# encoding: utf-8 require_relative 'helper' class GrammarTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_comment match = Document.parse(' # A comment', root: :comment) assert_equal(nil, match.value) end def test_key match = Document.parse('bad_key-', root: :key) assert_equal('bad_key-', match.value) match = Document.parse('"123.ʎǝʞ.#?"', root: :key) assert_equal('123.ʎǝʞ.#?', match.value) end def test_keygroup indentation_alternatives_for('[akey]') do |str| match = Document.parse(str, root: :keygroup) assert_equal(TOML::Keygroup, match.value.class) assert_equal(['akey'], match.value.instance_variable_get('@nested_keys')) end match = Document.parse('[owner.emancu]', root: :keygroup) assert_equal(%w(owner emancu), match.value.instance_variable_get('@nested_keys')) match = Document.parse('["owner.emancu"]', root: :keygroup) assert_equal(%w(owner.emancu), match.value.instance_variable_get('@nested_keys')) match = Document.parse('[ owner . emancu ]', root: :keygroup) assert_equal(%w(owner emancu), match.value.instance_variable_get('@nested_keys')) end def test_keyvalue indentation_alternatives_for('key = "value"') do |str| match = Document.parse(str, root: :keyvalue) assert_equal(TOML::Keyvalue, match.value.class) keyvalue = match.value assert_equal('key', keyvalue.instance_variable_get('@key')) assert_equal('value', keyvalue.instance_variable_get('@value')) end end def test_string match = Document.parse('"TOML-Example, should work."', root: :string) assert_equal('TOML-Example, should work.', match.value) end def test_multiline_string match = Document.parse('"""\tOne\nTwo"""', root: :multiline_string) assert_equal "\tOne\nTwo", match.value to_parse = '"""\ One \ Two\ """' match = Document.parse(to_parse, root: :multiline_string) assert_equal "One Two", match.value end def test_special_characters match = Document.parse('"\0 \" \t \n \r"', root: :string) assert_equal("\0 \" \t \n \r", match.value) match = Document.parse('"C:\\Documents\\virus.exe"', root: :string) assert_equal('C:\\Documents\\virus.exe', match.value) end def test_bool match = Document.parse('true', root: :bool) assert_equal(true, match.value) match = Document.parse('false', root: :bool) assert_equal(false, match.value) end def test_integer match = Document.parse('26', root: :number) assert_equal(26, match.value) match = Document.parse('1_200_000_999', root: :number) assert_equal(1_200_000_999, match.value) end def test_float match = Document.parse('1.69', root: :number) assert_equal(1.69, match.value) match = Document.parse('1_000.69', root: :number) assert_equal(1000.69, match.value) match = Document.parse('1e6', root: :number) assert_equal(1e6, match.value) match = Document.parse('1.02e-46', root: :number) assert_equal(1.02e-46, match.value) match = Document.parse('+1e4_000_000', root: :number) assert_equal(1e4_000_000, match.value) end def test_signed_numbers match = Document.parse('+26', root: :number) assert_equal(26, match.value) match = Document.parse('-26', root: :number) assert_equal(-26, match.value) match = Document.parse('1.69', root: :number) assert_equal(1.69, match.value) match = Document.parse('-1.69', root: :number) assert_equal(-1.69, match.value) end def test_expressions_with_comments match = Document.parse('[shouldwork] # with comment', root: :keygroup) assert_equal(['shouldwork'], match.value.instance_variable_get('@nested_keys')) match = Document.parse('works = true # with comment', root: :keyvalue).value assert_equal('works', match.instance_variable_get('@key')) assert_equal(true, match.instance_variable_get('@value')) end def test_array match = Document.parse('[]', root: :array) assert_equal([], match.value) match = Document.parse('[ 2, 4]', root: :array) assert_equal([2, 4], match.value) match = Document.parse('[ 2.4, 4.72]', root: :array) assert_equal([2.4, 4.72], match.value) match = Document.parse('[ "hey", "TOML"]', root: :array) assert_equal(%w(hey TOML), match.value) match = Document.parse('[ ["hey", "TOML"], [2,4] ]', root: :array) assert_equal([%w(hey TOML), [2, 4]], match.value) match = Document.parse('[ { one = 1 }, { two = 2, three = 3} ]', root: :inline_table_array) assert_equal([{ 'one' => 1 }, { 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }], match.value) end def test_multiline_array multiline_array = "[ \"hey\",\n \"ho\",\n\t \"lets\", \"go\",\n ]" match = Document.parse(multiline_array, root: :array) assert_equal(%w(hey ho lets go), match.value) multiline_array = "[\n#1,\n2,\n# 3\n]" match = Document.parse(multiline_array, root: :array) assert_equal([2], match.value) multiline_array = "[\n# comment\n#, more comments\n4]" match = Document.parse(multiline_array, root: :array) assert_equal([4], match.value) end def test_datetime match = Document.parse('1986-08-28T15:15:00Z', root: :datetime) assert_equal(Time.utc(1986, 8, 28, 15, 15), match.value) match = Document.parse('1986-08-28T15:15:00-03:00', root: :datetime) assert_equal(Time.utc(1986, 8, 28, 18, 15), match.value) match = Document.parse('1986-08-28T15:15:00.123-03:00', root: :datetime) assert_equal(Time.utc(1986, 8, 28, 18, 15, 0.123), match.value) end def test_inline_table match = Document.parse('{ }', root: :inline_table) assert_equal({}, match.value) match = Document.parse('{ simple = true, params = 2 }', root: :inline_table) assert_equal({ 'simple' => true, 'params' => 2 }, match.value) match = Document.parse('{ nest = { hard = true } }', root: :inline_table) assert_equal({ 'nest' => { 'hard' => true } }, match.value) end private # Creates all the alternatives of valid indentations to test def indentation_alternatives_for(str) [str, " #{str}", "\t#{str}", "\t\t#{str}"].each do |alternative| yield(alternative) end end end