module Auth::Concerns::TokenConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :authentication_done ## adds simple_token_authentication to whichever controller implements this concern. ## the models have alredy been made token_authenticatable in the lib/auth/omniauth.rb file ## logic implemented here is that it iterates the auth_resources one at a time, and as long as the previous one is not already signed in , will add the 'acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for' the current resource_type. ## merges in the entire hash for the current resource_type, from the configuration preinitializer file. ## it then merges in any controller level configuration options ## for this purpose, the controller should add a class method called 'token_authentication_conditions', which should return a hash of options. Refer to models/auth/shopping/cart_concern.rb and model/auth/shopping/cart_item_concern.rb to see how this has been implemented. Only options supported by simple_token_authentication can be set in the hash. ### Example how to add it in the controller =begin ### in this case, the token authentication will be done on all actions defined below. ### so it won't be done on "show" =end ### Example ends ## POINT B: ## so as per documentation of simple-token-authentication, if multiple models are to be handled for token auth then all but the last must have a fallback of :none in case of authentication failure. ## this is so that it doesnt fail on the first model. ## and at least tries all the remaining models. ## So if there is only one model : then its fallback is default. ## if there is more than one model : all but the last will have a fallback of :none. ## TCONDITIONS = {} unless defined? TCONDITIONS if Auth.configuration.enable_token_auth ## conditions can be defined at the controller level . ## include a constant called TCONDITIONS, before the line ## include Auth::Concerns::TokenConcern ## refer to Auth::RegistrationsController or implementation. ## how many models are defined in the preinitializer auth_resources_count = Auth.configuration.auth_resources.size ## if we have more than one auth resource model. if auth_resources_count > 1 ## take all of them except the last, and add the fallback as none to them. ## also merge the controller level conditions defined above. Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.slice(0,auth_resources_count - 1).each do |res| acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for(res.constantize,Auth.configuration.auth_resources[res].merge({:fallback => :none}).merge(self::TCONDITIONS)) end ## for the last one, just dont add the fallback as none, other conditions are the same. res = Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys[-1] acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for(res.constantize,Auth.configuration.auth_resources[res].merge(self::TCONDITIONS || {})) else ## in case there is only one authentication resource, then the conditions are like the last one in case there are multiple(like above.) res = Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys[0] acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for(res.constantize,Auth.configuration.auth_resources[res].merge(self::TCONDITIONS || {})) end end before_filter :set_resource ## made this a helper so that it can be used in views as well. helper_method :lookup_resource helper_method :current_signed_in_resource end ## iterates all the authentication resources in the config. ## tries to see if we have a current_resource for any of them ## if yes, sets the resource to the first encoutered such key and breaks the iteration ## basically a convenience method to set @resource variable, since when we have more than one model that is being authenticated with Devise, there is no way to know which one to call. def set_resource Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.each do |resource| break if @resource = self.send("current_#{resource.downcase}") end #puts "do we have a resource" #puts @resource.to_s ## devise in registrations_controller#destroy assumes the existence of an 'resource' variable, so we set that here. if devise_controller? self.resource = @resource end end def lookup_resource puts "came to lookup resource." ## if the current signed in resource si not an admin, just return it, because the concept of proxy arises only if the current_signed in resource is an admin. puts "current signed in resource : #{current_signed_in_resource}" return current_signed_in_resource unless current_signed_in_resource.is_admin? puts "crossed resource." ## else. ## first check the session or the params for a proxy resource. proxy_resource_id = params[:proxy_resource_id] || session[:proxy_resource_id] proxy_resource_class = params[:proxy_resource_class] || session[:proxy_resource_class] ## if these are not provided or set, and if the resource is an admin, then the admin becomes the proxy_resource proxy_resource_id = if (current_signed_in_resource.is_admin? && proxy_resource_id.nil?) proxy_resource_class = current_signed_in_resource.class.to_s if (current_signed_in_resource.is_admin? && proxy_resource_class.nil?) ## now return nil if the proxy resource is still nil. return nil unless (proxy_resource_class && proxy_resource_id) return nil unless (Auth.configuration.auth_resources.include? proxy_resource_class.capitalize) proxy_resource_class = proxy_resource_class.capitalize.constantize begin proxy_resource = proxy_resource_class.find(proxy_resource_id) proxy_resource rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound => error nil end end ## the current signed in resource. def current_signed_in_resource @resource end ## convenience method to add the current signed in resource to the model instance. ## the object instance passed in MUST implement the owner concern ## @param[Object] : instance of any object that implements the OwnerConcern. ## @return : the object passed in. def add_signed_in_resource(obj,options={}) if obj.respond_to? :signed_in_resource obj.signed_in_resource = current_signed_in_resource end return obj end ## only adds the owner resource if its not already present, implying that once the owner resource is set, it should never change. def add_owner_resource(obj,options={}) if (obj.respond_to? :resource_id) && (obj.respond_to? :resource_class) if options[:owner_is_current_resource] obj.resource_id = if obj.resource_id.nil? obj.resource_class = if obj.resource_class.nil? else obj.resource_id = if obj.resource_id.nil? obj.resource_class = if obj.resource_class.nil? end end return obj end ## @param[Object] obj: the object whose owner is to be defined. ## @param[Hash] options: possible options include: ## :owner_is_current_resource => if this option exists, the resource_id and resource_class is set to the current resource def add_owner_and_signed_in_resource(obj,options={}) obj = add_owner_resource(obj,options) obj = add_signed_in_resource(obj,options) obj end ## this is used as a before_filter. def is_admin_user not_found("You don't have sufficient privileges to complete that action") if !current_signed_in_resource.is_admin? end end