require 'find' require 'rbconfig' $TESTING = false unless defined? $TESTING ## # Autotest continuously scans the files in your project for changes # and runs the appropriate tests. Test failures are run until they # have all passed. Then the full test suite is run to ensure that # nothing else was inadvertantly broken. # # If you want Autotest to start over from the top, hit ^C once. If # you want Autotest to quit, hit ^C twice. # # Rails: # # The autotest command will automatically discover a Rails directory # by looking for config/environment.rb. When Rails is discovered, # autotest uses RailsAutotest to perform file mappings and other work. # See RailsAutotest for details. # # Plugins: # # Plugins are available by creating a .autotest file either in your # project root or in your home directory. You can then write event # handlers in the form of: # # Autotest.add_hook hook_name { |autotest| ... } # # The available hooks are listed in +ALL_HOOKS+. # # See example_dot_autotest.rb for more details. # # If a hook returns a true value, it signals to autotest that the hook # was handled and should not continue executing hooks. # # Naming: # # Autotest uses a simple naming scheme to figure out how to map # implementation files to test files following the Test::Unit naming # scheme. # # * Test files must be stored in test/ # * Test files names must start with test_ # * Test class names must start with Test # * Implementation files must be stored in lib/ # * Implementation files must match up with a test file named # test_.*implementation.rb # # Strategy: # # 1. Find all files and associate them from impl <-> test. # 2. Run all tests. # 3. Scan for failures. # 4. Detect changes in ANY (ruby?. file, rerun all failures + changed files. # 5. Until 0 defects, goto 3. # 6. When 0 defects, goto 2. class Autotest VERSION = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','VERSION') ).strip T0 = 0 ALL_HOOKS = [ :all_good, :died, :green, :initialize, :interrupt, :quit, :ran_command, :red, :reset, :run_command, :updated, :waiting ] @@options = {} def self.options;@@options;end def options;@@options;end HOOKS = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } #unfound keys are [] unless defined? WINDOZE then WINDOZE = /win32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM SEP = WINDOZE ? '&' : ';' end @@discoveries = [] ## # Add a proc to the collection of discovery procs. See # +autodiscover+. def self.add_discovery &proc @@discoveries << proc end ## # Automatically find all potential autotest runner styles by # searching your loadpath, vendor/plugins, and rubygems for # "autotest/discover.rb". If found, that file is loaded and it # should register discovery procs with autotest using # +add_discovery+. That proc should return one or more strings # describing the user's current environment. Those styles are then # combined to dynamically invoke an autotest plugin to suite your # environment. That plugin should define a subclass of Autotest with # a corresponding name. # # === Process: # # 1. All autotest/discover.rb files loaded. # 2. Those procs determine your styles (eg ["rails", "rspec"]). # 3. Require file by sorting styles and joining (eg 'autotest/rails_rspec'). # 4. Invoke run method on appropriate class (eg # # === Example autotest/discover.rb: # # Autotest.add_discovery do # "rails" if File.exist? 'config/environment.rb' # end # def self.autodiscover require 'rubygems' Gem.find_files("autotest/discover").each do |f| load f end #call all discover procs an determine style{ |proc| }.flatten.compact.sort.uniq end ## # Initialize and run the system. def end attr_writer :known_files attr_accessor(:completed_re, :extra_class_map, :extra_files, :failed_results_re, :files_to_test, :find_order, :interrupted, :last_mtime, :libs, :order, :output, :results, :sleep, :tainted, :testlib, :find_directories, :unit_diff, :wants_to_quit) ## # Initialize the instance and then load the user's .autotest file, if any. def initialize # these two are set directly because they're wrapped with # add/remove/clear accessor methods @exception_list = [] @test_mappings = [] ENV['UNIT_DIFF'] ||= File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../bin/unit_diff") self.completed_re = /\d+ tests, \d+ assertions, \d+ failures, \d+ errors/ self.extra_class_map = {} self.extra_files = [] self.failed_results_re = /^\s+\d+\) (?:Failure|Error):\n(.*?)\((.*?)\)/ self.files_to_test = new_hash_of_arrays self.find_order = [] self.known_files = nil self.libs = %w[. lib test].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) self.order = :random self.output = $stderr self.sleep = 1 self.testlib = "test/unit" self.find_directories = ['.'] self.unit_diff = "#{ENV['UNIT_DIFF']} -u" #add Test::Unit mappings #file in /lib -> run test in /test self.add_mapping(/^lib\/.*\.rb$/) do |filename, _| possible = File.basename(filename).gsub '_', '_?' files_matching %r%^test/.*#{possible}$% end #file in /test -> run it self.add_mapping(/^test.*\/test_.