"use strict";
/* global global: false */
var $ = require("jquery");
var ko = require("knockout");
var console = require("console");
var performanceAwareCaller = require("./timed-call.js").timedCall;
var toastr = require("toastr");
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": false,
"debug": false,
"positionClass": "toast-bottom-full-width",
"target": "#mo-body",
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "5000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
/* NOTE: translations moved to "plugin"
var strings = {
'show preview and send test': 'Visualizza una anteprima e fai un invio di test',
// Strings for app.js
'Download': 'Download',
'Test': 'Test',
'Save': 'Salva',
'Downloading...': "Download in corso...",
'Invalid email address': "Indirizzo email invalido",
"Test email sent...": "Email di test inviata...",
'Unexpected error talking to server: contact us!': 'Errore di comunicazione con il server: contattaci!',
'Insert here the recipient email address': 'Inserisci qui l\'indirizzo email a cui spedire',
"Test email address": "Indirizzo email di test",
// viewModel
'Block removed: use undo button to restore it...': 'Blocco eliminato: usa il pulsante annulla per recuperarlo...',
'New block added after the selected one (__pos__)': 'Nuovo blocco aggiunto sotto a quello selezionato (__pos__)',
'New block added at the model bottom (__pos__)': 'Nuovo blocco aggiunto in fondo al modello (__pos__)',
// undomain.js
'Undo (#COUNT#)': 'Annulla (#COUNT#)',
'Redo': 'Ripristina',
// editor.js
'Selected element has no editable properties': 'L\'elemento selezionato non fornisce proprietà editabili',
'This style is specific for this block: click here to remove the custom style and revert to the theme value': 'Questo stile è specifico di questo blocco: clicca qui per annullare lo stile personalizzato',
'Switch between global and block level styles editing': 'Permette di specificare se si vuole modificare lo stile generale o solamente quello specifico del blocco selezionato',
// main.tpl.html
'Undo last operation': 'Annulla ultima operazione',
'Redo last operation': 'Ripeti operazione annullata',
'Show image gallery': 'Visualizza galleria immagini',
'Gallery': 'Galleria',
'Preview': 'Anteprima',
'Show live preview': 'Mostra anteprima live',
'Large screen': 'Schermo grande',
'Tablet': 'Tablet',
'Smartphone': 'Smartphone',
'Show preview and send test': 'Visualizza una anteprima e fai un invio di test',
'Download template': 'Scarica il template',
'Save template': 'Salva il template',
'Saved model is obsolete': 'Modello salvato obsoleto',
The saved model has been created with a previous, non completely compatible version, of the template
Some content or style in the model COULD BE LOST if you will save
Contact us for more informations!
': 'Il modello salvato è stato creato con una versione precedente del template non del tutto compatibile
Alcuni contenuti o stili del modello POTREBBERO ESSERE PERSI se procederai e deciderai di salvare
Contattaci se hai dei dubbi!
// TODO this cannot be done in knockout as with uncompatible browsers we don't initialize
// 'Usupported browser': 'Browser non compatibile',
// 'Your browser is not supported.
Use a different browser or try updaring your browser.
Supported browsers:
- Internet Explorer >= 10
- Google Chrome >= 30
- Apple Safari >= 5
- Mozilla Firefix >= 20
': 'Il tuo browser non è supportato.
Accedi con un browser differente o prova ad aggiornare il tuo browser.
Browser supportati:
- Internet Explorer >= 10
- Google Chrome >= 30
- Apple Safari >= 5
- Mozilla Firefix >= 20
// toolbox
'Blocks': 'Blocchi',
'Blocks ready to be added to the template': 'Elenco contenuti aggiungibili al messaggio',
'Content': 'Contenuto',
'Edit content options': 'Modifica opzioni contenuti',
'Style': 'Stile',
'Edit style options': 'Modifica opzioni grafiche',
'Block __name__': 'Blocco __name__',
'Click or drag to add this block to the template': 'Clicca o trascina per aggiungere al messaggio',
'Add': 'Aggiungi',
'By clicking on message parts you will select a block and content options, if any, will show here': 'Cliccando su alcune parti del messaggio selezionerai un blocco e le opzioni contenutistiche, se disponibili, compariranno qui',
'By clicking on message parts you will select a block and style options, if available, will show here': 'Cliccando su alcune parti del messaggio selezionerai un blocco e le opzioni di stile, se disponibili, compariranno qui',
'Click or drag files here': 'Clicca o trascina i file qui!',
'No images uploaded, yet': 'Non hai ancora caricato immagini',
'Show images from the gallery': 'Visualizza le immagini caricate nella tua area',
'Loading...': 'Caricamento...',
'Load gallery': 'Carica galleria',
'Loading gallery...': 'Caricamento in corso...',
'The gallery is empty': 'Nessuna immagine nella galleria',
// img-wysiwyg.tmlp
'Remove image': 'Rimuovi immagine',
'Open the image editing tool': 'Avvia strumento modifica immagine',
'Upload a new image': 'Carica una nuova immagine',
'Drop an image here': 'Trascina una immagine qui',
'Drop an image here or click the upload button': 'Trascina una immagine qui o clicca sul pulsante di caricamento',
// gallery
'Drag this image and drop it on any template image placeholder': 'Trascina questa immagine sulla posizione in cui vuoi inserirla',
'Gallery:': 'Galleria:',
'Session images': 'Immagini di sessione',
'Recents': 'Recenti',
'Remote gallery': 'Galleria remota',
// customstyle
'Customized block.- In this status changes to properties will be specific to the current block (instead of being global to all blocks in the same section)
- A "small cube" icon beside the property will mark the customization. By clicking this icon the property value will be reverted to the value defined for the section.
