module Katello module Validators class ContentViewErratumFilterRuleValidator < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) if record.errata_id.blank? && record.start_date.blank? && record.end_date.blank? && record.types.blank? invalid_parameters = _("Invalid erratum filter rule specified, Must specify at least one of the following:" \ " 'errata_id', 'start_date', 'end_date' or 'types'") record.errors[:base] << invalid_parameters return end if !record.errata_id.blank? && (!record.start_date.blank? || !record.end_date.blank? || !record.types.blank?) invalid_parameters = _("Invalid erratum filter rule specified, 'errata_id' cannot be specified in the" \ " same tuple as 'start_date', 'end_date' or 'types'") record.errors[:base] << invalid_parameters return end _check_single_date_range(record) _check_date_range(record) _check_types(record) end def _check_single_date_range(record) if record.start_date || record.end_date || !record.types.empty? if !record.filter.erratum_rules.empty? && !record.filter.erratum_rules.any? { |rule| == } invalid_parameters = _("May not add a type or date range rule to a filter that has existing rules.") record.errors[:base] << invalid_parameters end else if record.filter_has_date_or_type_rule? invalid_parameters = _("May not add an id rule to a filter that has an existing type or date range rule.") record.errors[:base] << invalid_parameters end end end def _check_date_range(record) start_date_int = record.start_date.to_time.to_i unless record.start_date.blank? end_date_int = record.end_date.to_time.to_i unless record.end_date.blank? if start_date_int && (!(start_date_int.is_a?(Fixnum)) || !(record.start_date.is_a?(String))) record.errors[:base] << _("The erratum filter rule start date is in an invalid format or type.") end if end_date_int && (!(end_date_int.is_a?(Fixnum)) || !(record.end_date.is_a?(String))) record.errors[:base] << _("The erratum filter rule end date is in an invalid format or type.") end if start_date_int && end_date_int && !(start_date_int <= end_date_int) record.errors[:base] << _("Invalid date range. The erratum filter rule start date must come before the end date") end end def _check_types(record) if record.types.is_a?(Array) invalid_types = record.types.collect(&:to_s) - ContentViewErratumFilter::ERRATA_TYPES.keys unless invalid_types.empty? record.errors[:base] << _("Invalid erratum types %{invalid_types} provided. Erratum type can be any of %{valid_types}") % { :invalid_types => invalid_types.join(","), :valid_types => ContentViewErratumFilter::ERRATA_TYPES.keys.join(",")} end else record.errors[:base] << _("The erratum type must be an array. Invalid value provided") end end end end end