module Pakyow class RouteSet def initialize @routes = {:get => [], :post => [], :put => [], :delete => []} @routes_by_name = {} @grouped_routes_by_name = {} @fns = {} @groups = {} @templates = {} @handlers = [] @scope = {:name => nil, :path => '/', :hooks => {:before => [], :after => []}} end # Creates or retreives a named route function. When retrieving, # def fn(name, &block) @fns[name] = block and return if block #TODO rewrite to not return array [@fns[name]] end def default(*args, &block) self.register_route(:get, '/', *args, &block) end def get(*args, &block) self.register_route(:get, *args, &block) end def put(*args, &block) self.register_route(:put, *args, &block) end def post(*args, &block) self.register_route(:post, *args, &block) end def delete(*args, &block) self.register_route(:delete, *args, &block) end # Returns a lambda that routes request to a controller/action. #TODO move to RouteHelpers def call(controller, action) lambda { controller = Object.const_get(controller) action ||= instance = request.controller = instance request.action = action instance.send(action) } end # Creates a handler. # def handler(name, *args, &block) code, fn = args fn = code and code = nil if code.is_a?(Proc) fn = block if block_given? @handlers << [name, code, [fn]] end def group(name, *args, &block) # deep clone existing hooks to reset at the close of this group original_hooks = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@scope[:hooks])) @scope[:hooks] = self.merge_hooks(@scope[:hooks], args[0]) if @scope[:hooks] && args[0] @scope[:name] = name @groups[name] = [] @grouped_routes_by_name[name] = {} self.instance_exec(&block) @scope[:name] = nil @scope[:hooks] = original_hooks end def namespace(path, *args, &block) name, hooks = args hooks = name if name.is_a?(Hash) original_path = @scope[:path] @scope[:path] = File.join(@scope[:path], path), hooks || {}, &block) @scope[:path] = original_path end def template(name, &block) @templates[name] = block end def expand(t_name, g_name, path = nil, data = nil, &block) data = path and path = nil if path.is_a?(Hash) # evaluate block in context of some class that implements # method_missing to store map of functions # (e.g. index, show) t =, g_name, path, self) # evaluate template in same context, where func looks up funcs # from map and extends get (and others) to add proper names t.expand(@templates[t_name], data) end # Returns a route tuple: # [regex, vars, name, fns, path] # def match(path, method) path = StringUtils.normalize_path(path) @routes[method.to_sym].each{|r| case r[0] when Regexp if data = r[0].match(path) return r, data end when String if r[0] == path return r, nil end end } nil end def handle(name_or_code) @handlers.each{ |h| return h if h[0] == name_or_code || h[1] == name_or_code } nil end # Name based route lookup def route(name, group = nil) return @routes_by_name[name] unless group if grouped_routes = @grouped_routes_by_name[group] grouped_routes[name] end end protected def merge_hooks(h1, h2) # normalize h1[:before] ||= [] h1[:after] ||= [] h1[:around] ||= [] h2[:before] ||= [] h2[:after] ||= [] h2[:around] ||= [] # merge h1[:before].concat(h2[:before]) h1[:after].concat(h2[:after]) h1[:around].concat(h2[:around]) h1 end def register_route(method, path, *args, &block) name, fns, hooks = self.parse_route_args(args) fns ||= [] # add passed block to fns fns << block if block_given? hooks = self.merge_hooks(hooks || {}, @scope[:hooks]) # build the final list of fns fns = self.build_fns(fns, hooks) # prepend scope path if we're in a scope path = File.join(@scope[:path], path) path = StringUtils.normalize_path(path) # get regex and vars for path regex, vars = self.build_route_matcher(path) # create the route tuple route = [regex, vars, name, fns, path] @routes[method] << route @routes_by_name[name] = route # store group references if we're in a scope return unless group = @scope[:name] @groups[group] << route @grouped_routes_by_name[group][name] = route end def parse_route_args(args) ret = [] args.each { |arg| if arg.is_a?(Hash) # we have hooks ret[2] = arg elsif arg.is_a?(Array) # we have fns ret[1] = arg elsif arg.is_a?(Proc) # we have a fn ret[1] = [arg] elsif !arg.nil? # we have a name ret[0] = arg end } ret end def build_fns(main_fns, hooks) fns = [] fns.concat(hooks[:around]) if hooks && hooks[:around] fns.concat(hooks[:before]) if hooks && hooks[:before] fns.concat(main_fns) if main_fns fns.concat(hooks[:after]) if hooks && hooks[:after] fns.concat(hooks[:around]) if hooks && hooks[:around] fns end def build_route_matcher(path) return path, [] if path.is_a?(Regexp) # check for vars return path, [] unless path[0,1] == ':' || path.index('/:') # we have vars vars = [] position_counter = 1 regex_route = path route_segments = path.split('/') route_segments.each_with_index { |segment, i| if segment.include?(':') vars << { :position => position_counter, :var => segment.gsub(':', '').to_sym } if i == route_segments.length-1 then regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 2 else regex_route = regex_route.sub(segment, '((\w|[-.~:@!$\'\(\)\*\+,;])*)') position_counter += 2 end end } reg ="^#{regex_route}$") return reg, vars end end end