': 'Blocco personalizzato.- In questa modalità se cambi una proprietà verrà modificata solamente per questo specifico blocco (invece che per tutti i blocchi della stessa sezione).
- Per segnalare la personalizzazione apparirà l\'icona del "cubetto" a fianco delle proprietà. Cliccando questa icona tornerai al valore comune.
// blocks-wysiwyg
'Drop here blocks from the "Blocks" tab': 'Trascina qui i blocchi dalla scheda \'Blocchi\'',
// block-wysiwyg
'Drag this handle to move the block': 'Trascina per spostare il blocco altrove',
'Move this block upside': 'Sposta il blocco in su',
'Move this block downside': 'Sposta il blocco in giu',
'Delete block': 'Elimina blocco',
'Duplicate block': 'Duplica blocco',
'Switch block variant': 'Cambia variante blocco',
// colorpicker
'Theme Colors,Standard Colors,Web Colors,Theme Colors,Back to Palette,History,No history yet.': 'Colori Tema,Colori Standard,Colori Web,Colori Tema,Torna alla tavolozza,Storico,storico colori vuoto',
'Drop here': 'Rilascia qui',
function initializeEditor(content, blockDefs, thumbPathConverter, galleryUrl) {
var viewModel = {
galleryRecent: ko.observableArray([]).extend({
paging: 16
galleryRemote: ko.observableArray([]).extend({
paging: 16
selectedBlock: ko.observable(null),
selectedItem: ko.observable(null),
selectedTool: ko.observable(0),
selectedImageTab: ko.observable(0),
dragging: ko.observable(false),
draggingImage: ko.observable(false),
galleryLoaded: ko.observable(false),
showPreviewFrame: ko.observable(false),
previewMode: ko.observable('mobile'),
showToolbox: ko.observable(true),
showTheme: ko.observable(false),
showGallery: ko.observable(false),
debug: ko.observable(false),
contentListeners: ko.observable(0),
logoPath: 'dist/img/mosaico32.png',
logoUrl: '.',
logoAlt: 'mosaico'
// viewModel.content = content._instrument(ko, content, undefined, true);
viewModel.content = content;
viewModel.blockDefs = blockDefs;
viewModel.notifier = toastr;
// Does token substitution in i18next style
viewModel.tt = function(key, paramObj) {
if (typeof paramObj !== 'undefined')
for (var prop in paramObj)
if (paramObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
key = key.replace(new RegExp('__' + prop + '__', 'g'), paramObj[prop]);
return key;
// Simply maps to tt: language plugins can override this method to define their own language
// handling.
// If this method invokes an observable (e.g: viewModel.lang()) then the UI language will automatically
// update when the "lang" observable changes.
viewModel.t = viewModel.tt;
// currently called by editor.html to translate template-defined keys (label, help, descriptions)
// the editor always uses the "template" category for that strings.
// you can override this method as you like in order to provide translation or change the strings in any way.
viewModel.ut = function(category, key) {
return key;
viewModel.templatePath = thumbPathConverter;
viewModel.remoteUrlProcessor = function(url) {
return url;
viewModel.remoteFileProcessor = function(fileObj) {
if (typeof fileObj.url !== 'undefined') fileObj.url = viewModel.remoteUrlProcessor(fileObj.url);
if (typeof fileObj.thumbnailUrl !== 'undefined') fileObj.thumbnailUrl = viewModel.remoteUrlProcessor(fileObj.thumbnailUrl);
// deleteUrl?
return fileObj;
// toolbox.tmpl.html
viewModel.loadGallery = function() {
var url = galleryUrl ? galleryUrl : '/upload/';
// retrieve the full list of remote files
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.files.length; i++) data.files[i] = viewModel.remoteFileProcessor(data.files[i]);
// TODO do I want this call to return relative paths? Or just absolute paths?
