module EffectiveRegionsHelper def effective_region(*args) options = args.extract_options! block_given? ? ckeditor_region(args, options) { yield } : ckeditor_region(args, options) end def simple_effective_region(*args) (options = args.extract_options!).merge!(:type => :simple) block_given? ? ckeditor_region(args, options) { yield } : ckeditor_region(args, options) end def snippet_effective_region(*args) (options = args.extract_options!).merge!(:type => :snippets) block_given? ? ckeditor_region(args, options) { yield } : ckeditor_region(args, options) end def wrapped_snippet_effective_region(*args) (options = args.extract_options!).merge!(:type => :wrapped_snippets) block_given? ? ckeditor_region(args, options) { yield } : ckeditor_region(args, options) end # Loads the Ckeditor Javascript & Stylesheets only when in edit mode def effective_regions_include_tags if effectively_editing? payload = { :snippets => Effective::Snippets::Snippet.all(controller), :templates => Effective::Templates::Template.all(controller) } if defined?(EffectivePages) && defined?(EffectiveRoles) payload[:roles] = EffectiveRoles.roles_collection(, current_user) payload[:pages] = ([['', '']] + Effective::Page.order(:title).map { |page| [page.title,] }) end javascript_include_tag('effective_ckeditor') + stylesheet_link_tag('effective_ckeditor') + render(:partial => 'effective_regions/include_tags_javascript', :locals => {:payload => payload}) end end def effectively_editing? @effectively_editing ||= ( request.fullpath.include?('edit=true') && (EffectiveRegions.authorized?(controller, :edit, rescue false) ) end alias_method :effectively_editting?, :effectively_editing? private def ckeditor_region(args, options = {}, &block) obj = args.first title = args.last.to_s.parameterize editable_tag = options.delete(:editable_tag) || :div # Set up the editable div options we need to send to ckeditor if effectively_editing? opts = { :contenteditable => true, 'data-effective-ckeditor' => (options.delete(:type) || :full).to_s, 'data-allowed-snippets' => [options.delete(:snippets)].flatten.compact.to_json, :style => ['-webkit-user-modify: read-write;', options.delete(:style), ('display: inline;' if options.delete(:inline))].compact.join(' '), :class => ['effective-region', options.delete(:class)].compact.join(' ') }.merge(options) end if obj.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) raise'Object passed to effective_region helper must declare act_as_regionable') unless obj.respond_to?(:acts_as_regionable) region = obj.regions.find { |region| region.title == title } if effectively_editing? can_edit = (EffectiveRegions.authorized?(controller, :update, obj) rescue false) opts[:id] = [model_name_from_record_or_class(obj).param_key(),, title].join('_') end else # This is a global region regions = (@effective_regions_global ||= region = regions.find { |region| region.title == title } || => title) if effectively_editing? can_edit = (EffectiveRegions.authorized?(controller, :update, region) rescue false) opts[:id] = title.to_s.parameterize end end if effectively_editing? && (can_edit && options[:editable] != false) # If we need the editable div content_tag(editable_tag, opts) do region.try(:content).present? ? render_region(region, true) : (capture(&block) if block_given?) end else region.try(:content).present? ? render_region(region, false) : (capture(&block) if block_given?) end end def render_region(region, can_edit = true) return '' unless region region.content.tap do |html| html.scan(/\[(snippet_\d+)\]/).flatten.uniq.each do |id| # find snippet_1 and replace with snippet content snippet = region.snippet_objects.find { |snippet| == id } html.gsub!("[#{id}]", render_snippet(snippet, can_edit)) if snippet end end.html_safe end def render_snippet(snippet, can_edit = true) return '' unless snippet if Rails.env.production? content = render(:partial => snippet.to_partial_path, :object => snippet, :locals => {:snippet => snippet}) rescue '' else content = render(:partial => snippet.to_partial_path, :object => snippet, :locals => {:snippet => snippet}) end if effectively_editing? && can_edit content_tag(snippet.snippet_tag, content, :data => {'effective-snippet' => snippet.class_name, 'snippet-data' =>}) else content end.html_safe end end