


struct              CRSimpleSel;
CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_append_simple_sel     (CRSimpleSel *a_this,
                                                         CRSimpleSel *a_sel);
enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_compute_specificity   (CRSimpleSel *a_this);
void                cr_simple_sel_destroy               (CRSimpleSel *a_this);
enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_dump                  (CRSimpleSel const *a_this,
                                                         FILE *a_fp);
enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_dump_attr_sel_list    (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);
CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_new                   (void);
guchar *            cr_simple_sel_one_to_string         (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);
CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_prepend_simple_sel    (CRSimpleSel *a_this,
                                                         CRSimpleSel *a_sel);
guchar *            cr_simple_sel_to_string             (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);



struct CRSimpleSel

struct CRSimpleSel {
        enum SimpleSelectorType type_mask ;
        gboolean is_case_sentive ;
        CRString * name ;
         *The combinator that separates
         *this simple selector from the previous
        enum Combinator combinator ;

         *The additional selector list of the
         *current simple selector.
         *An additional selector may
         *be a class selector, an id selector,
         *or an attribute selector.
         *Note that this field is a linked list.
        CRAdditionalSel *add_sel ;

         *the specificity as specified by
         *chapter 6.4.3 of the spec.
        gulong specificity ;

        CRSimpleSel *next ;
        CRSimpleSel *prev ;
        CRParsingLocation location ;

cr_simple_sel_append_simple_sel ()

CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_append_simple_sel     (CRSimpleSel *a_this,
                                                         CRSimpleSel *a_sel);

Appends a simpe selector to the current list of simple selector.

a_this: the this pointer of the current instance of CRSimpleSel. a_sel: the simple selector to append.

Returns :

the new list upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_simple_sel_compute_specificity ()

enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_compute_specificity   (CRSimpleSel *a_this);

a_this: the current instance of CRSimpleSel

Computes the selector (combinator separated list of simple selectors) as defined in the css2 spec in chapter 6.4.3

Returns :

CR_OK upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_simple_sel_destroy ()

void                cr_simple_sel_destroy               (CRSimpleSel *a_this);

a_this: the this pointer of the current instance of CRSimpleSel.

The destructor of the current instance of CRSimpleSel.

cr_simple_sel_dump ()

enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_dump                  (CRSimpleSel const *a_this,
                                                         FILE *a_fp);

Dumps the selector to a file. TODO: add the support of unicode in the dump.

a_this :

the current instance of CRSimpleSel.

a_fp :

the destination file pointer.

Returns :

CR_OK upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_simple_sel_dump_attr_sel_list ()

enum CRStatus       cr_simple_sel_dump_attr_sel_list    (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);

cr_simple_sel_new ()

CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_new                   (void);

The constructor of CRSimpleSel.

Returns :

the new instance of CRSimpleSel.

cr_simple_sel_one_to_string ()

guchar *            cr_simple_sel_one_to_string         (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);

cr_simple_sel_prepend_simple_sel ()

CRSimpleSel *       cr_simple_sel_prepend_simple_sel    (CRSimpleSel *a_this,
                                                         CRSimpleSel *a_sel);

a_this: the this pointer of the current instance of CRSimpleSel. a_sel: the simple selector to prepend.

Prepends a simple selector to the current list of simple selectors.

Returns :

the new list upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_simple_sel_to_string ()

guchar *            cr_simple_sel_to_string             (CRSimpleSel const *a_this);