#-- # =============================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2005, Christopher Kleckner # All rights reserved # # This file is part of the Rio library for ruby. # # Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # =============================================================================== #++ # # To create the documentation for Rio run the command # rake rdoc # from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory. # # Suggested Reading # * RIO::Doc::SYNOPSIS # * RIO::Doc::INTRO # * RIO::Doc::HOWTO # * RIO::Rio # # Rio is pre-alpha software. # The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice. # T-Mobile HotSpot 1.877.822.SPOT require 'rio/matchrecord' require 'rio/arycopy' require 'rio/grande' require 'rio/rectype' require 'rio/ops/stream/read' require 'rio/context/stream' require 'stringio' require 'rio/record' require 'rio/cp' require 'rio/piper/cp' module RIO module Ops module Stream module Input include Status include Ops::Stream::Read include Enumerable include Grande include Cp::Stream::Input include Piper::Cp::Input end end end end require 'rio/piper' module RIO module Ops module Stream module Input public def each(*args,&block) #p callstr('each',*args) each_(*args,&block) self end def each_record(*args,&block) #p callstr('each_record',*args) each_record_(*args,&block) self end def each_row(*args,&block) #p callstr('each_row',*args) rows(*args).each_row_(*args,&block) self end def get() until self.eof? raw_rec = self._get_rec return to_rec_(raw_rec) if @get_selrej.match?(raw_rec,@recno) end end def get_type(itertype,&block) old_itertype = cx['stream_itertype'] _set_itertype(itertype) begin ans = yield ensure _set_itertype(old_itertype) end ans end def getline() get_type('lines') { get() } end def getrow() get_type('rows') { get() } end def getrec() get_type('records') { get() } end private def _ss_like_array(selrej) selrej.only_one_fixnum? and !dir_iter? end protected # iterate over the records, yielding only with matching records # implemented in terms of an underlying iterator like each_line (see RIO::RecType::*) def each_(*args,&block) #p callstr('each_',*args) selrej,rangetops = create_selrej() want_ma = block.arity > 1 catch(:stop_iter) do each_rec_ do |raw_rec| _got_rec(raw_rec) rangetops = check_passed_ranges(selrej,@recno) if rangetops and @recno > rangetops[0] if as = selrej.match?(raw_rec,@recno) if want_ma yield(to_rec_(raw_rec),as) else yield(to_rec_(raw_rec)) end end end return self end closeoneof? ? ior.close_on_eof_(self) : self end # iterate over the records, yielding only with matching records # implemented in terms of get_ (see RIO::RecType::*) def each_record_(*args,&block) #p callstr('each_record_',*args) selrej,rangetops = self.create_selrej() get_arg = self.get_arg_ self.each_record_init_(*args) catch(:stop_iter) { until ior.eof? break unless raw_rec = self._get_rec(get_arg) rangetops = check_passed_ranges(selrej,@recno) if rangetops and @recno > rangetops[0] yield to_rec_(raw_rec) if selrej.match?(raw_rec,@recno) end return self } closeoneof? ? ior.close_on_eof_(self) : self end alias :each_row_ :each_ def clear_selection() cx.delete('stream_sel') cx.delete('stream_nosel') self end def _get_rec(arg=get_arg_) _got_rec(self.get_(arg)) end def to_rec_(record) record end private def _got_rec(el=nil) @recno += 1 unless el.nil? el end protected def each_record_init_ end def handle_skipped return self unless cx.has_key?('skip_args') args = cx['skip_args'] || [] self.skiprecords(*args) end def create_selrej() sel_args = cx['stream_sel'] nosel_args = cx['stream_nosel'] handle_skipped selrej = RIO::Match::Record::SelRej.new(self,sel_args,nosel_args) [selrej,selrej.rangetops] end def check_passed_ranges(selrej,recno) throw :stop_iter if selrej.remove_passed_ranges(recno).never? selrej.rangetops end def on_closeoneof #p "on_closeoneof #{self.object_id} #{self.ior.object_id}" self.close end private def _ss_keys() Cx::SS::STREAM_KEYS end def auto(&block) rewind if autorewind? yield end public def rewind(&block) self.ior.rewind @recno = -1 each(&block) if block_given? self end def close_read(&block) self.ior.close_read each(&block) if block_given? self end def copy_stream(dst) #p callstr('copy_stream',dst) ior.copy_stream(dst) self end def recno() return nil unless @recno >= 0 @recno end def to_h { self.to_s => self.to_a } end def each_0(sel,&block) if sel.match_all? each_rec_(&block) else each_rec_ { |rec| next unless mtch = sel.match?(rec,@recno) val = (mtch.kind_of?(::MatchData) && mtch.size > 1 ? mtch.to_a[1...mtch.length] : rec) yield val } end self end end end end end