*rb$/) do |filename, _| filename end #execute custom extensions load_custom_extensions(options[:rc]) end def load_custom_extensions(config_file) configs = ['./.autotest'] if config_file configs << File.expand_path(config_file) else configs << File.expand_path('~/.autotest') end configs.each do |f| load f if File.exist? f end end ## # Repeatedly run failed tests, then all tests, then wait for changes # and carry on until killed. def run hook :initialize reset add_sigint_handler self.last_mtime = if options[:no_full_after_start] loop do begin # ^c handler get_to_green if self.tainted and not options[:no_full_after_failed] then rerun_all_tests else hook :all_good end wait_for_changes rescue Interrupt break if self.wants_to_quit reset end end hook :quit rescue Exception => err hook :died, err end ## # Keep running the tests after a change, until all pass. def get_to_green begin run_tests wait_for_changes unless all_good end until all_good end ## # Look for files to test then run the tests and handle the results. def run_tests hook :run_command new_mtime = self.find_files_to_test return unless new_mtime self.last_mtime = new_mtime cmd = self.make_test_cmd self.files_to_test return if cmd.empty? puts cmd unless options[:quiet] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true self.results = [] line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc or break print (c.is_a?(Fixnum) ? c.chr : c) line << c if c == ?\n then self.results << if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" then line.join else line.pack "c*" end line.clear end end end ensure $stdout.sync = old_sync end hook :ran_command self.results = self.results.join handle_results(self.results) end ############################################################ # Utility Methods, not essential to reading of logic ## # Installs a sigint handler. def add_sigint_handler trap 'INT' do if self.interrupted then self.wants_to_quit = true else unless hook :interrupt then puts "Interrupt a second time to quit" self.interrupted = true Kernel.sleep 1.5 end raise Interrupt, nil # let the run loop catch it end end end ## # If there are no files left to test (because they've all passed), # then all is good. def all_good files_to_test.empty? end ## # Convert a path in a string, s, into a class name, changing # underscores to CamelCase, etc. def path_to_classname(s) sep = File::SEPARATOR f = s.sub(/^test#{sep}/, '').sub(/\.rb$/, '').split(sep) f = { |path| path.split(/_|(\d+)/).map { |seg| seg.capitalize }.join } f = { |path| path =~ /^Test/ ? path : "Test#{path}" } f.join('::') end ## # Returns a hash mapping a file name to the known failures for that # file. def consolidate_failures(failed) filters = new_hash_of_arrays class_map = Hash[*self.find_order.grep(/^test/).map { |f| # TODO: ugly [path_to_classname(f), f] }.flatten] class_map.merge!(self.extra_class_map) failed.each do |method, klass| if class_map.has_key? klass then filters[class_map[klass]] << method else output.puts "Unable to map class #{klass} to a file" end end return filters end ## # Find the files to process, ignoring temporary files, source # configuration management files, etc., and return a Hash mapping # filename to modification time. def find_files result = {} targets = self.find_directories + self.extra_files self.find_order.clear targets.each do |target| order = [] Find.find(target) do |f| Find.prune if f =~ self.exceptions next if test ?d, f next if f =~ /(swp|~|rej|orig)$/ # temporary/patch files next if f =~ /\/\.?#/ # Emacs autosave/cvs merge files filename = f.sub(/^\.\//, '') result[filename] = File.stat(filename).mtime rescue next order << filename end self.find_order.push(*order.sort) end return result end ## # Find the files which have been modified, update the recorded # timestamps, and use this to update the files to test. Returns # the latest mtime of the files modified or nil when nothing was # modified. def find_files_to_test(files=find_files) updated = { |filename, mtime| self.last_mtime < mtime } unless updated.empty? or self.last_mtime.to_i == 0 #nothing to update or initial run p updated if options[:verbose] hook :updated, updated end { |f,m| test_files_for(f) }.flatten.uniq.each do |filename| self.files_to_test[filename] # creates key with default value end if updated.empty? then nil else files.values.max end end ## # Check results for failures, set the "bar" to red or green, and if # there are failures record this. def handle_results(results) failed = results.scan(self.failed_results_re) completed = results =~ self.completed_re self.files_to_test = consolidate_failures failed if completed color = completed && self.files_to_test.empty? ? :green : :red hook color unless $TESTING self.tainted = true unless self.files_to_test.empty? end ## # Lazy accessor for the known_files hash. def known_files unless @known_files then @known_files = Hash[* { |f| [f, true] }.flatten] end @known_files end ## # Generate the commands to test the supplied files def make_test_cmd files_to_test cmds = [] full, partial = reorder(files_to_test).partition { |k,v| v.empty? } base_cmd = "#{ruby} -I#{libs} -rubygems" unless full.empty? then classes = {|k,v| k}.flatten.uniq