aboutt the dummest shit ever? like i wouldn't find out somehow. & i found out the truth today. smfh. :(
fuuuun night! i feel sad if you missed it.. :(
she couldn't even tell me goodnight! :(
she won :(
gonna be home alone tonight.. grr, wish someone would come over and keep me company :( ohwell, fuck it..
this if you miss justin's flirty tweets. :(
i need a fruity alcoholic beverage :(
sounds like my plan too.. :(
omg. i want to go to the lady antebellum concert, so bad! :(
how come i can't call vikkis handphone number? :/ :( 17
follow balik donk.. :(
i'm only going to be in school at 4-5+ :( damnn..
last time i tried playing you weent on :(
iya gue emang salaaaaaaaah tolol banget semalem ngomong nya gitu banget :(
cuz u said you won't do the live chat :(
that was so embarrassing :(
i don't know why but i keep crying. :(
why are parents so rude when you come home :( ? .. gayy
i miss my gorgeous_tee !!! ..too bad she's not here :( -- might make that trip next weekend
my fiance is having a change of heart : (
if u hear someone hacking and coughing for 10 miles tomorrow, that will be me, since i'm still sick :(
they're just protecting theirself, right ? gue pernah dicakar tauuuk! makannya gue trauma :(
tedio on more :(
i miss my parents where are they :(
no! :( where is it?
my tv kept going out in the middle of a good show!! :(
so bored! ready to dip.......where's robbye? come rescue me someone from these ppl! :(
definately bummed i don't get to meet you guys though :(
like that post! i have trust issues :(
it only took me one hour to write a 4 page paper on vitamin b6! woo! just in time to start the weekend...oh wait, i work early tomorrow. :(
nooo bye bye silly :(
{.ninja #2.!}
.ya ampun.kmrn ak mimpi serem bgt"an.ampe parno parah :(
cody alot of miss your attention and were kinda upset how when you become famous you won't care why we say :(
#sometimesifeel like blair waldorf.. how she smiles in someones face, then frowns when they turn around :) :(
bieber fans, sit the fuck down & stop trying to spam #jonasbrothers just because you know they pwn your ass. :(
not yet but might not be possible... :( too much going on!
vs is a fight i am dying to see but all these rumors are messed. can you shut showdown joe up? midget :(
i'm still feel terrible :( you darling?
:( why haven't you called?! lol
: ( awwwww wish there was room in the cars......
lolol..they suppose to b..u dnt like'em :-(
why did my mum have too go away for 3 day's? this is like the worst possible time that she could go. i need her :(
damnit, i'm cold again. gonna go hide under my covers. :(
hahah ew no .. :( am i out ? can i twit pic something else <-- lol yea i guess
3 more followers pleaase :(
that is a good start.. gw juga nih.. hopefully kita kurus bareng yah.. gw kemaren semangat ngegym cuman 2minggu :(
sleepy times. gotta get up early. not that i want to. it's saturday for fuck's sake. :(
try paying $7.80 a gallon like we do :(
best thing i've heard in a while ---> "i miss you :( like reaal talk."
i've nver seen taylor swift on tt.. :( i want her to be on top of the list.
watchin old movies on tmc....lonely on a friday night...thanx dude :-( awwww
#iicdhouse c'mon justin! say hi to us! :(
kenapa dhin?rt jalanin dulu aja bee :( , give up nih gue capeeeeee
no more money :( but i did good for a while! hubby should buy me back in....
my legs are on fire right now :(
there's no dx, no good wwe, without shawn michaels. :( it's just not right.
no not tonight :(
nnooooo no t vayassssss :(
telling your ex girlfriend you have a new girlfriend is not cool :(
here at thee besties house had fun today! i guess ill have to wait one more day :(
wishin he was here :( .....
i can't find my datebook and i actually need it this time! :(
shet .. wala akong bakasyon :( required kame sa 2 subject :( sadness
not sure.... just is swollen on surgical site today-and runny :( praying for you and your pain-much more at ease in mine
whass wrong? :(
ano ba yan.puro replay ang shows ng tfc. :(
playing around with this thing for a bit, then bed. gotta get up and work on this research paper before doing anything. :(
you broke me :( i don't wanna be that person, but you thought i was, and what if i still am? i don't wanna be that person.
i wish! but i am in colorado :(