Given(/^I have an app that depends on a GPL licensed gem$/) do @user = @user.create_ruby_app @user.create_and_depend_on_gem "gpl_gem", license: "GPL" end When(/^I approve that gem$/) do @user.execute_command "license_finder" @user.should be_seeing "gpl_gem" @user.execute_command "license_finder approve gpl_gem --approver 'Julian' --message 'We really need this'" @user.execute_command "license_finder --quiet" end Then(/^I should not see that gem in the console output$/) do @user.should_not be_seeing "gpl_gem" end Then(/^I should see that gem approved in dependencies\.html$/) do @user.in_gem_html("gpl_gem") do |gpl_gem| gpl_gem[:class].should == "approved" gpl_gem.should have_content "Julian" gpl_gem.should have_content "We really need this" end end