}).fail(function() {
viewModel.notifier.error(viewModel.t('Unexpected error listing files'));
// img-wysiwyg.tmpl.html
viewModel.fileToImage = function(obj, event, ui) {
// console.log("fileToImage", obj);
return obj.url;
// block-wysiwyg.tmpl.html
viewModel.removeBlock = function(data, parent) {
// let's unselect the block
if (ko.utils.unwrapObservable(viewModel.selectedBlock) == ko.utils.unwrapObservable(data)) {
viewModel.selectBlock(null, true);
var res = parent.blocks.remove(data);
// TODO This message should be different depending on undo plugin presence.
viewModel.notifier.info(viewModel.t('Block removed: use undo button to restore it...'));
return res;
// block-wysiwyg.tmpl.html
viewModel.duplicateBlock = function(index, parent) {
var idx = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(index);
// Deinstrument/deobserve the object
var unwrapped = ko.toJS(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(parent.blocks)[idx]);
// We need to remove the id so that a new one will be assigned to the clone
if (typeof unwrapped.id !== 'undefined') unwrapped.id = '';
// insert the cloned block
parent.blocks.splice(idx + 1, 0, unwrapped);
// block-wysiwyg.tmpl.html
viewModel.moveBlock = function(index, parent, up) {
var idx = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(index);
var parentBlocks = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(parent.blocks);
if ((up && idx > 0) || (!up && idx < parentBlocks.length - 1)) {
var destIndex = idx + (up ? -1 : 1);
var destBlock = parentBlocks[destIndex];
parent.blocks.splice(destIndex, 1);
parent.blocks.splice(idx, 0, destBlock);
// test method, command line use only
viewModel.loadDefaultBlocks = function() {
// cloning the whole "mainBlocks" object so that undomanager will
// see it as a single operation (maybe I could use "startMultiple"/"stopMultiple".
var res = ko.toJS(viewModel.content().mainBlocks);
res.blocks = [];
var input = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(viewModel.blockDefs);
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var obj = ko.toJS(input[i]);
// generating ids for blocks, maybe this would work also leaving it empty.
obj.id = 'block_' + i;
performanceAwareCaller('setMainBlocks', viewModel.content().mainBlocks._wrap.bind(viewModel.content().mainBlocks, res));
// gallery-images.tmpl.html
viewModel.addImage = function(img) {
var selectedImg = $('#main-wysiwyg-area .selectable-img.selecteditem');
if (selectedImg.length == 1 && typeof img == 'object' && typeof img.url !== 'undefined') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// toolbox.tmpl.html
viewModel.addBlock = function(obj, event) {
// if there is a selected block we try to add the block just after the selected one.
var selected = viewModel.selectedBlock();
// search the selected block position.
var found;
if (selected !== null) {
// TODO "mainBlocks" is an hardcoded thing.
for (var i = viewModel.content().mainBlocks().blocks().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (viewModel.content().mainBlocks().blocks()[i]() == selected) {
found = i;
var pos;
if (typeof found !== 'undefined') {
pos = found + 1;
viewModel.content().mainBlocks().blocks.splice(pos, 0, obj);
viewModel.notifier.info(viewModel.t('New block added after the selected one (__pos__)', {
pos: pos
} else {
pos = viewModel.content().mainBlocks().blocks().length - 1;
viewModel.notifier.info(viewModel.t('New block added at the model bottom (__pos__)', {
pos: pos
// find the newly added block and select it!
var added = viewModel.content().mainBlocks().blocks()[pos]();
viewModel.selectBlock(added, true);
// prevent click propagation (losing url hash - see #43)
return false;
// Used by stylesheet.js to create multiple styles
viewModel.findObjectsOfType = function(data, type) {
var res = [];
var obj = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(data);
for (var prop in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
var val = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(obj[prop]);
// TODO this is not the right way to deal with "block list" objects.
if (prop.match(/Blocks$/)) {
var contents = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(val.blocks);
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
var c = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(contents[i]);
if (type === null || ko.utils.unwrapObservable(c.type) == type) res.push(c);
// TODO investigate which condition provide a null value.
