# Generic helper methods not specific to a particular tag name module Appium module Common # iOS .name returns the accessibility attribute if it's set. if not set, the string value is used. # Android .name returns the accessibility attribute and nothing if it's not set. # # .text should be cross platform so prefer that over name, unless both # Android and iOS have proper accessibility attributes. # .text and .value should be the same so use .text over .value. # # secure class_name is iOS only because it can't be implemented using uiautomator for Android. # # find_element :text doesn't work so use XPath to find by text. # Return yield and ignore any exceptions. def ignore yield rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions, Lint/RescueException end # Navigate back. # @return [void] def back @driver.navigate.back end # For Sauce Labs reporting. Returns the current session id. # @return [String] # # @example # # @driver.session_id #=> "some-session-ids" # def session_id @driver.session_id end # Returns the first element that matches the provided xpath. # # @param xpath_str [String] the XPath string # @return [Element] def xpath(xpath_str) @driver.find_element :xpath, xpath_str end # Returns all elements that match the provided xpath. # # @param xpath_str [String] the XPath string # @return [Array] def xpaths(xpath_str) @driver.find_elements :xpath, xpath_str end # json and ap are required for the source method. require 'json' # @private # http://nokogiri.org/Nokogiri/XML/SAX.html class CountElements < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document attr_reader :result def initialize reset end def reset @result = Hash.new 0 end # http://nokogiri.org/Nokogiri/XML/SAX/Document.html def start_element(name, attrs = [], driver = $driver) # Count only visible elements. Android is always visible element_visible = driver.device_is_android? ? true : Hash[attrs]['visible'] == 'true' @result[name] += 1 if element_visible end def formatted_result message = '' sorted = @result.sort_by { |_element, count| count }.reverse sorted.each do |element, count| message += "#{count}x #{element}\n" end message.strip end end # class CountElements # Returns a string of class counts of visible elements. # @return [String] # # @example # # get_page_class #=> "24x XCUIElementTypeStaticText\n12x XCUIElementTypeCell\n8x XCUIElementTypeOther\n # # 2x XCUIElementTypeWindow\n1x XCUIElementTypeStatusBar\n1x XCUIElementTypeTable\n1 # # x XCUIElementTypeNavigationBar\n1x XCUIElementTypeApplication" # def get_page_class parser = @count_elements_parser ||= Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(CountElements.new) parser.document.reset parser.parse get_source parser.document.formatted_result end # Count all classes on screen and print to stdout. # Useful for appium_console. # @return [nil] # # @example # # page_class # # 24x XCUIElementTypeStaticText # # 12x XCUIElementTypeCell # # 8x XCUIElementTypeOther # # 2x XCUIElementTypeWindow # # 1x XCUIElementTypeStatusBar # # 1x XCUIElementTypeTable # # 1x XCUIElementTypeNavigationBar # # 1x XCUIElementTypeApplication # def page_class puts get_page_class nil end # Prints xml of the current page # @return [void] def source _print_source get_source end # Returns XML string for the current page # Same as driver.page_source # @return [String] def get_source @driver.page_source end # Converts pixel values to window relative values # # @example # # px_to_window_rel x: 50, y: 150 #=> # # def px_to_window_rel(opts = {}, driver = $driver) w = driver.window_size x = opts.fetch :x, 0 y = opts.fetch :y, 0 OpenStruct.new(x: "#{x.to_f} / #{w.width.to_f}", y: "#{y.to_f} / #{w.height.to_f}") end # @private def lazy_load_strings # app strings only works on local apps. # on disk apps (ex: com.android.settings) will error @strings_xml ||= ignore { app_strings } || {} end # Search strings.xml's values for target. # @param target [String] the target to search for in strings.xml values # @return [Array] def xml_keys(target) lazy_load_strings @strings_xml.select { |key, _value| key.downcase.include? target.downcase } end # Search strings.xml's keys for target. # @param target [String] the target to search for in strings.xml keys # @return [Array] def xml_values(target) lazy_load_strings @strings_xml.select { |_key, value| value.downcase.include? target.downcase } end # Resolve id in strings.xml and return the value. # @param id [String] the id to resolve # @return [String] def resolve_id(id) lazy_load_strings @strings_xml[id] end # @private class HTMLElements < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document attr_reader :filter # convert to string to support symbols def filter=(value) # nil and false disable the filter return @filter = false unless value @filter = value.to_s.downcase end def initialize reset @filter = false end def reset @element_stack = [] @elements_in_order = [] @skip_element = false end def result @elements_in_order.reduce('') do |r, e| name = e.delete :name attr_string = e.reduce('') do |string, attr| attr_1 = attr[1] attr_1 = attr_1 ? attr_1.strip : attr_1 string + " #{attr[0]}: #{attr_1}\n" end unless attr_string.nil? || attr_string.empty? r += "\n#{name}\n#{attr_string}" end r end end def start_element(name, attrs = []) @skip_element = filter && !filter.include?(name.downcase) return if @skip_element element = { name: name } attrs.each { |a| element[a[0]] = a[1] } @element_stack.push element @elements_in_order.push element end def end_element(name) return if filter && !filter.include?(name.downcase) element_index = @element_stack.rindex { |e| e[:name] == name } @element_stack.delete_at element_index end def characters(chars) return if @skip_element element = @element_stack.last element[:text] = chars end end # @private def _no_such_element error_message = 'An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.' raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError, error_message end # @private def _print_source(source) opts = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NONET doc = if source.start_with? '