new_row = render :partial => 'list_record', :locals => {:record => @record} page << "ActiveScaffold.create_record_row('#{active_scaffold_id}','#{escape_javascript(new_row)}', #{{:insert_at => :top}.to_json});" 'ActiveScaffold.replace', active_scaffold_calculations_id, render(:partial => 'list_calculations') if active_scaffold_config.list.columns.any? {|c| c.calculation?} if (form_stays_open = true) # why not just re-render the form? that wouldn't utilize a possible do_new override which sets default values. 'ActiveScaffold.reset_form', element_form_id 'ActiveScaffold.replace_html', element_messages_id(:action => :add_existing), render(:partial => 'form_messages') # have to delay the focus, because there's no "firstElement" in prototype until at least one element is not disabled if ActiveScaffold.js_framework == :prototype page.delay 0.1 do page << "ActiveScaffold.focus_first_element_of_form('#{element_form_id}');" end end else page << "ActiveScaffold.find_action_link('#{element_form_id(:action => :new_existing)}').close();" end