} else if (typeof val == 'object' && val !== null) {
if (type === null || ko.utils.unwrapObservable(val.type) == type) res.push(val);
return res;
viewModel.placeholderHelper = 'sortable-placeholder';
if (false) {
viewModel.placeholderHelper = {
element: function(currentItem) {
return $('').removeClass('ui-draggable').addClass('sortable-placeholder').css('position', 'relative').css('width', '100%').css('height', currentItem.css('height')).css('opacity', '.8')[0];
update: function(container, p) {
// Attempt to insert the block in the destination layout during dragging
viewModel.placeholderHelper = {
element: function(currentItem) {
return $(currentItem[0].outerHTML).removeClass('ui-draggable').addClass('sortable-placeholder').css('display', 'block').css('position', 'relative').css('width', '100%').css('height', 'auto').css('opacity', '.8')[0];
update: function(container, p) {
// TODO the undumanager should be pluggable.
// Used by "moveBlock" and blocks-wysiwyg.tmpl.html to "merge" drag/drop operations into a single undo/redo op.
viewModel.startMultiple = function() {
if (typeof viewModel.setUndoModeMerge !== 'undefined') viewModel.setUndoModeMerge();
viewModel.stopMultiple = function() {
if (typeof viewModel.setUndoModeOnce !== 'undefined') viewModel.setUndoModeOnce();
// Used by code generated by editor.js
viewModel.localGlobalSwitch = function(prop, globalProp) {
var current = prop();
if (current === null) prop(globalProp());
else prop(null);
return false;
// Used by editor and main "converter" to support item selection
viewModel.selectItem = function(valueAccessor, item, block) {
var val = ko.utils.peekObservable(valueAccessor);
if (typeof block !== 'undefined') viewModel.selectBlock(block, false, true);
if (val != item) {
// On selectItem if we were on "Blocks" toolbox tab we move to "Content" toolbox tab.
if (item !== null && viewModel.selectedTool() === 0) viewModel.selectedTool(1);
return false;
}.bind(viewModel, viewModel.selectedItem);
viewModel.isSelectedItem = function(item) {
return viewModel.selectedItem() == item;
viewModel.selectBlock = function(valueAccessor, item, doNotSelect, doNotUnselectItem) {
var val = ko.utils.peekObservable(valueAccessor);
if (!doNotUnselectItem) viewModel.selectItem(null);
if (val != item) {
// hide gallery on block selection
if (item !== null && !doNotSelect && viewModel.selectedTool() === 0) viewModel.selectedTool(1);
}.bind(viewModel, viewModel.selectedBlock);
viewModel.countSubscriptions = function(model, debug) {
var res = 0;
for (var prop in model)
if (model.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
var p = model[prop];
if (ko.isObservable(p)) {
if (typeof p._defaultComputed != 'undefined') {
if (typeof debug != 'undefined') console.log(debug + "/" + prop + "/_", p._defaultComputed.getSubscriptionsCount());
res += p._defaultComputed.getSubscriptionsCount();
if (typeof debug != 'undefined') console.log(debug + "/" + prop + "/-", p.getSubscriptionsCount());
res += p.getSubscriptionsCount();
p = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(p);
if (typeof p == 'object' && p !== null) {
var tot = viewModel.countSubscriptions(p, typeof debug != 'undefined' ? debug + '/' + prop + "@" : undefined);
if (typeof debug != 'undefined') console.log(debug + "/" + prop + "@", tot);
res += tot;
return res;
viewModel.loopSubscriptionsCount = function() {
var count = viewModel.countSubscriptions(viewModel.content());
global.document.getElementById('subscriptionsCount').innerHTML = count;
global.setTimeout(viewModel.loopSubscriptionsCount, 1000);
viewModel.export = function() {
var content = performanceAwareCaller("exportHTML", viewModel.exportHTML);
return content;
function conditional_restore(html) {
return html.replace(/]* condition="([^"]*)"[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/replacedcc>/g, function(match, condition, body) {
var dd = '(<\/cc>)?/g, '$1>') // restore closing tags (including lost tags)
.replace(/><\/cc>/g, '/>') // restore selfclosing tags
.replace(//,'') // remove content before start
.replace(/.*$/,''); // remove content after end
dd += '';
return dd;
viewModel.exportHTML = function() {
var id = 'exportframe';
var frameEl = global.document.getElementById(id);
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, frameEl);
if (viewModel.inline) viewModel.inline(frameEl.contentWindow.document);
// Obsolete method didn't work on IE11 when using "HTML5 doctype":
// var docType = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(global.document.doctype);
var node = frameEl.contentWindow.document.doctype;
var docType = "';
var content = docType + "\n" + frameEl.contentWindow.document.documentElement.outerHTML;
content = content.replace(/