classes.unshift testlib cmds << "#{base_cmd} -e \"%w[#{classes.join(' ')}].each { |f| require f }\" | #{unit_diff}" end partial.each do |klass, methods| regexp = Regexp.union(*methods).source cmds << "#{base_cmd} #{klass} -n \"/^(#{regexp})$/\" | #{unit_diff}" end return cmds.join("#{SEP} ") end def new_hash_of_arrays { |h,k| h[k] = [] } end def reorder files_to_test case self.order when :alpha then files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| k } when :reverse then files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| k }.reverse when :random then max = files_to_test.size files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| rand(max) } when :natural then (self.find_order & files_to_test.keys).map { |f| [f, files_to_test[f]] } else raise "unknown order type: #{self.order.inspect}" end end ## # Rerun the tests from cold (reset state) def rerun_all_tests reset run_tests hook :all_good if all_good end ## # Clear all state information about test failures and whether # interrupts will kill autotest. def reset self.files_to_test.clear self.find_order.clear self.interrupted = false self.known_files = nil self.last_mtime = T0 self.tainted = false self.wants_to_quit = false hook :reset end ## # Determine and return the path of the ruby executable. def ruby ruby = ENV['RUBY'] ruby ||= File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) ruby.gsub! File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR if File::ALT_SEPARATOR return ruby end ## # Return the name of the file with the tests for filename by finding # a +test_mapping+ that matches the file and executing the mapping's # proc. def test_files_for(filename) result = @test_mappings.find { |file_re, ignored| filename =~ file_re } p :test_file_for => [filename, result.first] if result and $DEBUG result = result.nil? ? [] : [, $~)].flatten output.puts "No tests matched #{filename}" if (options[:verbose] or $TESTING) and result.empty? { |f| known_files[f] } end ## # Sleep then look for files to test, until there are some. def wait_for_changes hook :waiting Kernel.sleep self.sleep until find_files_to_test end ############################################################ # File Mappings: ## # Returns all known files in the codebase matching +regexp+. def files_matching regexp { |k| k =~ regexp } end ## # Adds a file mapping, optionally prepending the mapping to the # front of the list if +prepend+ is true. +regexp+ should match a # file path in the codebase. +proc+ is passed a matched filename and # Regexp.last_match. +proc+ should return an array of tests to run. # # For example, if test_helper.rb is modified, rerun all tests: # # at.add_mapping(/test_helper.rb/) do |f, _| # at.files_matching(/^test.*rb$/) # end def add_mapping(regexp, prepend = false, &proc) if prepend then @test_mappings.unshift [regexp, proc] else @test_mappings.push [regexp, proc] end nil end ## # Removed a file mapping matching +regexp+. def remove_mapping regexp @test_mappings.delete_if do |k,v| k == regexp end nil end ## # Clears all file mappings. This is DANGEROUS as it entirely # disables autotest. You must add at least one file mapping that # does a good job of rerunning appropriate tests. def clear_mappings @test_mappings.clear nil end ############################################################ # Exceptions: ## # Adds +regexp+ to the list of exceptions for find_file. This must # be called _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def add_exception regexp raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list << regexp nil end ## # Removes +regexp+ to the list of exceptions for find_file. This # must be called _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def remove_exception regexp raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list.delete regexp nil end ## # Clears the list of exceptions for find_file. This must be called # _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def clear_exceptions raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list.clear nil end ## # Return a compiled regexp of exceptions for find_files or nil if no # filtering should take place. This regexp is generated from # +exception_list+. def exceptions unless defined? @exceptions then if @exception_list.empty? then @exceptions = nil else @exceptions = Regexp.union(*@exception_list) end end @exceptions end ############################################################ # Hooks: ## # Call the event hook named +name+, executing all registered hooks # until one returns true. Returns false if no hook handled the # event. def hook(name, *args) deprecated = { # none currently } if deprecated[name] and not HOOKS[name].empty? then warn "hook #{name} has been deprecated, use #{deprecated[name]}" end HOOKS[name].any? do |plugin| plugin[self, *args] end end ## # Add the supplied block to the available hooks, with the given # name. def self.add_hook(name, &block) HOOKS[name] << block end private #list of all available rubygem load paths def self.rubygem_load_paths begin require 'rubygems' Gem.latest_load_paths rescue LoadError [] end end end